[Glossolalia presents: RADlands] The Enema of Amigara Fault

SquallSquall hap cloudRegistered User regular
edited February 2010 in Social Entropy++

Seven days ago, the world ended. Not with a bang, or with a whimper, but with a sound like a camel being shoved through the eye of a needle.

Grab your shotgun and don your re-purposed sporting equipment - Ragnarok's come and it's time to mess shit up.

Seasons one, two and three now available on UMD!

If you do not want to make a character, but would still like to bip in occasionally/fuck with the players, then do I have good news for you! Characters whose names are written in Lime may be controlled by anyone who wanders into the thread. Anyone. Just make sure to post the character's actions in Sandybrown so DE?AD notices them.

There are currently five (!) missions happening simultaneously:

[The Eye of the Sandstorm] [Dubh, scarlet st., VALVEjunkie, Zanzibar] [MISSION COMPLETE]
Estimated Location: Western Nevada
Description: Nearby the Raider camp there is a perpetual sandstorm, a never-ending spire of dust, wind and grit marring the landscape. Your mission is to find the "eye" of this supernatural storm, investigate the phenomena, and keep an eye out for any dangers or allies that might be found in this inhospitable terrain.
Unlocked Ads: [Gritty], [Muad'Dib]

[The Cliffs of Insanity] [Squall, Raneados, Antimatter, Lockout, romanqwerty, Tommy2Hands]
Estimated Location: Western Nevada
Description: The Raider camp appears to be situated on the top of a tremendous cube, a suspicious geographic formation at best, Inconceivable! Your mission is to go to the nearby cliffs and explore them for possible dangers, boons, and safe places to scale or descend the cliffs.
Unlockable Ads: [Acrobat], [Death From Above], [Scale the Foe]

[Mayfield is Undead] [Krosius, Marshmallow, Shabooty, Cheeseliker, DontShootToasters]
Estimated Location: Western Nevada
Description: "The Roof", the tippy top of the Clark Tower just barely juts above the desert near the Raider Camp. A few refugees have come to the camp, bearing stories of a buried city, mutated monsters, and the rotten trappings of a civilization devestated. However, there may be valuable items and scrap to be found, and information to be gathered. A group must be sent to further explore the ruins of Mayfield, and bring word of possible enemies or benefits back to the Raider Camp.
Unlockable Ads: [Tunnel Lord], [Adept Looter], [No Fear]

[Warren's Crepes] [DLC] [Purchased by: Squall, Dubh, Marshmallow, DontShootToasters, Raneados]
Estimated Location: Western Nevada
Description: Leo Dryer, a new refugee to The Camp, tells of a family restaurant transported into the desert. An evil presence has taken over the restaurant, causing Leo to flee in search of help. This optional task must be undertaken by a group willing to delve into the very bowels of hell to save a place that serves really really really good hash browns.
Unlockable Ads: ???

[The Chopper Block] [Dux]
Estimated Location: Western Nevada
Description: You've been tasked with taking out an entire military complex with a few irRADiated bullets to steal a helicopter for reasons unknown. Why the hell not?
Unlockable Ads: [Against All Ods] [Unilateral Damage]

[The Ink Spots] [NeoToma, Firetruck, Speed Racer]
Estimated Location: Western Nevada
Description: You're travelling on a floating tank with a sociopath. The obvious course of action is to find civilized life, and more importantly, a tattoo parlor, because looking good is what's important in the wasteland.
Unlockable Ads: [Scissor Sisters] [City Slicker]

[The Deluge] [Viscount Islands]
Estimated Location: Probably near Seattle
Description: You just got the shit kicked out of you by the most rag-tag group of wasters ever, have no idea where you are, and to top it all off you're being possessed by a homicidal freak of nature who only views you as a tool to be discarded later. Try to look at the bright side though! Nah, there is no bright side, it's rainy as fuck.
Unlockable Ads: [Quadrophenia] [Ah yes, "Freakers"]

Ads that we missed the chance to unlock: [Iron Blood], [Expert Forager], [Charmer], [Shank], [Burglar], [Sandworm Rider]

Squall on


  • LockoutLockout I am still searching Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    oh good, Squall stepped up

    I really didn't want to have to make it twice in a row

    Lockout on
  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Antimatter on
  • SquallSquall hap cloud Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    my first thread, I will treat it as my own flesh and blood

    Squall on
  • LockoutLockout I am still searching Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Lockout wrote:

    bachelor party table on Illium

    "Please shut up before you ruin asari for me."

