So for the past 6 months I have woken up each morning with my nose stuffed most unpleasantly. After having used enough decongestants to make all the meth in the American midwest, I went to a doctor. The doctor suggested that it might be allergies and ran a blood test.
Boy howdy, she was right. I am allergic to the following:
Dust mites
More kinds of grass than I knew existed
kinds of trees
This thread is here to discuss how allergies ruin your quality of life and allow you to whine about illnesses with other legitimately sick people.
tl;dr: I am allergic to the following:
and want to discuss it among the internets.
sometimes i'll just bust out in hives and get chest pains
You're allergic to the absence of semen in and on you.
that sounds like a challenge
So now I don't have allergies!
bring it, bitch
are you allergic to the accidental insertion of knives in your face? i bet you are.
Well this isn't a cancer thread now is it.
you're allergic to uncertainty
nope, might feel a little bit ticklish, but wouldn't call that an allergic reaction
congratulations, you're cured
going to your grandparents' farm as a child will do that 8-)
The thing I said was about allergies as well as cancer
I am on topic
Stop persecuting me, facist
You want to see fascism, I will break out my fascism stick.
You haven't seen fascism until you have seen my fascism stick.
No sir I am actually a person.
When I went back and reread my post, for a moment I thought I'd written faggot instead of facist
i wanna take a ride on your fascist stick
Not being a lazy, filthy slob helps, is what I'm saying.
My eyes start crying and my nose starts running. I also get really, really irritable.
I also get this with certain pollens, and it's worse if I', living with pets, but it's over all pretty mild. But goddamn do I hate MJ.
Also, Bee Stings and Aspirin can kill me. I wear a bracelet and everything.
Dog and Cat and every furry animal dander
fish with gills(I go into anaphylactic shock! But I can eat shell fish)
mildly lactose intolerant
some perfumes and body sprays
The Internet
then my mum became a wildlife carer and we also posses a breed of dog that is very bad for allergies
this dog is the greatest so I play with it alot and then I gotta wash up every time