You know like for instance
Everyone likes Pokemon! Except for soulless sons of bitches that don't.
If you want to head down the bottomless pit of madness that is competitive Pokemon, then
here are some links to get you started. If you're willing to sacrifice playing against people that aren't assholes in exchange for not sinking hours upon hours into breeding and training, then try out
Shoddy Battle.
But that's not the only game we can talk about! There is also
Unlike Pokemon, Yugioh is a much more mature and complex game, whic--
YVD Is a program that'll let you play online. If you don't know the rules,
here's the rulebook. This is a good site for looking up cards and official rulings. Unless you're a little bitch, you play Advanced Format, which means that you play with the ban list enforced, which can be found
here, as well as when you first open up YVD.
Feel free to also talk about any other hobby that's symptomatic of Asperger's Syndrome.
Seriously though Yu-Gi-Oh is terrible
Pokemon kicks all sorts of ass, and is the main reason why I am sad I don't have a Gameboy
I guess I'm just older than you in manchild years
Duel Masters is a great game, no lie. Easily my favorite card game. I made it all the way to Nationals one year, too. I wish Wizards of the Coast wouldn't have discontinued it.
Oh yeah, because of this.
fuck yeah
Explain how it is unbalanced.
I never did play the one for PS2. I think I'm going to have to hit up Amazon right now.
I played it a year or two ago and it was missing a certain something. It's a little short, but it's serviceable.
It's the foil stamps. Makes the cards heavier on one end.
because the vast majority of cards are designed around going YOU ACTIVATED MY TRAP THAT KILLS EVERYTHING YOU HAVE AND MAKES ME WIN
oh yeah, infinite combos
never had it but my cousin did
n64 version is superior version
jesus christ
We should battle later.
Never have I seen a game where one type of deck can single-handedly control the competitive environment. From Yata-Lock to DAD to Gladiators to even earlier stuff like Jinzo-lock, there's always a deck which controls the metagame and is the "best deck". Sure, there are other decks which can be competitive, I had a lot of success with a Plant deck, but usually there is one deck to beat. In most other games there are a multitude of decks which have nearly equal power. Not saying that there haven't been unbalanced environments in games like Magic and Duel Masters (Affinity and Bombazar decks, respectively, for example), but on the whole they are naturally more balanced. Yu-Gi-Oh fixes a lot of it's problems with card banning, something other games have avoided in their standard play environments.
And infinite combos are either
A. Impractically difficult to set up
B. Banned shortly after they're discovered.
YGO Tag Force 4, right? The first one of the series based on the current 5D's storyline. I'd like to know myself how it's like, seeing as I haven't played any of the TF games. A reminder BTW that the next World Championship game for the DS comes out in February.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
there are always people over the age of ____ who _____
usually because they don't like ____ for the same reasons you did when you were 13
(sometimes it turns out ____ is actually a good game when you get past all the surface shit, but i dunno if that's the case here)
with yugioh it is not
m:tg is a pretty solid game, but god going to a tournament is an abuse on all the senses
Oh, so it's completely fine then, considering how other TCG's do the same thing?
An old friend came over the other day and borrowed a load of my stuff from like 10 years ago and is using it to win PTQs or whatever
I have no idea how you even played it. I remember a flipper. I think you just .. hit pogs with the flipper and if they landed upside down you got to keep them? Is that right?
Also: CROSSFIRE! You'll get caught up in the ... CROSSFIRE!
Also, I dunno about other card games, but Magic only doesn't have to maintain a banlist because every few months they ban everything. In Legacy play or whatever they call it where all sets are legal, they have a very extensive banlist.
That shit is fine when your age is in the single digits, but if you're still there 15 years later trying to catch and kiss the girls, you got problems son.
ever since time spiral and 10th, magic has been getting constantly better and more awesome
also they tend to do a pretty good job at balance, although faeries did dominate for a little while
sorry you all hate fun
it's actually pretty balanced. there is ALWAYS a way to disrupt a combo. there are hardly any instant wins, and what little there are, you have to build an entire deck around and even then it is pretty easy to disrupt
the game is nothing at all like the show
type 2 has has the 4 most recent sets at any given time(generally) they have actually been changing up the way sets work recently
and banlists most definitely exist for type 2
I bought a pack of Time Spiral after having been out of the game for almost a decade, got a foil Whatever Lotus, said "fuck yeah", and quit again.
But I get the itch all the time.
no one really understood how the pokemon tcg worked