So everyone remembers the Choose Your Own Adventure books you had back in second or third grade, where you read the story and then were given a choice and turned to a certain page which changed the story. You might remember there was a series called Fighting Fantasy, which was a similar concept except your character actually fought monsters as you traveled through the story.
There was a third series written by Joe Dever which was similar to Fighting Fantasy but with a more customizable character, more complicated combat system as well as a continuous story across all of the books rather than the mostly stand alone system used in Fighting Fantasy. I was intending to do a Fighting Fantasy Let's Play, but Dever has given permission for his entire series to be put up online for people to read/play through. All text, work concepts and ideas are of copyright of Joe Dever. Also he is a classy gent for making them available online for everyone, along with the hard work of the people at
So, with that in mind we'll be working our way through Flight From the Dark, the first book in the series.
In the northern land of Sommerlund, it has been the custom for many centuries to send the children of the Warrior Lords to the monastery of Kai. There they are taught the skills and disciplines of their noble fathers.
The Kai monks are masters of their art, and the children in their charge love and respect them in spite of the hardships of their training. For one day when they have finally learnt the secret skills of the Kai, they will return to their homes equipped in mind and body to defend themselves against the constant threat of war from the Darklords of the west.
In olden times, during the Age of the Black Moon, the Darklords waged war on Sommerlund. The conflict was a long and bitter trial of strength that ended in victory for the Sommlending at the great battle of Maakengorge. King Ulnar and the allies of Durenor broke the Darklord armies at the pass of Moytura and forced them back into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. Vashna, mightiest of the Darklords, was slain upon the sword of King Ulnar, called 'Sommerswerd', the sword of the sun. Since that age, the Darklords have vowed vengeance upon Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.
Now it is in the morning of the feast of Fehmarn, when all of the Kai Lords are present at the monastery for the celebrations. Suddenly a great black cloud comes from out of the western skies. So many are the numbers of the black-winged beasts that fill the sky, that the sun is completely hidden. The Darklords, ancient enemy of the Sommlending are attacking. War has begun.
On this fateful morning, you, Silent Wolf (the name given to you by the Kai) have been sent to collect firewood in the forest as a punishment for your inattention in class. As you are preparing to return, you see to your horror a vast cloud of black leathery creatures swoop down and engulf the monastery.
Dropping the wood, you race to the battle that has already begun. But in the unnatural dark, you stumble and strike your head on a low tree branch. As you lose consciousness, the last thing that you see in the poor light are the walls of the monastery crashing to the ground.
Many hours pass before you awake. With tears in your eyes you now survey the scene of destruction. Raising your face to the clear sky, you swear vengeance on the Darklords for the massacre of the Kai warriors, and with a sudden flash of realization you know what you must do. You must set off on a perilous journey to the capital city to warn the King of the terrible threat that now faces his people. For you are now the last of the Kai--you are now the Lone Wolf.
Kai Disciplines: Over the centuries, the Kai monks have mastered the skills of the warrior. These skills are known as the Kai Disciplines, and they are taught to all Kai Lords. You have learnt only five of the skills listed below. The choice of which five skills these are, is for you to make. As all of the Disciplines will be of use to you at some point on your perilous quest, pick your five with care. The correct use of a Discipline at the right time can save your life.
Everyone chooses five skills from the list below. The top five skills will be chosen for this adventure and then another one chosen at the end of each book.
Camouflage - This Discipline enables a Kai Lord to blend in with his surroundings. In the countryside, he can hide undetected among trees and rocks and pass close to an enemy without being seen. In a town or city, it enables him to look and sound like a native of that area, and can help him to find shelter or a safe hiding place. If you choose this skill, write 'Camouflage' on your Action Chart.
Hunting - This skill ensures that a Kai Lord will never starve in the wild. He will always be able to hunt for food for himself except in areas of wasteland and desert. The skill also enables a Kai Lord to be able to move stealthily when stalking his prey. If you choose this skill, write 'Hunting: no need for a Meal when instructed to eat' on your Action Chart.