    OP is updated, by the way. erryone except Bear and FT
    Did you see the Turian trying to use the xkcd method* of picking up women on the quarian on the other side of the bar?

    I think I did. I only listened in once, then went to bed. She was complaining to the Turian about her human boyfriend wanting to do it all-natural, right?
    I dunno what the xkcd method is but if you're referring to the dude who was telling the girl that she just needs someone who'll appreciate her etc. etc. then it's hardly fair to give credit to xkcd for what should be credited to various dirtbags throughout history

    he's talking about this comic which the whole xkcd community hilariously misinterpreted into the loser being the good guy

    it's pretty much the best thing about xkcd

    Lockout on
  • scarlet st.scarlet st. Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I wanna be a sandwurm rider so bad. That's not even a De?ad approved Ad but I want it so bad.

    scarlet st. on
  • alternatingAberrationalternatingAberration I am the milk man My milk is deliciousRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    [Mayfield is Undead]
    [phys 4][Soc 2][Ment 2] Wounds:[] Bruises:[] RADS: COLOR="Lime"]OOO[/COLOR [ST]

    "Alright! So we're goin' to mayfield, huh? Cool, that's chill, that's chill." Jayce whispers, looking at the 3 who were going to spelunk a sunken city with him.

    "So...we takn' the winnebago over there, or...?" Jayce whispers, a bit lost for words suddenly being in a group of people new to him and for the most part not horribly mutated.

    Well, except for that Chet, guy. Sweet christ, what a massive gourd.

    "More like Wanna-Bang-oh! Am I right?"

    alternatingAberration on
  • SquallSquall hap cloud Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I know I've complained about the Speed ad before but

    I think it needs some tweaking, namely for characters with less than a four in physical.

    If you have a one or two physical, your land speed is 10 or 15 MPH.

    Perhaps we should make (5 x Physical) + 15? That way your speed can range from 20 to 35 MPH.

    Squall on
  • DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    that's fairly fast, Squall

    no need for tweaking

    Doobh on
    Miss me? Find me on:

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  • SquallSquall hap cloud Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    5 mph is walking speed, 10 mph is a light jog. Maybe make it 20mph across the board?

    Squall on
  • DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    2-3 mph is walking speed

    we're talking a sustained 10 mph no matter what for the speed ad

    plus, having one point in physical means you are physically frail, two is average

    Doobh on
    Miss me? Find me on:

    Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
    Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
  • scarlet st.scarlet st. Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Speed hasn't really come into play for Wolf at alllll

    scarlet st. on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    10 mph is not a "light jog"

    Raneados on
  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    well, I can see where Squall's coming from, as Super Speed kinda implies that you'd be above average if you had the ad, no matter what Phys stat you have

    but, I'm fine with how it is

    Antimatter on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Speed hasn't really come into play for Wolf at alllll

    i'd say being able to attack first in combat is pretty good by itself

    Raneados on
  • scarlet st.scarlet st. Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Guys do I need to post the video of a wolf outrunning a goddamn caribou for 2 miles again

    scarlet st. on
  • alternatingAberrationalternatingAberration I am the milk man My milk is deliciousRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    You don't have to, but I would watch it.

    alternatingAberration on
  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Raneados wrote: »
    10 mph is not a "light jog"

    It's a 6 minute mile. Feels pretty light for the first quarter mile, the middle half is hell on earth, the last quarter mile your breathing goes all cold and you start to think this is what death feels like.

    and then some asshole jumps out of the sidelines and trips you because he thinks it'd be funny and you see it coming but you're way to tired to get out of the way and he knocks you on your face and you get up because fucking 6 minute mile and you end up missing it by 2 seconds and one day I'm going to track down that motherfucker and kill him for fucking up my first 6 minute mile.

    So yeah, "light jog" is about right, depending on your fitness and how long you intend to keep it up.

