I tried building my own rig for the first time recently. It has been an frustrating experience.
It ran pretty well, except that once in a while the screen would turn a solid, random color and freeze, and I always have to hard reboot out of this. It didn't matter if I was browsing the internet or playing Mass Effect, it just occasionally happened.
I tried switching out the memory and the videocard with hardware that worked in other computers, but I always get the same problem.
I spent a few hours trying different combinations of hardware and tinkering with the computer today; after one of these hard reboots the computer tried a "Repair Windows" start up, which froze and then became a solid blue screen with messages about DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.
Since that first blue screen, I have seen it several more times and I can never successfully boot to windows without freezing up.
I can still get into BIOS just fine. Everything seems to work pretty normally during start up, except that after the computer boots long enough it freezes or throws this error screen; also, the hard drive rattles and makes more noise than it used to.
So, hard drive issue? What might fix this, what should I test?
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
This is your warning marker, if you're sure it's rattling, make a backup NOW. Use a live CD and mount it, and hope nothing goes boom. Or click.
I only have one project on the hard drive and I've been backing it up nightly, so fortunately data loss is not a concern.
I got Ubuntu running, but a few minutes later the screen turned a solid color and froze up again - the same old problem windows has always had.
What should I look for when I'm in Ubuntu? Or, is the fact that it booted evidence enough that the hard drive is not physically damaged?