[Puke On] Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 - You must be this tall ... to die!



  • MovitzMovitz Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Neva wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Neva wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Yes, because their censorship suck so they get reskinned weapons instead of gore from Valve in order to increase sales. Which sucks because apparently this abomination is now in my game as well.

    You poor thing. That sounds just awful. AWFUL! You are a weenie.

    Not really. It's basic Occam, reskinned shit is pointless and clogs up the game.

    If Flippy is right and they are new weapons. That's a totally different story and that I can respect.

    Your a weenie because Flippy is right and also you were all like "Meh, it's just a random number generator >_>", which is a weenieish thing to say, because it's not a random number generator at all and it is the main thing that keeps the game so replayable.

    You poor thing. I sound just awful. AWFUL! You are a fanboy?

    [EDIT] Ok, I'll just clarify. I stand by the opinion that reskinned weapons are silly. And not thinking that the AID is the bestest shit ever doesn't make me a whiney

    Movitz on
  • ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Zzulu wrote: »
    Just got kicked for using frying pan on a charger during a Parish scavenge run. :(

    The frying pan is cursed

    wait what

    who the fuck kicks for that

    I frying-panned a Charger right in the face and got my achievement for that

    and a satisfying bwonnggggg noise.

    It is a very satisfying sound

    Zzulu on
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Scavenge really works so much better when everybody learns to treat it like Versus - always stick together at all times unless you are damn certain there won't be any specials to stop you(aka basically never). Survivors should group up even if it means escorting one gas can back with all four of them. You'll waste way more time than that running after lone survivors that got grabbed or fighting off hordes with just one or two people. Specials should always run as a pack of four too - if they split up, just let two of them do as they please while you have your way with the others, forcing those two to waste time running over to save them.

    Zek on
  • BlindPsychicBlindPsychic Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Are the CS weapons viral or what?

    BlindPsychic on
  • NevaNeva Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Movitz wrote: »
    Neva wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Neva wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Yes, because their censorship suck so they get reskinned weapons instead of gore from Valve in order to increase sales. Which sucks because apparently this abomination is now in my game as well.

    You poor thing. That sounds just awful. AWFUL! You are a weenie.

    Not really. It's basic Occam, reskinned shit is pointless and clogs up the game.

    If Flippy is right and they are new weapons. That's a totally different story and that I can respect.

    Your a weenie because Flippy is right and also you were all like "Meh, it's just a random number generator >_>", which is a weenieish thing to say, because it's not a random number generator at all and it is the main thing that keeps the game so replayable.

    You poor thing. That sounds just awful. AWFUL! You are a fanboy?

    [EDIT] Ok, I'll just clarify. I stand by the opinion that reskinned weapons are silly. And not thinking that the AID is the bestest shit ever doesn't make me a whiney

    But since they aren't just reskinned weapons and that the AID isn't a random number generator like you said it was, that makes you wrong. No one cares if you have bad opinions, but whining about things that aren't even a part of the game makes you a weenie. Like hating Sonic the Hedgehog because he's so green.

    Neva on
    SC2 Beta: Neva.ling

    "Everyone who is capable of logical thought should be able to see why you shouldn't sell lifetime subscriptions to an MMO. Cell phone companies and drug dealers don't offer lifetime subscriptions either, guess why?" - Mugaaz
  • The_SpaniardThe_Spaniard It's never lupines Irvine, CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Endaro wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Honesty, people give the director way too much credit for being some sort of thinking entity. What the AID does is:

    1. Choose from the two different locations at a given time to spawn hordes
    2. If the survivors stand still for too long, spawn another horde.
    3. In coop it also spawns special inf but coordination is pretty weak.

    After the first month of L4D1 I just started thinking about it as a random number generator, because that's what it, basically.

    This is an oversimplification.

    There are actual commands you can use to turn on director statistics and see all that he is doing. There are a lot of things at work to determine the stress level of the players, including how long since they killed a zombie, how long ago and to what extent they received damage, team damage, etc. It uses all of these to determine when to spawn hordes, whether the action needs to increase or slow down, whether to give more health packs and useful items or not, whether to open simpler paths to the objective or not. Its not simply a timer until the next horde, and its not simply a number generator. It is literally calculating things to ensure the action and adrenaline ebbs and flows, theoretically to adapt to the skill levels of the players and make sure everyone is properly challenged.

