When I was quite young I'd visit my cousins' house and they had a point-and-click adventure game on their computer that we always tried to beat. We never succeeded, and it's always bugged me.
I'd like to find that game and give it what for.
I honestly don't remember how old I was at the time or if it was a new game when I played it. All I can really say about its age is that it was very very pixelated.
You played as a girl in a dress, I believe it was blue, and she was blond. You were sent to an island to help a fairy or a goddess or something to get better. She needed a fruit from a special tree, I believe.
I'm not sure how much clicking was involved because I remember most of the commands had to be typed. The ones I remember most are "look" and "take".
One of the things I remember most clearly is that there was a mine with dwarves in it, and their house was also on the island. If you were in their house and you entered the command "clean" you'd get a fairly involved animation of you tidying up their house and they'd come home to thank you. You ate soup with them and in the morning one of them left you a bag of gold or jewels on the table.
There was also a white unicorn that wandered the island, but it was very fast and I could never seem to get near it. I do know that somehow you could get captured and put in a cell up a mountain, and to get out you had to agree to trap the unicorn for your captor, I think she was a witch?
The last few things I remember is that one of the items you could pick up was a worm outside the dwarves' mine, there was a man playing guitar by the sea, and you could swim out into the ocean to find the island that the goddess/fairy was on but chances were high that a shark would eat you before you got there.
Does this ring a bell to anybody? It's bugged me for years.
Also, hi, I'm new.
edit: interesting side note - this was the first computer game I every played and it was on the first computer I ever touched. It was like opening that door from the matrix.
Shogun Streams Vidya
Do you know if it's going to be hard to run on a new OS? Not quite sure how those things work, I usually play older console games.
In this version you can use your mouse and the game has support for sound.
Shogun Streams Vidya
I'm so excited about this, I wanna hug you. XD
This is the first game I remember playing too. Probably one of the reasons it stuck with me for so long. I also have fond memories of us three girls crowded around the computer, trying to figure out what to type. My youngest cousin had to have everything read to her aloud because she was so young and couldn't read yet. Good times.
holy crap how did I not know about this?
goodbye twenty bucks....
If you're looking for newer games in their vein Myst is pretty good....although once again I got stuck and gave up.
I still have Myst and kings quest on a shelf somewhere. Tempting.
And there are a few games that the creators have essentially made open source like quake 2 but there are lots of old games that are still for sale (starcraft, commander keen, kings quest, etc).
a lot of old games like Doom have shareware versions.
I googled abandonware and wiki confirms
So...not kosher.
And just as good every time.
Now I want to replay these... damnit.
My Backloggery
Sierra made some great games
PSN - sumowot
No, it's the one Shogun mentioned for sure. I looked up screen shots and the plot and it's a dead ringer. I had most things right save for her dress color.
I know that map, near the bottom right is the mine, one square above is the dwarves' house nestled under the tree, etc.
Ah, good thing I waited to download it in the morning, I'll get it through Steam. I've never played any of the others, this is quite exciting!
Dman- I have a copy of Myst sitting on my shelf too, I got it in the bargain bin at the local Gamestop for $1.50. Also a game I played as a kid and never beat. I remember the journal they gave you with the game, I had that thing FULL of notes, maps, etc. Never got past the second world(s). XD