Sixth Sense - This skill may warn a Kai Lord of imminent danger. It may also reveal the true purpose of a stranger or strange object encountered in your adventure. If you choose this skill, write 'Sixth Sense' on your Action Chart.
Tracking - This skill enables a Kai Lord to make the correct choice of a path in the wild, to discover the location of a person or object in a town or city and to read the secrets of footprints or tracks. If you choose this skill, write 'Tracking' on your Action Chart.
Healing - This Discipline can be used to restore ENDURANCE points lost in combat. If you possess this skill you may restore 1 ENDURANCE point to your total for every numbered section of the book you pass through in which you are not involved in combat. (This is only to be used after your ENDURANCE has fallen below its original level.) Remember that your ENDURANCE cannot rise above its original level. If you choose this skill write 'Healing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat' on your Action Chart.
Weaponskill - Upon entering the Kai monastery, each initiate is taught to master one type of weapon. If Weaponskill is to be one of your Kai Disciplines, pick a number in the usual way from the Random Number Table, and then find the corresponding weapon from the list below. This is the weapon in which you have skill. When you enter combat carrying this weapon, you add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The fact that you are skilled with a weapon does not mean you set out on the adventure carrying that particular weapon. However, you will have opportunities to acquire weapons in the course of your adventures. If you pick the axe, you are lucky enough to be skilled in the one weapon Lone Wolf is carrying from the start of the adventure.
You cannot carry more than 2 weapons. If you choose this skill, write 'Weaponskill in _______ +2 COMBAT SKILL points if this weapon carried' on your Action Chart.
Mindshield - The Darklords and many of the evil creatures in their command have the ability to attack you using their Mindforce. The Kai Discipline of Mindshield prevents you from losing any ENDURANCE points when subjected to this form of attack. If you choose this skill, write 'Mindshield: no points lost when attacked by Mindblast' on your Action Chart.
Mindblast - This enables a Kai Lord to attack an enemy using the force of his mind. It can be used at the same time as normal combat weapons and adds two extra points to your COMBAT SKILL. Not all the creatures encountered on this adventure will be harmed by Mindblast. You will be told if a creature is immune. If you choose this skill, write 'Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points' on your Action Chart.
Animal Kinship - This skill enables a Kai Lord to communicate with some animals and to be able to guess the intentions of others. If you choose this skill, write 'Animal Kinship' on your Action Chart.
Mind Over Matter - Mastery of this Discipline enables a Kai Lord to move small objects with his powers of concentration. If you choose this skill, write 'Mind Over Matter' on your Action Chart.
If you successfully complete the mission as set in Book 1 of Lone Wolf, you may add a further Kai Discipline of your choice to your Action Chart in Book 2. This additional skill, together with your five other skills and any Special Items that you have picked up in Book 1, may then be used in the next adventure of the Lone Wolf series which is called Fire on the Water.
Combat: There will be occasions on your adventure when you have to fight an enemy. The enemy's COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE points are given in the text. Lone Wolf's aim in the combat is to kill the enemy by reducing his ENDURANCE points to zero while losing as few ENDURANCE points as possible himself.
Combat is resolved as follows: Take your Combat Skill score (In our case 19) and add any modifiers to it. Subtract the enemie's combat skill from it and then you roll a 10 ten sided die. Then you look at whatever number corresponds with it on the chart below. I'll be handling the combat side of things while you guys make the decisions though so don't worry about this too much.
Here are the combat skill charts: (They look confusing as hell initially though)
Evasion of Combat
During your adventure you may be given the chance to evade combat. If you have already engaged in a round of combat and decide to evade, calculate the combat for that round in the usual manner. All points lost by the enemy as a result of that round are ignored, and you make your escape. Only Lone Wolf may lose ENDURANCE points during that round, but then that is the risk of running away! You may only evade if the text of the particular section allows you to do so.