    That would be all well and good if it didn't randomly decide to just toss that the fuck out the window and go, ok fuck you guys, *spawn double tanks, and every single other special infected all at the same time*.

    The_Spaniard on
    Playstation/Origin/GoG: Span_Wolf Xbox/uPlay/Bnet: SpanWolf Nintendo: Span_Wolf SW-7097-4917-9392 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Span_Wolf/
  • ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Zek wrote: »
    Scavenge really works so much better when everybody learns to treat it like Versus - always stick together at all times unless you are damn certain there won't be any specials to stop you(aka basically never). Survivors should group up even if it means escorting one gas can back with all four of them. You'll waste way more time than that running after lone survivors that got grabbed or fighting off hordes with just one or two people. Specials should always run as a pack of four too - if they split up, just let two of them do as they please while you have your way with the others, forcing those two to waste time running over to save them.

    Yeah I was a bit confused by that game we just played. 2 guys went in one direction and a third guy went in the opposite, leaving me to

    a) follow lone guy to try and make sure he does not get completely raped

    b) abandon lone guy and follow rest of team

    It was a bit clusterfucky

    Zzulu on
  • MovitzMovitz Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Neva wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Neva wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Neva wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Yes, because their censorship suck so they get reskinned weapons instead of gore from Valve in order to increase sales. Which sucks because apparently this abomination is now in my game as well.

    You poor thing. That sounds just awful. AWFUL! You are a weenie.

    Not really. It's basic Occam, reskinned shit is pointless and clogs up the game.

    If Flippy is right and they are new weapons. That's a totally different story and that I can respect.

    Your a weenie because Flippy is right and also you were all like "Meh, it's just a random number generator >_>", which is a weenieish thing to say, because it's not a random number generator at all and it is the main thing that keeps the game so replayable.

    You poor thing. That sounds just awful. AWFUL! You are a fanboy?

    [EDIT] Ok, I'll just clarify. I stand by the opinion that reskinned weapons are silly. And not thinking that the AID is the bestest shit ever doesn't make me a whiney

    But since they aren't just reskinned weapons and that the AID isn't a random number generator like you said it was, that makes you wrong. No one cares if you have bad opinions, but whining about things that aren't even a part of the game makes you a weenie. Like hating Sonic the Hedgehog because he's so green.

    The AID is, arguably, just a random number generator. The AI level isn't much more advanced than Warcraft 2 in its use of tactics. This I can discuss with you whenever you want without resorting to "omg you suck!!!".

    The weapons isn't really an issue anymore as I asked for how it worked, got it explained to me and realized I was wrong. So it's more like:
    "Can you explain why Sonic is Green, that is lame"
    "He isn't, He's blue"
    "Oooh, ok"

    Movitz on
  • Necro_85Necro_85 Registered User regular
    edited November 2009

    The AID is, arguably, just a random number generator. The AI level isn't much more advanced than Warcraft 2 in its use of tactics. This I can discuss with you whenever you want without resorting to "omg you suck!!!".

    The weapons isn't really an issue anymore as I asked for how it worked, got it explained to me and realized I was wrong. So it's more like:
    "Can you explain why Sonic is Green, that is lame"
    "He isn't, He's blue"
    "Oooh, ok"

    With that logic though, isnt any "program" that randomizes something just a random number generator? The horde is supposed to be dumb and have a hive mentality (aka run towards the survivors). The special infected however, are leagues better in L4D2 than in the first one. I can recall taking out special infected one at a time for entire levels, but since L4D2 has come out, almost every time there is some sort of "coordinated attack" if you will. Who/where/when/how is the meat and potatoes of the code, i still have yet to run a map twice with the exact same result, sure its a random number generator, but its a really fancy ass one lol

    Necro_85 on
  • RendRend Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Movitz wrote: »
    The AI level isn't much more advanced than Warcraft 2 in its use of tactics.

    Soooo.... what difficulty do you play on?

    This is going to have a major impact on my view of your opinions specifically.

