Yet another "Help me remember that game" thread:

NerdtendoNerdtendo Registered User regular
edited January 2010 in Games and Technology
There's this freeware game for PC that involves stacking blocks. The play area is a circle suspended in the sky, and there's even an online game mode for competitive play. I forget exactly how the rules work, but as you build your tower up, and out, a circle on the play area forms around your blocks, showing the boundary of where you can build. That circle also represents some sort scoring method in the game, and you want to increase its size while decreasing the opposition's circle.

I remember thinking how much it could benefit from the Wii's motion controls, as it was rather frustrating placing blocks with the mouse.

Nerdtendo on


  • davidbarrydavidbarry Registered User regular
    edited January 2010

    Great game, made by some Digipen students.

    davidbarry on
  • NerdtendoNerdtendo Registered User regular
    edited January 2010
    Bingo. Thanks.

    Nerdtendo on
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