    Marshmallow on
  • scarlet st.scarlet st. Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I think this is a different video.

    edit: ugh nevermind, that shit was like the same thing. i swear there was a better clip on Planet Earth


    in 720p you can see the green turn to brown as the caribou eat fucking everything

    scarlet st. on
  • SquallSquall hap cloud Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I guess I'm just a silly goose then


    Squall on
  • scarlet st.scarlet st. Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    see there's a different clip from a different episode of planet earth, but the only version i can find on youtube is awful

    scarlet st. on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Raneados wrote: »
    10 mph is not a "light jog"

    It's a 6 minute mile. Feels pretty light for the first quarter mile, the middle half is hell on earth, the last quarter mile your breathing goes all cold and you start to think this is what death feels like.

    and then some asshole jumps out of the sidelines and trips you because he thinks it'd be funny and you see it coming but you're way to tired to get out of the way and he knocks you on your face and you get up because fucking 6 minute mile and you end up missing it by 2 seconds and one day I'm going to track down that motherfucker and kill him for fucking up my first 6 minute mile.

    So yeah, "light jog" is about right, depending on your fitness and how long you intend to keep it up.

    isn't the record for a mile like 5 minutes and change?

    10 mph is average "run" speed for your average joe. Fitness programs base caloric loss on a "run" of about 10mph

    it's definitely tiring to run 10mph for any sort of time over a few minutes, yeah, let alone being able to run indefinitely at 10mph, so i say that's good

    also: scarlet you don't get extra perks because you chose to be an animal :P

    Raneados on
  • alternatingAberrationalternatingAberration I am the milk man My milk is deliciousRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I will have to factor in the running speed of wolves come ragnarok.

    alternatingAberration on
  • VALVEjunkieVALVEjunkie Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    god I love that new thread smell

    VALVEjunkie on
  • scarlet st.scarlet st. Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Raneados wrote: »
    also: scarlet you don't get extra perks because you chose to be an animal :P

    bright eyes and speed is p worth it

    scarlet st. on
  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited February 2010

    "I wouldn't be surprised if the group going to the cliffs would prefer the Winnebago, they've got more people then us, and more non-human shaped people for that matter, most of them would have a lot of trouble fitting in the van's seats.

    With four people in the van we could lower the back seats and give you some room to stretch out, Jayce. Not quite as roomy as the Winnebago would be but still enough I think."

    Marshmallow on
  • DE?ADDE?AD Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    Alright, let's get on with it, then.

    Kayne, Ori, sad to see you guys go. You're always welcome to jump back in if you want.

    The Mothertrucker bursts through the outer wall of the sandstorm, myriad tires slipping wildly as they shift from dry dirt to loose sand dunes contained within the storm. The quad headlights of the armored vehicle do their best, but between the dull green light of the moon, and the flying wall of sand, they don't really do anything to improve visibility.

    After a half an hour of rolling across the largely featureless face of the desert mesa, the Winnebago rolls up to the very edge, the heavy, somewhat awkward vehicle lurching slightly as it comes to a stop. Hundreds of feet below, rolling, golden countryside spreads out as far as you can see. Far in the distance you see what looks to be an almost perfectly spherical crater tucked among the hills, just a few miles off of the free way leading out of the cliff face below.

    Not exactly sure what you're looking for here, but the view sure is pretty.

    The D+ Team minivan pulls to a stop beside the observation deck of the buried Clark tower. The first obstacle for any scavenging missions is immediately apparent - a single elevator, even a large one, is hardly optimal for this sort of thing.

    [18 vs. 15]
    Leaving his car parked behind one of the larger hills, the Hanged Man quietly makes his way toward the base itself. As soon as the moon comes up, the lights go on in the base, cutting through the strange hazy green glow of the post-Crash moon - looks like the big crater didn't manage to knock out the place's generator.

    The Hanged Man manages to sneak all the way up to the chain-link fence surrounding the base, narrowly dodging the gaze of one of the handful of soldiers inside by ducking down into a bit of heat-blasted shrubbery. The guard glances around suspiciously before turning away and continuing on his rounds.

    The tank continues to rocket through the lime-tinted night sky, the bright green moon shining down from above. Jen raises a hand to shelter her eyes from the non-existent sun and peers into the distance. "Yo, you see that?" she asks pointing at a tiny rise on the horizon. "Looks like it might be a town or something, maybe worth checking out."