    Rend on
  • MovitzMovitz Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Necro_85 wrote: »
    quote tree

    Yup. It's fancy and as previously stated, I love this game. I just cannot fathom the amount of love they get for randomizing spawns between 2-3 locations at any given time. The AID isn't smart, it's just unpredictable within the given frame
    Rend wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    The AI level isn't much more advanced than Warcraft 2 in its use of tactics.

    Soooo.... what difficulty do you play on?

    This is going to have a major impact on my view of your opinions specifically.

    I play amost only vs but I've played all the campaigns at least twice on expert. And, within my limited experience, the only difference between expert and advanced is the amount of damage the infected does. If the AID is dumbed down on normal and easy, I wouldn't know.

    Movitz on
  • NappuccinoNappuccino Surveyor of Things and Stuff Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    The sepecial infected seem to coordinate fairly well on my play throughs. The boomer is still braindead though, and only rarely does it ever vomit on anyone. However, the charger and jockey (hell, the spitter too) seem to work well together.

    Nappuccino on
    Like to write? Want to get e-published? Give us a look-see at http://wednesdaynightwrites.com/
    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    There's also the possibility you just can't really grow a bear like other guys.

    Not even BEAR vaginas can defeat me!
    cakemikz wrote: »
    And then I rub actual cake on myself.
    Loomdun wrote: »
    thats why you have chest helmets
  • RendRend Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Movitz wrote: »
    Rend wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    The AI level isn't much more advanced than Warcraft 2 in its use of tactics.

    Soooo.... what difficulty do you play on?

    This is going to have a major impact on my view of your opinions specifically.

    I play amost only vs but I've played all the campaigns at least twice on expert. And, within my limited experience, the only difference between expert and advanced is the amount of damage the infected does. If the AID is dumbed down on normal and easy, I wouldn't know.

    Well, I guess it's a difference of opinion then. I only play on expert, so I wouldn't really know if the AI is dumbed down on lower difficulties, but what I do know is that in my experience the AID does a very good job of coordinating the special infected, and also a very good job of keeping the tension high without being patently ridiculous all the time.

    There are ups and downs, and extremes of both of course (F you, AID. Srsly), but I think the AID does a very sophisticated job in how it operates. But I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree.

    Rend on
  • MovitzMovitz Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Rend wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Rend wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    The AI level isn't much more advanced than Warcraft 2 in its use of tactics.

    Soooo.... what difficulty do you play on?

    This is going to have a major impact on my view of your opinions specifically.

    I play amost only vs but I've played all the campaigns at least twice on expert. And, within my limited experience, the only difference between expert and advanced is the amount of damage the infected does. If the AID is dumbed down on normal and easy, I wouldn't know.

    Well, I guess it's a difference of opinion then. I only play on expert, so I wouldn't really know if the AI is dumbed down on lower difficulties, but what I do know is that in my experience the AID does a very good job of coordinating the special infected, and also a very good job of keeping the tension high without being patently ridiculous all the time.

    There are ups and downs, and extremes of both of course (F you, AID. Srsly), but I think the AID does a very sophisticated job in how it operates. But I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree.

    It's a deal :)

    I don't expect people to believe what I do. But when they go "omg you are teh sux for you opinions isn't mine! (Also, you whine!)". Well, that really annoys me. But it's the internet for you I guess.

    Movitz on
  • GnomocideGnomocide Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Movitz wrote: »
    Necro_85 wrote: »
    quote tree

    Yup. It's fancy and as previously stated, I love this game. I just cannot fathom the amount of love they get for randomizing spawns between 2-3 locations at any given time. The AID isn't smart, it's just unpredictable within the given frame

    But.. didn't the previous posts establish the fact that what the director does is much more complicated than what you're describing here? AFAIK there's no set "spawn-locations".

    I'll agree that the AID isn't the beginning of Skynet, but you still seem to be oversimplifying him for your purposes. How does all the factors mentioned above (in Endaro's post) fit into your "lol spawnlocations" theory? (edit: not trying to talk trash here, I'd just like to understand where you're coming from)

    scavenger is terribly boring.

    nothing any of you say will change my opinion.

    Why.. why would any of us try to change that opinion? Obviously all game-modes aren't for all players...

