Unfortunately double-entendre aside, I'm hoping someone can catch me up on what's good.
The last game I bought was, I guess...Okami? So I don't have anything even remotely recent. I think up until that came out I have pretty much everything I wanted (pre-Okami). Like... I have No More Heroes, Super Mario Galaxy, Geometry Wars: Galaxies, etc.
I'm a big fan of graphic adventure/puzzle games, so I was thinking of Broken Sword Director's Cut. I have it for the PC, but why not?
I was eying the new Mario and Mad World. Mad World is only $19.99 now, it seems? Did it bomb? The trailers of long ago seemed good. Mario would be pretty much single player, though. Is it worth getting for that, or is pretty much just a competitive game?
There are more I was looking at but I can't recall what they are right now. So any recommendations would be great. NOTE: I already have Dead Rising and Dead Space for the 360, so I'm not interested in those in specific.
While I'm at it: Any good Wiiware (Wiiware wasn't even OUT when I stopped buying games for my Wii) or other things out there I should look at?
Oh, how about the new Resident Evil shooter? I have the first one.
Sorry for the stream-of-consciousness here.
edit: Oh yeah, and I'll probably get Metroid Prime Collection or whatever it's called. I have all three already but...eh.
I just bought SMB2 since I apparently had a free voucher for an NES game (something about reimbursing me because I purchased the Internet channel for 500 points many moons ago?) and I loved it.
Maybe I'll get NSMB.
As for other games, I'd suggest: Metroid Prime Trilogy, House of the Dead: Overkill and de Blob, to name a few.
All I remember, really, is that the goat "puzzle" is a piece of shit. Otherwise I don't remember any puzzle specifics, so I guess it'd be a good purchase for me. I have the other three games on the PC and never played through them.
There's a good HotD out now? Cool. I'll check out de Blob. Thanks!
Yeah, Boom Blox came out right about when I stopped buying Wii games. I heard it was good. Maybe I'll just rent it, or get it on the cheap if possible.
Broken Sword also now has an optional hint system, which saved me the trouble of having to boot up Gamefaqs every time I got stuck (since every now and then the game just assumes that you know to stop exploring one area), funnily enough, I hadn't played my Wii in ages until I saw this game cheap at work.
Overkill is fantastic because it has a hilarious grindhouse story-line, as opposed to the horribly (amusing) phoned-in dialogue of the previous games. If you can find the Hand Cannon that was sold in the Special Edition, I'd get it if you have the extra cash. It's so nice that every time you see a Zapper you'll spit on the packaging.
And de Blob has the rare honour of being an Australian game that doesn't suck. It is in fact amazing and I hate that it didn't sell as well as it should.
edit: Lost Winds (and the sequel) are good WiiWare games but they are a little short. The Strong Bad games are excellent if you are a Homestar fan. World of Goo is fantastic. I really really liked My Life as King but research it first to see if you'll like it.
Little King's Story is a really good game. It's very Pikmin-like.
If you're gonna play alone get the first one on the cheap. If you're gonna have people over get the 2nd as I've heard the multiplayer is expanded a bit.
No man should have that kind of power.(Twitter)
Thats about all the advice I can toss your way. Been heavy on the DS lately.
Definitely get the new Super Mario Bros!
And you should be able to find MadWorld for really cheap by now. It's a little rough but certainly not horrible, and you'll get your money's worth from the running commentary by Bender (well, the actor who plays him, but he's pretty much Bender here).
The sequel is coming out fairly soon as well.
It's good, but a little easy.
Really, really fun though
I had the original A Boy and his Blob. Is the new one out?
Yep. Maybe two people bought it.
What the hell? Seriously?
The game is great. I got it at $50 and loved it.