    After a few more minutes, the tank lands in what, it turns out, is a small town - looks like one of those horrid little trucker settlements that pop up along the interstate. Weirdly empty, though, even for a post-Crash town, and dead quiet.

    DE?AD on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    oh god here we go!

    people were wondering how de?ad deals with 3 adventures at once

    now he's doing 5

    always gotta show us who's the boss

    Raneados on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    how the fuck are we going to get the Winnebago down this

    Raneados on
  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    [Cliffs of Insanity]
    Sticks: Phy 2[] Soc 3[] Ment 3[] RADsCOLOR="Lime"][B]OOO[/B][/COLOR

    During the half hour car ride, Sticks has done some thinking.
    We're going to investigate the so-called "Cliffs of Insanity". This unit is not nervous, as it is already insane.
    After we get back from this affair, this unit has decided that it needs to find something to be carried around. After analysis, this unit has decided that a nice, sturdy staff in the form of a V-shaped guitar is in order. For one, it would look cool. For another, music is important, and must be kept alive in at least one way. Lastly, this unit feels that the need to bludgeon things is something that must be met.

    There is another idea, one that can not possibly be confirmed as of yet, it is much too early. This unit has observed the irrationality of most Altered beings, from Mutants to Robots to Psychics, even the sole Freaker met is odd. This unit hopes to find out what caused the RAD Wave, and if possible, reverse it. With help, naturally, such a task is far too grand to be accomplished alone. An army will be needed, filled with departments of all sorts. The reason for this idea is this: Rationality must rule. Irrationality, even if it brings superpowers and extraordinary abilities, must be stopped. Order must be brought to the RAD Lands, no matter the cost. With luck, this venture should bring some new information to the table. If it is impossible to reverse the RAD Wave, this unit will hang its head in sorrow.

    Upon seeing the crater, Sticks claps his hands together in glee. This may be a worthwhile trip after all.

    Antimatter on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    i hope sticks realizes that reversing the crash would probably kill all robots

    Raneados on
  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    This unit is not nervous, as it is already insane.

    Antimatter on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    insane people can think


    Raneados on
  • DontShootToastersDontShootToasters the prettiest bulb at the ballRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    It seems to me that Sticks understands the risks, but sees rationality as worth risking both his life and the lives of his robotic brethren

    or he could be fuckin loco

    hard to tell

    DontShootToasters on
  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    It seems to me that Sticks understands the risks, but sees rationality as worth risking both his life and the lives of his robotic brethren

    or he could be fuckin loco

    hard to tell

    hey, you got what I was going for! awesome.

    Antimatter on
  • MarshmallowMarshmallow Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I think he categorized himself as Irrational earlier. Could be it would be worth his nullified existence to have a world that made sense.

    Sacrificed for the greater good and all that.

    EDIT: or what Toasters said.

    Marshmallow on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    toasters that reminds me

    you are a good gloss player why don't you join

    Raneados on
  • DontShootToastersDontShootToasters the prettiest bulb at the ballRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    I've been thinking about it

    I don't have any experience with this sort of thing, but that was true of a couple of the players before they joined

    If a good character idea hits me then i might just jump in

    DontShootToasters on
  • RaneadosRaneados police apologist you shouldn't have been there, obviouslyRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    yeah this is my first and it's tonnes of fun

    plus: you're a funny dude and THIS COULD BE YOUR CHANCE

    your chance to become a forum regular

    you might get the raneados seal of approval
    that helps

    Raneados on
  • alternatingAberrationalternatingAberration I am the milk man My milk is deliciousRegistered User regular
    edited February 2010
    [Mayfield is Undead]
    [phys 4][soc 2][ment 2] Wounds[] Bruises[] RADCOLOR="Lime"]OOO[/COLOR [ST]

    "Dude, it's times like this I'm glad for the crash" Jayce whispers, stepping out of the D+ Team Van.

    "I mean, can you imagine an A-team remake without the Mr.T? Not heinous man..."

    Jayce presses the down button on the elevator and slithers in.

    "I wonder where he is right now. Who he's pitying."

    alternatingAberration on
  • VALVEjunkieVALVEjunkie Registered User regular
    edited February 2010
    oh shit, Kros thats a really good question

    Its only been a week what is the rest of the populace doing?

    VALVEjunkie on
This discussion has been closed.