    Gnomocide on
  • MovitzMovitz Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Gnomocide wrote: »
    Movitz wrote: »
    Necro_85 wrote: »
    quote tree

    Yup. It's fancy and as previously stated, I love this game. I just cannot fathom the amount of love they get for randomizing spawns between 2-3 locations at any given time. The AID isn't smart, it's just unpredictable within the given frame

    But.. didn't the previous posts establish the fact that what the director does is much more complicated than what you're describing here? AFAIK there's no set "spawn-locations".

    I'll agree that the AID isn't the beginning of Skynet, but you still seem to be oversimplifying him for your purposes. How does all the factors mentioned above fit into your "lol spawnlocations" theory?

    I can't speak for l4D2 yet, which no one can as the game have been out for 1 week so far. And I don't know the programming behind the AID but the fact remains that hordes can't spawn in that many locations. Whether these are predetermined by programming or always the same because of the survivors line of sight I don't know.

    But by the 5th time you run through NM1 you know the first horde will be coming up the first set of stairs in the kitchen and also break through the wall to your right.

    Movitz on
  • GnomocideGnomocide Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Ahh ok. Yeah you could get the feeling that there's set rules like that, but I'm pretty sure that's a combination of a limited amount of possibilities, and the human mind's tendency to find patterns in the most random of things. But yeah, the maps does limit the director, as line of sight will limit his potential spawn-spots quite a lot.

    We can establish that the director in L4D2 is more than a random spawn-spot generator though, through the output mentioned in Endaro's post. He takes quite a few factors into consideration - whether the end result mirrors those factors can be discussed.

    Gnomocide on
  • agoajagoaj Top Tier One FearRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    They definitely aren't just reskinned. I was able to pick up the CS knife, nothing that could have been reskinned to make that.

    agoaj on
  • MovitzMovitz Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Gnomocide wrote: »
    Ahh ok. Yeah you could get the feeling that there's set rules like that, but I'm pretty sure that's a combination of a limited amount of possibilities, and the human mind's tendency to find patterns in the most random of things. But yeah, the maps does limit the director, as line of sight will limit his potential spawn-spots quite a lot.

    We can establish that the director in L4D2 is more than a random spawn-spot generator though, through the output mentioned in Endaro's post. He takes quite a few factors into consideration - whether the end result mirrors those factors can be discussed.

    Occam again. If there's programming that makes craploads of decisions but in the end results in the same behavior as, dare I say it, a random numbers generator. That programming is pointless. I'm pragmatic like that :)

    No, I see your point and understand what you mean. I'm just thinking that the AID gets a bit too much attention for something that isn't really that refined. In the first interview I read on L4D2 the PR dude was all "The AID is more awesome now than ever!". And I realized there was something they called that which I had completely forgotten about.

    Movitz on
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    The director does a ton of stuff that isn't meant to be visible to the player. You're not supposed to be thinking about it, but that doesn't mean there's no AI behind it. If it were truly random there would be a lot more boring ass games.

    Zek on
  • carmofincarmofin Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    when you cam around during death you can see the AID at work, it does seem to be more compelx then described here.
    i must say that im not sure how it works though, as i have never felt it did anything to balance the game at all.
    two people dead and youre completely fucked with 1 health? hello, tank!
    seriously from how i perceive it AI randomizer seems to be the more apropriate term, but even then its an integral part of what makes L4D2 fun.

    carmofin on
    PSN | Steam
    NNID: carmofin
    3DS: 2852 6971 9745
    Throw me a PM if you add me
  • MovitzMovitz Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    carmofin wrote: »
    when you cam around during death you can see the AID at work, it does seem to be more compelx then described here.
    i must say that im not sure how it works though, as i have never felt it did anything to balance the game at all.
    two people dead and youre completely fucked with 1 health? hello, tank!
    seriously from how i perceive it AI randomizer seems to be the more apropriate term, but even then its an integral part of what makes L4D2 fun.

    I think the whole idea of the AID as a balance went down the drain whey people started yelling about the game being unfair and too random. Now the spawns of items and tanks/witches are the same on all maps

    I mourn the day they removed the random tank spawns. Who cares about points, this game is all about total chaos!

    [EDIT] Ah, but you're talking coop aren't you. I'll just sit over here and feel stupid, never mind me.

