X-Men Thread: Regenesis is here, Phil Collins or Peter Gabriel?



  • UltimateInfernoUltimateInferno Registered User regular
    You should pick up Wolverine and the X-Men if you want fun X-Men

    "Ride or Die?" asked Goku

    "Ride or Die" confirmed Dominic Toretto, as they took off to find the Dragon Balls in hopes of reviving their friend Sonic
  • TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    info on the Journey Into Mystery/New Mutants Exiled crossover

    JiM 637-638
    New Mutants 32-33

    Written by Gillen and Andy Lanning, no Abnett, unless he Single White Female'd Gillen and this is the new writing duo Gillanning.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    That does look pretty great, actually

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Holy shit

    that looks amazing

  • wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Still don't give a shit about New Mutants. Will read this crossover though.

    wirehead26 on
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    that's a pretty darn out of left field crossover there

  • TeaSpoonTeaSpoon Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Is the girl in green Leah? Because Leah doesn't look like that. She's like twelve.

    [EDIT] Also, there appear to be two Lokis in that picture. I know adult Loki can do illusions, but I thought child Loki hasn't learned that trick yet.

    [EDIT2] Make that three Lokis. I get it now, though. That single huge picture is to be split up to make three covers. The comment about Leah still stands, though.

    TeaSpoon on
  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    It is a cover

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    that's a pretty darn out of left field crossover there
    Actually New Mutants and Journey into Mystery have had a few connections over the last few months, namely over Loki's brood of helpuppies

  • HenslerHensler Registered User regular
    It looks like there are two Leah/Hela's in that picture, too - the older looking one, and the younger one who is facing off against the Disir with Baseball Bat Boy and David Allan Coe.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Blankzilla wrote:
    that's a pretty darn out of left field crossover there
    Actually New Mutants and Journey into Mystery have had a few connections over the last few months, namely over Loki's brood of helpuppies

    Also in the past, because of Dani's connection to Hel

    Solar on
  • Caveman PawsCaveman Paws Registered User regular
    Glad to see X-Man has been reduced to a guy who just flashes his chest tat. Oh, he has TK too. :(

    I bet they have no idea what to do with him. Is it worth picking up New Mutants if I am only interested in one character?

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Actually X-Man has been pretty fantastic over in New Mutants

    so stop bein silly

  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    I'm still upset they took away his awesome jacket

  • TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    Glad to see X-Man has been reduced to a guy who just flashes his chest tat. Oh, he has TK too. :(

    I bet they have no idea what to do with him. Is it worth picking up New Mutants if I am only interested in one character?

    They have no idea what to do with him, really. He's had a big power decrease and hangs around on the fringes with Cypher in terms of screentime, offering the man on the street perspective in the group.

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    I'm still upset they took away his awesome jacket
    That is the greatest tragedy, yes

  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular

    RIP Nate's jacket

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Thing is, X-Man was one of the very few cases where a superhero actually is too powerful

    Because really, when any problem comes up, he should just own it. Pretty much without even needing to get out of bed.

    "Hi I'm Mr Sinister today I'm here to OH MY GOD GET OUT OF MY BRAAAAAIIIIN!!!"

    Solar on
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular

    RIP Nate's jacket

    That is a sweet jacket. Very Dr Strange-y with the edging and so on

  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    Solar wrote:
    Thing is, X-Man was one of the very few cases where a superhero actually is too powerful

    Because really, when any problem comes up, he should just own it. Pretty much without even needing to get out of bed.

    "Hi I'm Mr Sinister today I'm here to OH MY GOD GET OUT OF MY BRAAAAAIIIIN!!!"

    maybe they should have shipped Nate off to the Annihilators. he would have fit in pretty well there.

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    I would rather him be used by good writers in a depowered direction versus him being a psychic god king on a team that hasn't been seen since their mini.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Solar wrote:
    Thing is, X-Man was one of the very few cases where a superhero actually is too powerful

    Because really, when any problem comes up, he should just own it. Pretty much without even needing to get out of bed.

    "Hi I'm Mr Sinister today I'm here to OH MY GOD GET OUT OF MY BRAAAAAIIIIN!!!"

    maybe they should have shipped Nate off to the Annihilators. he would have fit in pretty well there.

    Yeah that would have worked

    That's where I would put Phoenix though

    that team is a bit of a sausage fest, and the number of women heroes with that power level is few and far between

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote:
    I would rather him be used by good writers in a depowered direction versus him being a psychic god king on a team that hasn't been seen since their mini.

