Modern Warfare 2 aka the Citizen Kane of videogames is about to
I HEARD IT HAS EMINEM AND 50 CENT IN IT!!!~multiplayer~owns~
please lets all get it for 360 and play it and just never stop
pm me ur shit
ack - sacksy
johnham - Jhamilto
the sneak - PA The Sneak
Dadouw - Dadouw
Penguin Incarnate - Penguin Inc
UnbreakableVow - DesmondHumeWins
Daric - Darikashi
Saint Justice - Saint Justice
Faricazy - FariCommie
B.C. - QuietMessiah
JC of DI - JCofDI
CrackedLens - ZombieKyle
Marcus and His Band Of Mysterious Disco Ravens - Disco Burnout
The Far Side - The Near Middle
GirlPants - FleetFox727
Dead Legend - EagleEyeCope
Kantankeris - Tankhammer
HyperAquaBlasts - HyperAquaBlasts
CorporateLogo - CorpLogo
KrunkMcGrunk - Krunk McGrunk
bombardier - bombardactyl
Ranx - Ferroid
Filler Inc. - DublinSick
Spono - Spono Wolf
rhylith - Amalockh
The Iron Chancellor - Zorkwap
McCly - McCly
trentsteel - TRENT--STEEL
akoot - Meicheor
SirToasty - patoast
Bearstranaut - Bearstranaut
02:54 Moriarte
Ignoring, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?
02:55 Mackey-IW
No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.
Josh111: PC Question... What will the max amount of players per map be for PC multiplayer on
Vince-IW: 9v9
dammit ack
Tumblr blargh
Tumblr blargh
holy shit totally bought
too bad about some of the pc stuff. also that my pc can't run it.
you wait
you'll see him in here
he seemed to have soured on it
However, the ring will never leave your finger, and you will be unable to ever describe to another living person what you see.
Gonna play hells of Special Ops with my brother.
what about
something fantastic that halo did a million years ago?
why would they do something like that?!
rather, no one will play it cause they hate getting raped.
i dont even screen-watch either!
EDIT: Posted wrong video, whoops.
Also this video shows that they still have the completely retarded split-screen method that World at War had.
Gamertag is PA The Sneak.
Oh and the news pieces of some soldiers who start getting flashbacks and start crying. And then we have to hear about are games hitting to close to home and then I say then don't play the damn game you unstable bastards.
Oh, come on.
don't really wanna buy it
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Except this one!
DesmondHumeWins on 360. Don't expect me to talk to you fuckers though, I will be there to kill you or be killed by you. I'm up for any games that involve the mouth-shooting.
I will be going to the midnight release, to buy a dragon ball game
but i also want dragon age
You will be killed by the mob
I was nearly killed by the mob when I grabbed the PS3 version of Bioshock at the Fable II midnight launch
shit, that's one more copy of MW2 for the people who want that game!
Then who gives a fuck?