Short story: I'm going to be buying a rare import and am wondering what kind of insurance to go with, and if anyone has a company they like I'd be happy to hear about that too. The car itself is not all that valuable to be honest, I'm going to be picking it up for just under $5,000. It's a 1994 Mitsubishi FTO, it's a small sports car that never came out in the states. Basically I don't really plan on driving it to much, maybe a few days a month, and not very far at all. I want to get as much coverage as possible for as little as possible.
Insurance relevant info: I'm 26. I've been in 1 accident that has been reported to insurance but it wasn't my fault. I have 2 points on my license, my fault (I called the cops on myself, yea I'm smart :P) I live in NJ, I have a credit score of 722 (I heard some insurance places use your credit score as a basis of how well you drive). I'm a single male.
That's the baby.
P.S. I haven't bought the car yet because I'm still waiting to hear back from the DMV to see if this car can even be legally driven in the state of New Jersey. I emailed them and they said "more then likely however, we are researching the make and model of the car now to be sure" I should hear back from them in the next week or so, and once I hear back I'm buying the car.
However it gets registered - it probably won't be cheap. You're single? Young, male, and it is a sports car. They are drooling to charge you a premium.
Your driving record isn't terrible, You shouldn't get raped too hard on liability/PIP, but comprehensive might be more troubel than it's worth unless you can find a shop willing to quote/work on it for normal prices.
Basically it's a giant hassle and you probably shouldn't bother. The US's regulations don't make grey market imports easy like they are in most European countries.
Lol, that's good to know thanks lol!
But yea, I don't mind doing a little work to get it registered, plus the dealership I'm working with is being really helpful about helping me get it registired and legal so I'm not that worried about it. Worse case senario is that I won't buy it and ill move onto another "dream car".