Equipment: Equipment: You are dressed in the green tunic and cloak of a Kai initiate. You have little with you to arm yourself for survival.
All you possess is an Axe (note under Weapons on your Action Chart) and a Backpack containing 1 Meal (note under Meals on your Action Chart). Hanging from your waist is a leather pouch containing Gold Crowns. To find out how many, pick a number from the Random Number Table. This number equals the number of Gold Crowns you possess at the start of the adventure. (Note the number in the Belt Pouch section of the Action Chart.) You discover amongst the smoking ruins of the monastery, a Map of Sommerlund (note under Special Items on the Action Chart) showing the capital city of Holmgard and the land of Durenor, far to the east. You place the Map inside your tunic for safety.
You also find one of the following:
* 1 = Sword (Weapons)
* 2 = Helmet (Special Items). This adds 2 ENDURANCE points to your total.
* 3 = Two Meals (Meals)
* 4 = Chainmail Waistcoat (Special Items). This adds 4 ENDURANCE points to your total.
* 5 = Mace (Weapons)
* 6 = Healing Potion (Backpack Item). This can restore 4 ENDURANCE points to your total, when swallowed after combat You only have enough for one dose.
* 7 = Quarterstaff (Weapons)
* 8 = Spear (Weapons)
* 9 = 12 Gold Crowns (Belt Pouch)
* 0 = Broadsword (Weapons)
How Much Can You Carry?
Weapons - The maximum number of weapons that you may carry is two.
Backpack Items - These must be stored in your Backpack. Because space is limited, you may only keep a maximum of eight articles, including Meals, in your Backpack at any one time.
Special Items - Special Items are not carried in the Backpack. When you discover a Special Item, you will be told how to carry it.
Gold Crowns - These are always carried in the Belt Pouch. It will hold a maximum of fifty crowns.
Food - Food is carried in your Backpack. Each Meal counts as one item.
Any item that may be of use and can be picked up on your adventure and entered on your Action Chart is given capital letters in the text. Unless you are told it is a Special Item, carry it in your Backpack.
How to Use Your Equipment
Weapons aid you in combat. If you have the Kai Discipline of Weaponskill and the correct weapon, it adds 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL. If you enter a combat with no weapons, deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL and fight with your bare hands. If you find a weapon during the adventure, you may pick it up and use it. (Remember you can only carry two weapons at once.)
Backpack Items
During your travels you will discover various useful items which you may wish to keep. (Remember you can only carry eight items in your Backpack at once.) You may exchange or discard them at any point when you are not involved in combat.
Special Items
Each Special Item has a particular purpose or effect. You may be told this when the item is discovered, or it may be revealed to you as the adventure progresses.
Gold Crowns
The local currency is the Crown, which is a small gold coin. Gold Crowns can be used on your adventure to pay for transport, food or even as a bribe! Many of the creatures that you will encounter possess Gold Crowns, or have them hidden in their lairs. Whenever you kill a creature, you may take any Gold Crowns that it has and put them in your Belt Pouch.
You will need to eat regularly during your adventure. If you do not have any food when you are instructed to eat a Meal, you will lose 3 ENDURANCE points. If you have chosen the Kai Discipline of Hunting as one of your five skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat.
Healing Potion
This can restore 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. There is only enough for one dose. If you discover any other potions during the adventure, you will be told then of their effect. All Healing Potions are Backpack Items.
I've already rolled Combat Skill and Endurance, rather well to boot. There was only a single gold coin in the monastery though and a lousy mace..
Character Stats
Combat Skill: 18 +2 (Shield) +8 (Sommerswerd) +2 (Silver Helmet) +3 (MagnaKai Weaponskill) +1 (Lore Circle Bonus)= 34
Endurance Points: 29 +4 (Padded Chainmail Waistcoat) +2 (Lore Circle Bonus) = 35
Kai Disciplines: (Five chosen in the first book, one added with each completed after that.
