A book that places alot of emphasis on super heroes that while having a sincere desire to do good and make the world a better place to live in, often abuse or misuse their powers that results in much calamity, property damage and unexplainable explosions.
Which brings me to the series next best high point; bewbies, explosions, people flying through weaker people, curb stomping, eye gouging and extreme violence on an almost unparalleled level.
Most of these heroes have powers that could make them seem like demi gods.
There is:
Apollo, The Sun King
Midnighter, Night's Bringer of War
Jenny Sparks, Spirit of the Twentieth
Engineer 2, The Maker
Swift, The Winged Huntress
Doctor 2. Earth's Shaman and Mystic Healer
Jack Hawksmoore, King of Cities
Additional Members
Rose Tattoo, Spirit of Life
Doctor 3, The Next in Earth's Shamans
Jenny Quantum, Spirit of the Twenty First Century[/spoiler:771c651040]
Also, Warren Ellis is worshipped as a deity in this household.
The Authority relaunch has sucked, so far.
A shame, I enjoyed the first run or so.
Exactly. It was something that should have been done in 2 or 3 pages stretched out to fill an entire issue.
Loop > me
They are relaunching all the Wildstorm titles, including the Authority written by Morrison. The first issue:
[spoiler:5cd1938427]All filler, with no sign of the Authority or any super beings. It's about a team trying to recover a downed a submarine from the bottom of the ocean. The issue ends with the main guy on the team finding the Carrier. [/spoiler:5cd1938427]
Everything in Wildstorm is being relaunched except books that are ending or have little/nothing to do with the main Wildstorm characters/plots. So basically there's planetary and desolation jones that haven't been relaunched.
Why they're relaunching it:
[spoiler:6b936b956a]Captain Atom gets sent to the wildstorm universe in Superman/Batman, for some crazy reason. He wakes up in Wildstorm, looks kinda different, and some stuff happens. It's prophesied that if Captain Atom lives, the wildstorm universe dies. So the authority decide to kill him to save their universe. The doctor(III) goes into the future to make sure it's the best plan of action, and he thinks it is. So, Apollo hits him really, really hard with heat vision, causing a rupture in his suit. He starts to rupture massive amounts of energy. Apollo tries to shut him down and absorb the energy, saying that he can absorb the energy of the sun, what is one guy? and is promptly vaporized. Same thing happens to Midnighter and Jenny Quantum. The Void from some other wildstorm comic comes up and sends Captain Atom back to the main DC universe, rebooting the wildstorm universe in the process.[/spoiler:6b936b956a]
He should have just blasted time with his heat vision.
el oh el
It's only one issue in.
God I fucking hate you.
Did you read the issue? The Authority is known for original, well thought out stories with over-the-top action. And absolutely nothing happened in this issue until the very last panel. They were so far behind that they shoveled this out to get an issue of Authority on the shelves for the Worldstorm event launch.
Yes, I am sure it was shoveled out.
Since Grant Morrison is known for his shitty writing.
Maybe Morrison's not at fault - the book is now 2 months behind and Gene Ha is not terribly experienced with monthlys (which is why the first year of this was supposed to be bimonthly), and has blown deadlines before. But whatever the reason, this issue was still filler. I ask again if you have actually read it? Because the $3 cover price is charging a dollar a minute for the ammount of time it takes to get through the tiny bit of actual content it has.
I read it, and it was good for a first issue. Most series do this thing called "setting up" the story, but as you appear to be a complete idiot, I can see why you would not know of this.
Since when was Rose Tattoo the spirit of life.
I thought she was death.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
[spoiler:a73c714d99] It happened during Brubaker's run, I think. [/spoiler:a73c714d99]
I apologize - I guess I should have said that this is my opinion, and it's not been 100% proven by science. My bad. If you want an issue of bad, "realistic" style art and no real content that doesn't feature any members of the Authority or any major plot, you will probably enjoy the first issue of the new volume.
I'm actually pretty sure Hensler is Terrorbyte, or at the very least, is just saying dumb shit to get as many negative responses as he can.
On the subject of Authority, I wonder how the new Midnighter series fits into the new Authority. Does Midnighter just fit into the old Authority, or is it actually part of the worldstorm reboot?
No, I don't know shit about the Wildstorm universe apart from Authority and a few issues of Stormwatch.
Of course, considering the inherent obnoxiousness of the Wildstorm crew even Guy Gardner would come across as well-adjusted and unreasonably polite in a crossover.
It was pretty good, although it makes the Wildstorm heroes really look like assholes compared to regular DC guys.
The actual issues of Midnighter are my source - I don't think I can post those. And I think I read about the Grifter thing at Newsarama. But they make reference to other old Wildstorm events in the first issue of Midnighter, so it can't be in the new "Worldstorm" universe.
Look like? They are.
I've been enjoying the Midnighter monthly, but I was pretty disappointed with the first issue of the Authority. However, I should chalk that up to not clearly understanding the reboot. Now that it's all been explained, I'm more forgiving about that first issue.
But issue two better hold some cool surprises and some action.
You fucking idiot - it was the first issue. How dare you pass judgement on it? Comics do this thing called "setting up" and you have no right not to like it, asshole.
If I hadn't read this whole thread before posting, I'd be really pissed off at you. Instead, I'm just ten times more certain that you are a dick.
Now I'm confused. This is Terrorbyte behavior. I.e "Insult people who disagree that a DC comic is flawless in every way."
But earlier on in the thread, he bitched about the exactly same thing(The comic is slow to start).
Since when the fuck does Terrorbyte have anything to say negatively about DC? They could make Batman a child rapist and he'd nod and go "Fits the character perfectly."
Sort of failing because how he was acting and what Briareos said were two completely different instances.
The Muffin Man, this is what's known as a paradigm shift. Your world has changed. Now, the soviet union won the spacerace, McKinley was never shot, but instead shot Franz Ferdinand, starting World War -I, and Terrorbyte is named Hensler and now hates DC.
You know, like that other guy.
PSN: OrneryRooster
I can stretch my imagination so far that I can accept that God would be a flying pyramid the size of the moon who requires an utterly hostile environment to live.
But the Earth was referred to as his retirement home and that doesn't click with me, how the hell does a being the size of our moon rest or use the planet? Does he like take his slippers off and crashes into the planet's surface for a long nap?