    Movitz on
  • GnomocideGnomocide Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Changing the subject a bit: I've heard a charger making a well aimed charge directly on a dropped gas can will make it erupt into flames in scavenge mode. Can anyone confirm/deny this? Sure would be awesome, and make the spitter a bit less essential in the mode.

    Gnomocide on
  • Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    i love bad chargers
    one tried to run at me after i opened a door, sidestepped and hit him with the grenade launcher
    he then turned hopped over the stairs, but then tried again to charge. he missed on his own, and i hit him again to kill him
    *LEGITTXxKILLA has left the game*

    Local H Jay on
  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    We just had a witch spawn on our versus round on Carnival 4 right on the other side of the gates (the side that has the endless waves running from). I wanted to strangle the director.

    Neither us nor the opposing team managed to get past that point.

    Aegis on
    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Zzulu wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    Scavenge really works so much better when everybody learns to treat it like Versus - always stick together at all times unless you are damn certain there won't be any specials to stop you(aka basically never). Survivors should group up even if it means escorting one gas can back with all four of them. You'll waste way more time than that running after lone survivors that got grabbed or fighting off hordes with just one or two people. Specials should always run as a pack of four too - if they split up, just let two of them do as they please while you have your way with the others, forcing those two to waste time running over to save them.

    Yeah I was a bit confused by that game we just played. 2 guys went in one direction and a third guy went in the opposite, leaving me to

    a) follow lone guy to try and make sure he does not get completely raped

    b) abandon lone guy and follow rest of team

    It was a bit clusterfucky
    It depends on the team, the map, and whether the SI has 3 guys who can disable and are in position. In many maps, I've found my preferred strategy is to go 2+2 as opposed to using the 4-man convoy. The only one where I would say 4-man convoy almost all the time is the swamp map because that deep water is miserable. 2+2 relies on if one group gets screwed somehow, the other group can still get over there in a reasonable amount of time to save them.

    Spectrum on
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Anyone who thinks pairs is a good way to approach scavenge is an idiot and should never be on my team.

    And before anyone says they did really well with a pairs setup let me save you the bother by saying that almost anything will work if the other team are complete shit.

    Rami on
  • Flippy_DFlippy_D Digital Conquistador LondonRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Pairing off when two sets of two cans are close together is a high risk high reward strategy if you're low on time, however.

    See: swamp fever, motel.

    Flippy_D on
  • Ace JonAce Jon Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Rami wrote: »
    Anyone who thinks pairs is a good way to approach scavenge is an idiot and should never be on my team.

    And before anyone says they did really well with a pairs setup let me save you the bother by saying that almost anything will work if the other team are complete shit.
    You've clearly never played Hard Rain's Sugar Mill scavenge. Winning that practically requires 2+2 if you don't want to get completely destroyed.

    Ace Jon on
    Yours truly, Ace Jon.
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    You're clearly terrible at everything.

    Rami on
  • KungFuKungFu Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Anyone else not able to get games to show up on the game finder?

    My versus one no longer finds games. It just says No Games Found no matter what filters I have on (or off). Same for scavenge mode. Though my Campaign and Realism one works fine.

    KungFu on
    Theft 4 Bread
  • Ace JonAce Jon Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Rami wrote: »
    You're clearly terrible at everything.
    Don't be a jerk just because you can. It's not ladylike!

    The (2+2) team that gets the 5 cans on top of the vats in about 20 seconds will do better than the (4) team that either takes 40-50 seconds to make round trips or the (4) team that throws them down to collect them later only to find they've been set on fire. That last team might never win.

    Ace Jon on
    Yours truly, Ace Jon.
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    You mean the 2v2 team where one set of two gets pounced/charged/smoked and incapped and then the entire team destroyed as they try to pick them up to continue collecting cans?

    Rami on
  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Scavenge games are so much more fun 3v4. And by fun I mean not fun.

    Aegis on
    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • AegeriAegeri Tiny wee bacteriums Plateau of LengRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Scavenge is brutal 3 vs 4.

