"Hi Everybody!"
"Hi Dr Nick!"
Now that the greetings are out of the way I'm visiting G&T with the humble goal of mongering you boys and girls into a discussion about our technology and gaming addictions.
Activate Addiction Discussion
In the form of: shit we look at for no reason other than it being completely out of our budget or need
Example: I was looking at Macs the other day on the Apple website, and I found myself immediately checking all of the most ridiculously top of the end choices from each part of the list. Knowing full well that I was wasting my time and just tickling my own little addiction to finding out what I could make, and what I would buy if I was a millionaire. In doing so I found an 8-core system, with 32GB of RAM, that cost around $18,000.
It's the same whenever I check out "buildyourownpc" type websites or look at Car websites, it must always be looked at with the best of everything before I look at it how I will actually have it, almost as if I want to disappoint myself with what I will be getting......
Another little part addiction I hold is the one where I have to have the limited edition box of whatever game I buy. Here are the ones I have so far:
The ones I will get (for about 15GBP more none the less):
So, what have you guys addictions made you stumble upon that's ridiculous or just plain awesome, and what special editions have you seen that you'll be getting (even though you know you won't be getting anything special).
UPDATE: On request, and seeing as it's pretty much what this thread is all about (ridicuspensive +wantwantwant)
What on Earth? Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling has made a YouTube video of himself unboxing the absolutely epic "prestige edition" of Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. When we say "epic," we're talking "it includes working night vision goggles" epic. Also in the box is a voucher code for downloading the previously rumored PSN/XBLA version of the original Call of Duty. This plus a steel game case, art book and a custom molded plastic head for displaying your working night vision goggles on. (But of course!)
There's no mention of a retail price for the set, but we can't imagine it'll be anything less than stupid crazy expensive. The whole bundle is getting a suggested retail price of $149.99, a full $20 bump up from the $129.99 we dropped to give our cat a helmet two years ago. We're also working to find out if and when Activision intends to distribute the downloadable remake of the CoD that started it all. Check out the unboxing after the break -- but only after ensuring that your socks are safely and securely pinned to your pants.
I once heard of a guy in the UK who would drive down the motorway at 150mph in his Ferrari with Night Vision goggles on.... hmm.
Edit: ok so WAR wasn't really a failure, but I just wanted to toss that one in there.
PSN: Hellcore- Steam MWO: Hellcore
Ah here's the big one that would go on the back of a fighter pilots jack. I've been trying to keep an eye out for a cheap leather jacket for ages to toss these on.
I got really annoyed when I bought the WoW boxes for the original and Burning Crusade, then found out that there were special edition boxes, I almost bought the special editions and threw away my old ones. All that stopped me was my bank account having very little in it and my urge to play WoW right away.
I just don't find CEs to be worth the extra money. They really don't offer much.
But as far as addictions go, I've been playing WoW since February of 05. So there's that.
I was about to put in that I bought the Battlefield Bad Company steelbox set and it just had a little picture book in it, but it was 10GBP more..... sigh, how much money this has wasted me. SF4 was crap in my opinion but I paid about 15GBP extra just for two little figurines and a short DVD.
The cd had, I think, 3 songs, none of them from the game. They were just shitty techno remixes of old timey songs.
The special features was just a dvd of people talking for long periods of time with no visual aid whatsoever. YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THE GAME'S VISUALS SHOW ME SOME VISUALS YOU DICKS.
I'd also be pissed if I spent money on the Assassin's Creed CE, but it was a gift so whatever.
edit: I forgot about the DMC4 CE! Worth it alone for the sexy ass steel case it came in. Soooo sexy.
I have the DMC4 one just because it was the same price as the regular version.
Sometimes I Stream Games: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/italax-plays-video-games
I also have the limited version of the SMT: Devil Summoner 2 box, which has a nice plushie
The UT3 PC one was much better, small hardback concept art booklet plus some UE3 tutorial DVD that I never opened.
Crap indeed. It came with a shitty 3 inch tall Altair figure, a tiny short Penny Arcade comic, and, I shit you not, a tiny strategy guide that guides you through the first 10 minutes of the game. Though they did throw in some cool art into the strategy guide thing. And it might have come with a special features cd, I can't remember.
Also I spent like £35 on the big box pc version of FFVIII when I saw it on ebay. Not loads but meh.
Working Designs always had some great Collector's Editions, even if I had no use for most of the extra stuff.
My Backloggery
Edit: and the sims 3 CE. I didnt know it was 20$ more. Totally not worth it. Fucking rip off.
Edit: Wait, did the FFX12 LE have that giant binder looking thing with strategy guide? If so, I got that too. That was a Valentine's Day gift from my wife.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
The best LE in terms of content so far for me has to be God of War II. Excellent making of - one of the few willing to drop the puff-piece bullshit (if only slightly) and show the developers acting like human beings under pressure - and a whole raft of other little bits and pieces, all of which were worth watching. Concept art, design docs, goofing around, lost levels... great stuff.
The Witcher Enhanced Edition seems pretty good, though I still haven't finished that, so I haven't gone through the extras properly.