    Yeah same here

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    edited February 2012

    Is anyone following any of the X-Men at the Academy on twitter?

    Kid Gladiator's are great. "I just punched to death 200 Brood creatures, all within Ms. Pryde's mammory glands!" Get in there son.

    Evan's on the other hand, they just make me want to give him a big hug and tell him everything will be okay.

    naturally, however, Rockslide makes the best tweets.

    Solar on
  • AriviaArivia I Like A Challenge Earth-1Registered User regular
    I really should be but I don't use twitter sooo

    but really, they are ultra-cool

    also glad Marvel is bringing back letters pages in their lighter titles, it's nice.

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    I don't have twitter either!

    I just read them, since there aren't that many and you don't need an account to read

    It's a cool little way to add some more character to the whole Marvel Universe, I like it a lot.

  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    man, every boy likes Idie, don't they? Broo seemed attracted to her in the first couple issues, Quentin hit on her in #5, and on Twitter they're hinting that Genesis has a crush on her too.

  • Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    man, every boy likes Idie, don't they? Broo seemed attracted to her in the first couple issues, Quentin hit on her in #5, and on Twitter they're hinting that Genesis has a crush on her too.

    it's because she negs herself

    their work is already done for them

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    man, every boy likes Idie, don't they? Broo seemed attracted to her in the first couple issues, Quentin hit on her in #5, and on Twitter they're hinting that Genesis has a crush on her too.

    It hints he has a crush on someone

    And yeah the eyes thing does mean possibly Idie

    But hey at the same time could be several other people

    Warbird, even

  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    the main thing to me that indicates it is that he tweeted the eyes thing almost immediately after she tweeted the thing about liking someone who she didn't think liked her back

    and then the thing where she tweeted at him asking if he was okay

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular

    That would be pretty cute

    even if they might actually end up being really bad for each other

    It would be cool though if Evan, who I think seems like a Christian, maybe helped Idie around to a form of faith with less self-hatred

    Religion can get a hard time in comics I think and it would be cool for this to go differently

    BUT we'll see! I have to say Evan is one of my favourite new characters so I watch his progress eagerly.

  • HenslerHensler Registered User regular
    I don't normally care for comic book romances (at least til Kitty and Logan get married), but Idie and Genesis would be a far awesomer couple than Idie and Evan.

  • BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Genesis is Evan

  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    In Deathlok's flashforward in #4 though, Idie and Quentin were together.

    Will a love triangle turn Evan evil??

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    I've said this before

    but if Evan does go evil

    then I feel that will be very disappointing

  • HenslerHensler Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote:
    Genesis is Evan

    My bad, I was thinking of a completely different character.

  • AutomaticzenAutomaticzen Registered User regular
    New Mutants is awesome. That is all. The stories are okay, but the character interactions are great. And I love me some Nate Grey. The last issue with Mephisto was wonderful.

    It's far closer to WaX than the rest of the X-line. Seriously, there's a undercurrent of greatness in the X-line, with New Mutants, Uncanny X-Force, and X-Factor, that culminates in the joy that is WaX.

    I write about video games and stuff. It is fun. Sometimes.
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    New Mutants is awesome. That is all. The stories are okay, but the character interactions are great. And I love me some Nate Grey. The last issue with Mephisto was wonderful.

    It's far closer to WaX than the rest of the X-line. Seriously, there's a undercurrent of greatness in the X-line, with New Mutants, Uncanny X-Force, and X-Factor, that culminates in the joy that is WaX.

    The X-line is doing really well right now, I think

    Sure, Gen Hope is getting cancelled, but I have really enjoyed it so far. UXF #18 was one of the best comics I have read in recent years, and the whole story leading up to that was great, with not really much of a drop-off in quality as the next arc has begun. WatXM is fantastic, it does one half of what I want with an X-book really well, while UXM does the other.

    Not reading the other books, but not because they are bad or anything. I can't actually think of a bad book that Marvel are putting out right now to be honest!

  • HenslerHensler Registered User regular
    Was Generation Hope cancelled for low sales or because of whatever is coming in AvX?

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Low sales I think

    which is kind of weird because you would think that AvX would bump or sales

    Which to me suggests that whatever is happening to Hope might have been part of that as well

    To be fair they are putting out eight X-books. That is a lot. Though Gen Hope did kind of draw me into the whole thing

    I'm kind of sad that @Balefuego is not around any more, since I got a lot of the new books on his recommendation, and now he is missing me get into the X-Men like he always wanted!

    I'm also kind of sad that he's not around because he was pretty cool as well, o' course

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