    Aegeri on
    The Roleplayer's Guild: My blog for roleplaying games, advice and adventuring.
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Spectrum wrote: »
    Zzulu wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    Scavenge really works so much better when everybody learns to treat it like Versus - always stick together at all times unless you are damn certain there won't be any specials to stop you(aka basically never). Survivors should group up even if it means escorting one gas can back with all four of them. You'll waste way more time than that running after lone survivors that got grabbed or fighting off hordes with just one or two people. Specials should always run as a pack of four too - if they split up, just let two of them do as they please while you have your way with the others, forcing those two to waste time running over to save them.

    Yeah I was a bit confused by that game we just played. 2 guys went in one direction and a third guy went in the opposite, leaving me to

    a) follow lone guy to try and make sure he does not get completely raped

    b) abandon lone guy and follow rest of team

    It was a bit clusterfucky
    It depends on the team, the map, and whether the SI has 3 guys who can disable and are in position. In many maps, I've found my preferred strategy is to go 2+2 as opposed to using the 4-man convoy. The only one where I would say 4-man convoy almost all the time is the swamp map because that deep water is miserable. 2+2 relies on if one group gets screwed somehow, the other group can still get over there in a reasonable amount of time to save them.

    Even if they can't lock you down, 2 people will move a lot more slowly and take a lot more damage than four. It's an extremely disaster-prone strategy that will almost always waste more time in setbacks than it gains in ground covered. If the other group has to come and bail you out you just wasted a ton of time. The only reason to split up is if you're in sudden death and need to gamble on using a can before somebody makes you drop it. The most effective strategy is to move as a calm and composed group of 4, paying attention to eachother and wiping out the specials as soon as they show themselves. That makes the timing required for them to pull off a good combo attack much much more difficult.

    Zek on
  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Aegeri wrote: »
    Scavenge is brutal 3 vs 4.

    We missed you in our scavenge games.

    Alegis on
  • SpectrumSpectrum Archer of Inferno Chaldea Rec RoomRegistered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Zek wrote: »
    Spectrum wrote: »
    Zzulu wrote: »
    Zek wrote: »
    Scavenge really works so much better when everybody learns to treat it like Versus - always stick together at all times unless you are damn certain there won't be any specials to stop you(aka basically never). Survivors should group up even if it means escorting one gas can back with all four of them. You'll waste way more time than that running after lone survivors that got grabbed or fighting off hordes with just one or two people. Specials should always run as a pack of four too - if they split up, just let two of them do as they please while you have your way with the others, forcing those two to waste time running over to save them.

    Yeah I was a bit confused by that game we just played. 2 guys went in one direction and a third guy went in the opposite, leaving me to

    a) follow lone guy to try and make sure he does not get completely raped

    b) abandon lone guy and follow rest of team

    It was a bit clusterfucky
    It depends on the team, the map, and whether the SI has 3 guys who can disable and are in position. In many maps, I've found my preferred strategy is to go 2+2 as opposed to using the 4-man convoy. The only one where I would say 4-man convoy almost all the time is the swamp map because that deep water is miserable. 2+2 relies on if one group gets screwed somehow, the other group can still get over there in a reasonable amount of time to save them.

    Even if they can't lock you down, 2 people will move a lot more slowly and take a lot more damage than four. It's an extremely disaster-prone strategy that will almost always waste more time in setbacks than it gains in ground covered. If the other group has to come and bail you out you just wasted a ton of time. The only reason to split up is if you're in sudden death and need to gamble on using a can before somebody makes you drop it. The most effective strategy is to move as a calm and composed group of 4, paying attention to eachother and wiping out the specials as soon as they show themselves. That makes the timing required for them to pull off a good combo attack much much more difficult.
    Like I said, it depends on the map. Motel is ripe for 2+2 because the groups can still cover each other for the most part with smart GL/molotov usage. One pair filling, one pair getting cans has worked very well for me in the past.

    I sure as hell wouldn't recommend it on the mall, assuming even a vaguely competent enemy team.

    Spectrum on
  • TurboGuardTurboGuard Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Pairs is fine with competent team mates, even with a good infected team. As long as the pairs don't go in completely opposite directions.

    TurboGuard on
  • AlegisAlegis Impeckable Registered User regular
    edited November 2009
    Those last moments right before the escape vehicle are always most fun

    First tank knocked 3 of us out as we tried to jump in, then hunter and smoker hit.


    Alegis on
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