2. Tracking
3. Animal Kinship
4. Camouflage
5. Hunting
6. Healing
7. Mindshield
8. Mind Over Matter
9. Mindblast
10. Weaponmastery
Magna Kai Disciplines:
1. Pathmanship
2. Divination
3. Weaponmastery (Sword/Bow/Mace/Dagger/Spear)
4. Curing
5. Huntmastery
Magnakai Lorecircles Completed:
Lore Circle of Fire: +1 Combat Skill, +2 Endurance
Belt Pouch: 22 Gold Crowns
60 Lune
Backpack: Boring Mage One (We'll miss you swanky leather backpack!) 0/8 Slots Filled.
1. Silver Box (Worth $Texas)
2. Rope
3. Meal
4. Meal
5. Meal
6. Sack of Silver
7. Sack of Silver
8. Laruma Liquer (+3 EP x2)
Special Items: 11/12
1. Silver Bow of Duadon (+3 to rolls when using)
2. Silver Helmet (+2 to Combat Skill)
3. Shield (+2 to Combat Skill)
4. Sommerswerd (+8 to Combat Skill)
5. Firesphere
6. Chain Mail Waistcoat (+4 Endurance Points)
7. Bling (Platinum Amulet: Immune to extreme temparatures)
8. Quiver (6 Arrows)
9. Power Key
10. Fireseeds (3)
11. Royal Pass
Stash at the Monastery:
55 Gold Crowns
Backpack Items:
Brass Whistle
Map of Tekaro
Special Items:
Black Sash
Dagger of Vashna
Silver Key
Pimp Cane (Jeweled Mace +5 CS against Dhorgaan)
Crystal Star Pendant
Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 Endurance Points)
Map of Magnamund.
Map of Kalte.
Map of the Southlands.
Map of the Empire of Vassagonia.
Map of the Stornlands.
Map of the Magiocracy of Dessi.
Map of the Danarg Swamp.
You'd be surprised. You don't know how many times I used Sixth Sense to avoid a trap or to get the drop on someone. If OP is going to do the second game, he might need Animal Kinship eventually. Mind Over Matter is basically The Force and helped me avoid some insta-deaths.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
The non-combat related skills are often very useful, either for avoiding combat or backtracking.
No clue what is good or useful so...
Sixth Sense, Camouflage, Tracking, Mind over Matter, and Weaponskill- Spear.
Healing, Mindshield, Mindblast, Sixth Sense, Weaponmastery (cheat and make it sword...)
I vote for:
Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship
The name Silent Wolf makes me picture some sort of self sufficient forest dweller.
Anyhoo, skills:
Hunting for obvious reasons.
Sixth Sense is a lifesaver about 85% of the time.
Animal Kinship may lead to shortcuts IIRC.
Tracking will increase chances of not dying in the first book.
Camouflage is also important, especially in the next book.
Hi5 Dangerbird.
Arg, I just can't get away from my min/maxing mentality when playing RPGs. D&D is the worst for me.
By the way, are new skills introduced as the game series progresses? I think it would be cool to beat this game without taking any magical powers crap. Sixth Sense sounded too cool to pass up, but I like the idea of getting past obstacles using pure skill, rather than "cheating" with supernatural abilities. Garrett from the Thief game series is my hero.
Anyways, I'm heading off to bed, I really look forward to reading this tomorrow.
You get to pick a skill each time you beat a book. I think when you hit the final book in the first series you're only missing maybe two or three, then you start with Magnakai disciplines which are similar to the regular ones but more highly honed.
There is something like 20 books in the series though.
Edit: Throw up some discipline picks Omens.
I'll close it off in an hour or so. Currently stands at:
Sixth Sense 6
Tracking 5
Animal Kinship 4
Camouflage 4
Weapon Skill 3
Healing 2
Mind over Matter 2
Hunting 2
Mindshield 1
Yeah, I was a sad, strange little kid.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
I had almost the entire series, sadly I never found the last book.
