I've had a fever of about 102-103 for the last five days. My throat felt like it was on fire yesterday so I took a look and noticed that my tonsils are swollen and covered in pus. Like 6 or 7 pustules on each side. I got penicillin yesterday night but so far its only gotten worse. Anyone have any experience with this?
Specifically, have you ever had you tonsils reduce without having to get them removed?
I've been to the shitty clinic on campus and she barely even gave me penicillin. the reason I'm worried is because my sister almost died from the same thing when the campus clinic told her it was virulent and she'd get over it. She got over it with a 2 week stay in the hospital the next week. I can't see a real doctor because my insurance is through the clinic and they want to wait for the strep culture to come back Friday. My professors aren't any help either, just tell me to go to the campus clinic.
Other symptoms: general malaise, muschle aches, lots of sleeping, sore lymph nodes in my neck, headache.
I don't think its mono because my spleen is not enlarged and I have had no rashes.
tl;dr Worried about my tonsils, want to know if I should see help immediately before I wind up in the hospital or if people have actually had tonsils get better.
You should start doing gargling once or twice a day with Listerine, make sure you look to the sky when doing it so that your tonsils receive all the liquid. See a real doctor if you can.
This sounds like what I had when I was a kid. It was infact Mono. I never had an enlarged spleen or rashes at all. Are your tonsils so puss filled that anytime you eat, you cant really taste your food?
This really does sound like Mono.
Shit, it does sound like mono - except for the fatigue maybe...why the hell wouldn't they test me for it?
That is a good question. I would go in and have them test you for it. You can also go to one of those minute clinics and have them test you there if you would like. Unfortunately, with Mono, not really a great way of getting rid of besides sleeping and drinking just a ton of fluids.
When I had mono, every day was a bit different, one day I felt quite a bit better then the next I just wanted to sleep all day. This lasted for about 4-6 months. I then got sick quite a few times after since mono literally disables your immune system and highly acceptable to getting sick quite a bit their after.
My symptoms when I had it was lethargic, tired, aching, swollen throat, very pussy (alot of spitting out puss) some white spots on the back of the throat, swollen tonsils, headaches.
You didn't need a tonsillectomy though? That's the thing I'm most scared of. I'm in med school and can't afford to be out that long. Repeating a year would be waaay too expensive.
However, I find it slightly odd that your college clinic didn't test you for mono, at my school you could go in with a broken hand and they would test you for mono :P
No tonsillectomy. Like Kistra, I am fairly certain I had strep during Mono. I believe during the time and after I had mono for a good year I had strep probably 6 times.
That being said, treat any information you get online as very suspect, from any source. Medical information can by wildly misinterpreted without the proper educational background, and information on public websites can be years or even decades out of date.
So if you're going to take one thing from this thread, take this: talk to the doctor. Bring up your family history.
Yeah, my tonsils were huge for about three weeks and it still resolved on its own without surgery. Do get a proper diagnosis (get a blood test for mono even if the strep test comes back positive) and don't freak out about the possibility of surgery.
A tonsillectomy isn't major surgery. There is no reason a tonsillectomy would cause you to need to repeat an entire year of med school. One of my friends had an appendectomy and still passed the class we were currently in. Obviously it will depend on where you are and during rotations you will need to make up some time, but first and second year your dean will likely bend over backwards to make it all work out. Go talk to your student dean and go back to the clinic.
My tonsils swelled up dramatically about this time last year. It was bad, I couldn't eat, I couldn't even talk. My dad finally took me to a MedExpress so I would stop complaining, and I'm lucky I went when I did. If the tonsils would have swelled any further they could have obstructed my breathing.
Spent two wonderful days in the hospital on antibiotics and steroids, and they had to lance one of my tonsils to remove an abscess.
So yeah, if they are as bad as you say they are, get them checked out again.