Firefox opens blank windows [solved]

ReznikReznik Registered User regular
edited December 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
Whenever I click on a link that opens up a new window (ex. opening a full size picture on an image gallery), Firefox just makes a blank page. I first noticed this when I was using wikidot, if I hovered over the sign in link it would read 'javascript:void;' (or something similar to that, can't remember the syntax) and then if I clicked it would just be a blank page. So I had to go in to IE, click the sign in link, copy the url, then paste it into firefox so I could log in. It's not just limited to wikidot though. Pretty much every website with a 'click to view full size' for images or something like that just opens blanks.

I have adblock plus, but even when I disable it on my wikidot page for example, I still have the blank window problem.

I'm using version 3.5.6 with Google toolbar, Adblock plus and Torbutton (but Tor's always disabled anyway). Everything's updated to their latest version. I don't remember exactly when this problem started, but I do remember that I had adblock and everything else working and didn't have this problem before.

edit: oh yeah before I forget, Javascript is enabled. I thought that had something to do with it at first but... I guess not?

Edit2: Solved. Had to disable Torbutton entirely.

Do... Re.... Mi... Ti... La...
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
Reznik on
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