Allright, so about a week ago, I turned on my 360 then BAMN a bunch of wacky colors flashed on the screen... then everything went pitch black.
I had sound, but no video. Which is pretty much a variant of the ring of death... minus the, well, ring of death. After looking online for a fix, I came across the popular "penny" trick.
This is composed of taking your 360 apart and pasting (with thermal paste) three electric tape covered pennies to the four little black squares near the X-clamps.
AND GUESS WHAT!? IT WORKED! I had video baby!
While I've given my 360 it's eyes back, but I have a few little nagging issues I want to make sure aren't a threat to my controllers or game discs.
These issues are
A. Now the fan sounds like a goddamn rocket. The fans sound twice as loud now. Dunno if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
B. The dvd drive doesn't close with the face plate on. Is a face plate really THAT important?
Keep in mind, in a few weeks I'm gonna be able to afford a new 360, so this is just a temp fix to allow me to play SSFIV untill I get the new system. I just want to be sure that I'm not putting my fightstick or game disc at risk.
REALLY TRULY AND HONESTLY THANK YOU for any help you can toss my way.
WARNING: Picture below may cause spontaneous growth of facial hair and/or body hair.
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The only time i've had my xbox sound like that was when one of my cats decided it was an awesome idea to crawl into the cabinet behind the xbox and park himself there. The airflow couldn't get past his fur, and the xbox started to scream. It stopped pretty quickly when i made him move.
no idea about the fan, might be related to assembly issues and stuff is rattling/vibrating around a bit when before it was all held flush together.
Alll I needed to hear
Thanks for the quick answers you guys. I'm pretty sure the loud fans have something to do with the fact my system pretty much over heated and broke... hence the problem in the first place. Whatever the case, I'll be getting a new 360 in less then a month so I'll put up woth the disc drive problem and the fan issue till then.
Image by Sharpwriter on