Hey, my buddy just bought a 1994 BMW 525i today. The car is wonderful and runs great.
However, we needed a code to start the radio up. We found it in the owner's manual, and got the radio to turn on, but we're not getting any sound. We can change stations, switch between input sources, and even toggle the bass and treble, but still no audio.
Anyone have an idea as to why? Is there something that we're missing? If it's broken, how much do you think it will cost to fix?
I hate you and you hate me.
Anyone know what the code is then or how to get it?
So while we can find out Monday, we'd like to know if there is an immediate solution.
I mean, I can't even hear any fuzzy noises or static when I try to listen to the radio. I was hoping it would be just a button push solution, not a complicated one with wires and stuff.
Since you can actually change stations etc, it sounds more like a speaker connection issue than a code issue though.
Yeah, it seems like the code is fine. I just can't get any sound from the speakers.
Can anyone recommend any good places to diagnose and fix this problem? (I am currently in Las Vegas).
All my local audio expresses have abysmal reviews, so I would prefer not to use them. I called BestBuy, and they said it will cost 40 dollars per half hour to diagnose the problem. After that, repair will cost anywhere from 50 to 100 dollars. Is this a normal price? Does anybody know of place that I can get it done for cheaper?
Otherwise, you get what you pay for and anyone worth his salt won't look at a car for too cheap when it could be as messy as the problem could be in your car.
Personally I'd try checking the connections on the speakers and at the back of the head unit first and find out if the stereo has any amps. Actually, if it does have seperate amps, maybe they're on their own fuse too, thus you'd get stereo power, but no sound. Then, the only problem would be finding what was added to overload that circuit.
I googled the official car club, went to the contact page, and e-mailed the president of the Las Vegas charter.
He responded in ten minutes, asked for my phone number because he didn't want to type out a solution, and called me within five minutes of me sending a response. We talked for a few and basically he said that he and a bunch of the other guys in the BMW Car Club have their own little shop.
He invited me to come down sometime on Wednesday and said that he and his friends would look at it for free. He also said that he thinks he has a few stereos/wire/amplifiers lying around for my car and that if he and his friends have enough time, they will fix it too.
So yeah, it's pretty awesome. I'm going to join the car club...figure I should to learn as much as I can about my car.
ZQ_TheBoss, every answer is in this thread already.
To the mods, you can lock this. I think I can say it's solved. xD