I had the Grey Star books, too. Well, three of them, didn't have the first one. Oh well.
I missed the skill voting, but I would have agreed with Dangerbird and Man in the Mists anyways. I like sword skill though because, well...
I remember every other monster being immune to Mindblast in the later books.
Your mission will be one of great danger, for the Darklords and their servants are a cruel and fierce enemy who give and expect no mercy. Use the map to help you steer a correct course for the capital. Make notes as you progress through the story, for they will be of great help in future adventures.
Many things that you find will aid you during the adventure. Some Special Items will be of use in future Lone Wolf adventures and others may be red herrings of no real use at all, so be selective in what you decide to keep.
There are many routes to the King, but only one involves a minimum of danger. With a wise choice of Kai Disciplines and a great deal of courage, any player should be able to complete the mission, no matter how weak their initial COMBAT SKILL or ENDURANCE points score.
The honour and memory of the Kai Lords will go with you on your perilous journey.
Good luck!
Page 1: You must make haste for you sense it is not safe to linger by the smoking remains of the ruined monastery. The black-winged beasts could return at any moment. You must set out for the Sommlending capital of Holmgard and tell the King the terrible news of the massacre: that the whole élite of Kai warriors, save yourself, have been slaughtered. Without the Kai Lords to lead her armies, Sommerlund will be at the mercy of their ancient enemy, the Darklords.
Fighting back tears, you bid farewell to your dead kinsmen. Silently, you promise that their deaths will be avenged. You turn away from the ruins and carefully descend the steep track.
At the foot of the hill, the path splits into two directions, both leading into a large wood.
If you wish to use your Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 141.
If you wish to take the right path into the wood, turn to 85.
If you wish to follow the left track, turn to 275.
That is, if we actually have the ability. What disciplines did you decide to go with?
oops, forgot to yellow my choice.
Oh... I didn't notice you updated the OP. Sweet! Stealthy hunter dude for the win!
If you wish to head south, turn to 56.
Or if you wish to cut through the heavier foliage towards the northeast, turn to 333.
While I think something interesting could possibly happen if we go northeast, I say take the path of least resistance and head south. Going northeast would just take us further away from our quest to reach Holmgard anyways.
Sounds logical? I mean, its not like this is Choose Your Own Adventure, where you pick what seems like a logical choice and totally out of left field, you die a horrible death by acid to the face or something.
Free Moonbase Commander remake @
I'm going to copy and paste every section of the book we go to. First choice to hit three votes or holds the majority after an hour or so will be chosen so that we keep moving at a decent pace so everyone feel free to chip in instead of just viewing! All you have to do to get current is read where we're up to in the thread.
After making your way through the forest for nearly half an hour when you hear the beat of wings high above the trees. Looking up you can just make out the shape of a Kraan approaching from the north. It is one of the monsters that attacked the monastery and on its back are two grey-skinned creatures armed with long spears.
These are Mountain Giaks--evil servants of the Darklords, full of hatred and malice. Many centuries ago, their ancestors were used by the Darklords to build the infernal city of Helgedad, which lies in the volcanic wastelands beyond the Durncrag range of mountains. The construction of the city was long and torturous and only the strongest of the Giaks survived the heat and poisonous atmosphere of Helgedad.
Hidden by the trees, you freeze, keeping absolutely still as the Kraan passes overhead and disappears towards the south. When you are sure that it has gone, you move off once again into the forest.
Turn to 131.
A war party of Giaks, some twenty-five to thirty strong, are attacking the ruins from all sides. Many more of the Giaks are dead or dying among the broken pillars of marble, but still they assault whatever is hidden inside. Suddenly, a bolt of blue lightning rips through the front rank of Giaks sending the armour-clad creatures tumbling in all directions. A Giak, taller than the others and dressed from head to foot in black chainmail, curses at his troops as he whips them forward with a barbed flail.
