Hey everyone,
I live in a pretty remote area. We have internet, but its limited to 3GB a month and split between about 7-10 people. As a result, I try and limit myself to 10MB a day, block all pictures from loading, leave the wireless switch turned to off as much as possible, limit how much I check email, etc.
A short while ago we had a massive lightning storm that fried our Wireless N router. Someone drove into the city and bought a new one... its a bit different model, but it still works fine. I have a small network meter running in the Vista Sidebar just to show me up and down traffic through my wireless connection, and ever since the new router was installed I'm finding that it will download 15kb every 10 seconds, like clockwork. My network graph looks like a heartbeat monitor as a result... spike, spike, spike, for eternity even if the computer is just sitting there.
Maybe its an isse with the new router. I don't know. I would like to know if there are any programs out there to tell me what is causing this, or just to see what process is making connections, or something. Ideally I'd want to be in a positino where I could leave my wireless switch on and not have to worry about bandwidth being gobbled. As it stands,the computer at idle is sitting there downloading 5.4MB an hour with me doing absolutely nothing (15kb every ten seconds = 90kb a minute, = 5400kb an hour).
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
edit - programs I do use right now include BitMeter for monitoring daily traffic (so I can cut it off for the day when I hit 10MB up/down), and TCPView, which I find more than useless as it shows nothing when this traffic is going out. Could it be possible the new router, or other computers on the network, are pinging me for some reason and the spikes I'm seeing aren't actually using internet traffic?
Either way, run wireshark and see what kind of connections it opens. If its going to your router's IP only then you should know.