Hey you! I haven't seen you around here! Did they send in the Army? Shit's been going down for nearly a year!
What's that you say, you just got hired as a gardener?
Oh shit. Well I better tell you what's going on. See all these shrubberies by me? They're safe. They're harmless. You should probably get over here, before one of the crazy ones gets you.
Don't look at me like that, they'll explode! Killing you in the process!
Quick! Look behind you! One's chasing some of my buddies! GodDAMNIT RUN FASTER YOU LARDASSES!
OH JESUS. Two more of my buddies, killed by a fucking
SHRUBBERY! See what you just got conned into?! This is a goddamn warzone!
It all started last year, when a few of the shrubberies decided they'd had enough of how we treated them. We kept cutting on them, shaping them. They somehow started growing explosives.Then, as we started to tend them, well... they started exploding when we got near. This wasn't too bad, but then they figured out how to MOVE. The Great Shrubbery Revolution had begun.
We've been trying to keep them inside the gardens since. It's not easy. You saw! The crazy ones look exactly like the normal, docile kind!
We're not entirely defenseless, though. Hitting em with Gardening for Beginners by Barbara Bush works pretty well, they start reading and give up their pointless suicidal crusade. Luckily the gardens are built on top of a printing press, and it keeps us supplied with ammunition. But the hard part is figuring out which shrubs are the crazy ones, and which ones are the safe ones. If it moves or turns, hit it with a book if you have one. Otherwise, start running, and hope there aren't others hiding in front of you.
That's pretty much how it works. Keep an eye out, and stay alive.
SUICIDE SURVIVAL is a Half Life 2: Deathmatch mod, made by Tobias Baumann, a Swiss indie game developer who's been working on his newest project, Doppelscope. He's promised an update for Suicide Survival before the end of the year, most likely adding new maps for people to play on.
The gameplay is relatively simple. There are two teams, Suiciders, and Survivors. The Survivors' objective is as the name implies: Survive. Suiciders must kill the Survivors by blowing up next to them.
The catch is that the Suiciders look exactly like the hundreds of other shrubberies in the maps, making it impossible to differentiate between Suicider and Shrubbery when the Suiciders remain still. However, as noted above, the Survivors are not defenseless. Books can be thrown at the Suiciders to kill them instantly. It is a game of cat-and-mouse, as the Survivors attempt to remain aware of their surroundings long enough to kill the Suiciders, while the Suiciders attempt to ambush the Survivors by leaping out from the many banks of shrubs.
It's kinda... died out since it was released, but there are still servers up and running for it. Since they're still running, we might as well use them.
And yeah, there was a thread on it way back when, but it's nearly a year old at this point, and I'm not particularly interested in dredging it up.
I need some sleep.
Just find the sever that has a man in it. There's only two active servers by my count, so I shouldn't be hard to find.
EDIT: I'll try again tomorrow sometime, I think.
Someone should mod prop-hunt for tf2 into this.
If anyone wants to play, bug me on IM
foomy.foomy, right?
ya that was me, sorry I couldn't stick around longer
Oh well.
I'm on the Muppets on Weed server, as the map they're running is a standard map.
EDIT: Good times tonight, Agent. Perhaps we'll get more Penny Arcadians about next time.
Also, good games guys. Though it is a little sad that almost the entire population for this game has posted in this thread.
If he WAS a PA man, start posting! Make your presence known!
The thread title implies that you need HL2 DM, but actually you just need any game that gives access to the Source SDK. Getting HL2 DM for free from the graphics card deals won't give you access to the SDK and won't let you play mods. There was some method to play mods with the free HL2 DM, but I think it got fixed a long time ago.
I'm not entirely sure on the requirements, though, you may be right.
I'm probably gonna play a round or two of TF2, then go back to shooting bushes with books.