With weapon ready, you move to the edge of the clearing, under cover of the thick foliage, and try to catch a glimpse of the defenders. To your amazement, the ruins are being defended by a young man no older than yourself. You recognize his sky-blue robes, embroidered with stars. He is a young theurgist of the Magicians' Guild of Toran: an apprentice in magic.
Five Giaks charge forward, their spears raised to stab the apprentice as he hurriedly retreats deeper into the ruins. You see him turn and raise his left hand just before a bolt of blue flame shoots from his fingertips into the snarling Giak soldiers. Close to where you are hidden, you see a Giak scuttle past and climb one of the pillars of the temple. He has a long curved dagger in his mouth and he is about to jump on the young wizard standing below.
If you wish to shout a warning to the wizard, turn to 241.
If you wish to run forward and attack the Giak when he jumps, turn to 55.
If you wish to pick up a chunk of temple marble and throw it at the Giak's head, turn to 302.
Or if you would rather turn and leave the battle area, and run back into the woods, turn to 101.
good times
Leave the heathen to his fate!
You probably want to save that dude though.
Book 5 makes a lot more sense if you set the continuity in motion now.
Weaponskill should be sword when taken, for the blindingly obvious reasons.
Yeah, I didn't want to spoil it and its not like you need it for the first book anyway. I'm pretty sure it'll be obvious when to take it.
I am fully prepared to abuse your giving us the power of choice.
Edit: Goddamnit I just worked out the combat. Alright one sec while I retype it.
Nothing could go wrong with this plan.
If the number you have picked is 0-2, turn to 110.
If the number is 3-9, turn to 285.
I rolled a 3.
We turn to 285.
Turn to 325.
Shaking his mailed fist at you, the black-clad Giak screams, 'RANEG ROGAG OK--ORGADAKA OKAK ROGAG GAJ!' before leaving. Surveying the scene of battle, you count over fifteen Giak dead lying among the broken pillars of Raumas.
The young wizard wipes his brow and walks towards you, his hand extended in friendship.
Turn to 349.
He is weak and unsteady on his feet. You take his arm and sit him down upon a fallen pillar where you listen intently to what he has to say.
'My name is Banedon. I am journeyman to the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, which is the Magicians' Guild of Toran. My Guildmaster has sent me to your monastery with this urgent message.' He removes a vellum envelope from inside his robes and hands it to you.
'As you see, I have opened the letter and read its contents. When the war started, I was on the highway with two travelling companions. The Kraan attacked us and we lost each other in the forest during our escape.'
The letter is a warning to the Kai Lords that the Darklords have mustered a vast army beyond the Durncrag range. The Guildmaster urges the Kai to cancel the celebrations of Fehmarn and prepare for war.
'I fear we were betrayed,' says Banedon, his head bowed in sorrow.
'One of my order, a brother called Vonotar, had explored the forbidden mysteries of the Black Art. Ten days ago he denounced the Brotherhood and killed one of our Elders. He has since disappeared. It is rumoured that he now aids the Darklords.'
You tell Banedon what has happened at the monastery, and of your mission to warn the King. Silently, he removes a gold chain from around his neck and hands it to you. On the chain is a small Crystal Star Pendant. 'It is the symbol of my Brotherhood, and we are both truly brothers in this hour of darkness. It is a talisman of good fortune--may it protect you on your road ahead.'
You thank him, place the chain around your neck and slip the Crystal Star9 inside your shirt. (Remember to mark this on your Action Chart.)
Banedon bids you farewell. 'We must leave this place lest the Giaks return with more of their loathsome kind to put an end to us. I must return to my Guild. I bid you farewell, my brother. May the luck of the gods go with you.'
Turn to 293.
I have amended the special items to include the Crystal Star Pendant.
Turn to 281.
We'll get to something you guys can pick from soon I'm sure.
If you break cover and climb up the hill, turn to 311.
If you change direction and continue your run through the forest, turn to 77.
You can consider me the little devil on your shoulder doing my best to get you killed.
pretty sound military tactics imo; whenever you can, just run uphill.