Well figures to be exact...specifically action figures, mostly Transformers new and old. My collection has grown much faster than anticipated since I have gotten fulltime working status and I am discovered local places that sell figures cheap.
Although I don't plan to sell them anytime soon I am sure I will one day need to, however for both space concerns and in the interest of keeping them in decent condition I am on the hunt for things to put them in other than cardboard boxes from Walmart.
I display some but something tells me that when my girlfriend's parents come over 930647196514078956480713 Transformers lining every shelf of my home is not going to help my case. So good folks can you recommend how I should store them?
I'd like to every once in a while change the ones that are on display, and I was thinking something along the lines of how I have my collector's football stuff (signed footballs, autographs etc) that is some kind of glas/plexi-glass/clear plastic case, with some sort of stand. This would help keep things need and I wouldn't need a billion labels since everything would be clearly recognizable on sight. Unfortunately the figures are of course in varying shapes and sizes so I can't just buy stuff in bulk.
Likely the ones that aren't standing/fighting on a shelf or desk are going to be sitting in a closet, under a bed, or whatever so again the idea of modularity using rectangular cases seems best but I am open to suggestions.