While I'll never get to see the actual LE (I seem to remember it was actually, you know, limited) the Dead Space artbook was pretty cool for a freebie. Decent quality, some amusing notes from the developers, lots of pretty pictures. Much better than, say, the GTA IV one or the horrendous CoD 4 artbook.
I have the AC II Black Edition pre-ordered and I'm praying it'll be less than the colossal ripoff it appears; I did actually quite like the full-size figure from the first (wish I still had it, to be honest).
And the less said about the Arkham Asylum CE the better, especially the gimped PAL version I currently own. Seriously thinking about trading it in once my housemate's beaten it.
Read my book. (It has a robot in it.)
D&D Online
Lord of the Rings Online
Everquest 2
Auto Assault (shut up, it was fun!)
Flight Sim X (freebie)
Star Wars Galaxies
Diablo 2
Warcraft 3
WoW: Lich King
Growlanser Generations (does this count?)
Ace Combat 5
Assassin's Creed
Soul Calibur 4
Fallout 3
Street Fighter 4
Devil May Cry 4
Ace Combat 6
Gears of War (another freebie)
Resident Evil 4
I'm a whore!
Edit: My favorite one? Split that between the two Ace Combats (awesome flight sticks ahoy!), Fallout 3's lunch box, and Diablo 2's cinematic DVD.
Edit 2: MGS3 Subsistence
edit: Also, while I don't really have the limited edition of Bioshock, I do have the figure. My wife loved the game so much that she has deemed it a necessity to preorder the limited edition of Bioshock 2 even though we don't know what will be in it.
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway for the neato G I Joe, that was a impulse buy.
Resistance 2 for the Chimera Figure
Metal Gear Solid 4 for the soundtrack and the cool bonus dvd with all the neat little "Commercials"
Saints Row 2, because I was an idiot
Soul Calibur 4? (the new one) for the shirt, which sucked so bad I donated it to a homeless shelter. I'm sure there was a redeeming factor to the purchase, but I seriously can't remember right now.
I should get off my ass and pre order the prestige COD:MW2 soon. I want me my COD1 download.
The Deluxe Edition of Growlanser Generations. I bought it when it came out, and still own it.
Retailed for $89.99. Considering it includes two immense RPGs that were supposed to be sold on their own, that's not half bad.
I also own the one for V, but aside from the artbook, it isn't nearly as impressive.
Yeah holy fuck. I wasn't a huge fan of the game but that box is fucking sexy.
I do own a pretty decent amount of nifty pre-order bonuses, though. Like a hardbound, full color strategy guide for Vanguard Bandits, some artbooks/soundtracks from various Atlus games, and two copies of the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (plus Master Quest) from a Wind Waker pre-order.
Halo 3 Legendary edition, because like for others, it was cheaper than the regular edition
Metroid Prime Trilogy, though I suppose it doesn't count, since its a gift for someone else
BlazBlue LE
Red Alert 3 CE
Most of the time I find the CE/LE doesn't have enough things I'd enjoy for the extra price. Like Modern Warefare 2: NVG's? Really? I'm going to pass on those.
If I get a CE/LE, I want a good OST disk in there, a good art book, or a good making of, or any combination there of, not a shiney box.
I always check out the CE's, but I've yet to find one that I want enough to pay the extra cash. An awesome figurine would be enough to make me want to pay a little extra. Unfortunately I'm buying less and less new games now, because I can't really justify the cost. For example I would quite like the AC2 Black Edition set, just for the Azio figurine. But it's like 50% more than the standard cost of a new console game, which is already a stretch for me.
The metal case it came in was pretty nice at least.
The only CEs I've ever bought are FEAR (couldn't find a normal edition on DVD) and FFXII (on sale for something like $20). It just about never seems worth it.
OP needs more Modern Warfare 2: Prestige Edition, though.
edit: I guess if Metroid Prime Trilogy counts, I've got that, too.
All right, people. It is not a gerbil. It is not a hamster. It is not a guinea pig. It is a death rabbit. Death. Rabbit. Say it with me, now.
I wanted my lunchbox and Bobblehead
Then I found out someplace else had special editions with Brotherhood of Steel figures
With the exception of the Mass Effect trilogy, it's bargain bin 4lyfe for me.
Enlist in Star Citizen! Citizenship must be earned!
Halo 2 Collector's edition (first night available at Wal-mart it cost the same as a normal edition)
Halo 3 Legendary (full price, unfortunately)
Madden '07 CE (the disc with the Madden reality show was fairly good)
Fallout 3 CE
Final Fantasy XII LE (loved that FF history disc that came with this)
True Crime: NY CE (only got this because it was $9, I've yet to open it)
Oblivion CE
Devil May Cry 4 CE
WoW: Burning Crusade LE
Warhammer Age of Reckoning: Online LE
Metal Gear Solid 4 LE (bought this even before I owned a PS3)
Gears of War CE
I believe that is all, can't think of anymore. Still don't know what posessed me to buy the Madden limited edition other than it being there.