What is Planetside II?
"Planetside II" is the sequel to the celebrated but only modestly successful MMO "Planetside". It is a first person, open world shooter where soldiers from 3 different factions battle for control of bases, landmass and glory. The emphasis is on large scale battles between air, infantry and tanks and it was not uncommon to end up in fights between hundreds of people in the original. Where the first game had a monthly subscription, this sequel will not. The plan is for it to be free to play with some sort of cash shop.
The first game came out just before the MMO boom in 2003. It immediately found a core fanbase but the game suffered from many isssues large and small and saw a major drop in player numbers after the first 6 months. Shortly thereafter the MMO behemoth "World of Warcraft" came out and gutted the population further. As a result, Planetside was largely abandoned by SOE and the game was left with a skeleton crew of developers.
However, the game has survived to present day as one of the extremely rare MMOFPS products on the market and while it never reached any particularly great heights, almost everyone saw the massive potential in the game. Now fans hope that Planetside II can live up to the expectations.
So what's the deal, man?
In Planetside II you will get to fight as a soldier in one of three different factions:
The Vanu Sovereignty.
"The destiny of the human species tilts toward ruin. Thousands of years of shortsightedness and provincial thinking have hampered its proper evolution. We plunge toward oblivion. Those able to comprehend the promise and potential of humanity will advance. They will usher the less gifted through the gateway of understanding and cleanse the taint of blindness, ignorance and mulishness from the species. We are the shepherds of evolution, the harbingers of progress. We lead toward the light."
—Vanu Sovereignty information brochure
The Vanu Sovereignty (VS) is an Enlightened/fanatical faction established around the technology of the exctinct alien species that once inhabited the planet of Auraxis, the world we're fighting for in the game. Their weapons are all energy based and most of their vehicles tend to
hover. Oh, and they love the colour purple!
The Terran Republic
"Loyalty until Death! Strength in Unity! Order requires law. Law is enforced through deterrence. Deterrence is based on the fear of consequences, and fear is the most powerful motivating force. The separatist groups, the Vanu Sovereignty and the New Conglomerate, will be dismantled through the exercise of forceful deterrence. Dissidents will fear the consequences of their disloyalty. Unity and order will be restored."
—Terran Republic propaganda poster
The Terran Republic (TR) is the benevolent overlord/evil dictator and they have an affinity for fast firing ballistic weapons and tanks and the colors red and black! They used to be the big dogs on campus and are now fighting to wrest control back of Auraxis from the other two factions.
The New Conglomerate
"Tear down the Threat that is Tyranny! Burn it all down and Start Again! We call all able-bodied soldiers to The Frontlines to take up arms against those who would deprive us of our basic freedoms. Do not forgive! Do not forget the History of Oppression that we have endured at the hands of the Terran brutes and the Vanu maniacs! Volunteer Now!"
—New Conglomerate recruitment bulletin
The New Conglomerate (NC) are the freedom-fighting idealists/terrorists who want to usher in a new era for the people of Auraxis and their focus is on slow but hardhitting vehicles and guns. Their favourite colors are yellow and blue!
For more detailed info check out the videos below!
Random Screenshots!http://a.yfrog.com/img816/1926/ivajp.jpghttp://a.yfrog.com/img740/9135/74xjyq.jpghttp://a.yfrog.com/img875/3664/qhbli.jpghttp://a.yfrog.com/img737/8495/2vscl.jpghttp://a.yfrog.com/img876/8745/a06kv.jpgPersonal thoughts:
I loved parts of Planetside. Parts of Planetside became the best experiences I've ever had in an MMO. That is how good Planetside could be! A bridge battle with a hundred guys on each side trying to blow each other up so they could cross the bridge was just pure gaming euforia.
However, the game really suffered from a lack of support from the developers and a lot of assorted design issues. If they can take what they learned from Planetside and turn it into the game the fans want, this could become amazing.
Mouse over the counter.
I'd expect a company of game programmers to be able to do something simple like make their own god damned counter.
I really did like Planetside. Flawed, sure, but some of my greatest gaming moments come from that game. There really was nothing else like it. Maybe that is why I was able to put up with the game's flaws.
I hope for the best.
I wonder how much the past reactions of the Planetside community will be influencing whatever they're planning next. Because as the population in the game dwindled, the people who were left got more dead set on their expectations on how things should operate. To this day, the thing that always got me about Planetside was how vocal people were against most of the added content. Like the giant robots. Sure when they were first released they had tons of balance problems, but never before have I seen a community of gamers who were so inherently opposed to the very concept of massively multiplayer mixed vehicle warfare with giant robots.
BFR's kind of messed up the nice vehicle system they had going, which relied on land and air. With BFR's you just have these big robots driven by one or two people which create a huge presence on the battlefield. It felt pretty jarring to players who were used to the original vehicle lineup. Even stuff like the Liberator was a bit odd to me.
Steam (Ansatz) || GW2 officer (Ansatz.6498)
Ok, to say I loved planetside would be a understatement. If they manage to get it more right with this I would pretty much be guaranteed to buy.
I had to admit the big hullaballoo over BFRs sort of puzzled me too. Change happens, and granted the change in PS was often weird and seemed unrelated to anything, but they didn't _ruin_ the game the way people bitched about. Personally my favorite PS memory is directly related to the BFR release. See, In my outfit I had the greatest Liberator bombadier ever. If I could get over a target, he would put every single bomb on it. Everytime. When they were just released, before the flight variants, BFRs were slow, big ass targets. One full bomb rack would wreck their shields first pass. Second pass would do them in, either strafing with the gun or hitting them with a second set of bombs. So, a day or two after release, he and I are prowling... find a few BFRs. Long story short, it ends with 4-6 guys in their big, shiny badass new robots cowering behind capitol shields from us as we circle lazilly above. So.Awesome.
I even played on dialup...mostly fine! Froze on big battles but still, fun!
I honestly hope they just streamline the original Planetside and stay true to the systems they had in place that made it amazing. Maybe we'll finally be able to access cross-factin equipment via hacked terminals this time around.
BRF's were a joke though, you had to do a lot of the most unfun fighting in the game to get them, then you got them and they had weak weapons and they exploded if anyone even looked at you funny.
You never played Tribes 2 did you? The game was basically Tribes 2 plus Battlefield.
Running over dudes in the halls of their own base was the best thing.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I'd expect a company of game programmers to spend five minutes on Google to grab what's needed and spend the rest of the day playing TF2.
I find it funny that, of all the many things horribly wrong with the game, people harp on the fucking giant robots. Not the implants (or whatever they were called), not the caves, not the horribly unbalanced weapons, but the fucking robots which, what, were briefly overpowered and then toned down later? And had interesting mechanics such as locational damage, shields, etc?
What does that tell you? That everyone was able to over look all the flaws of the game to get rid something that should of been removed. BFRs were a horrible idea that should have never been added and no one shoud never ever defended them in the least.
Steam Name: Dr.Oblivious
If you can't live for the now, at least live for the future.
I'm sorry, but "Let's add giant fucking robots" has never, ever been a bad idea for anything ever, let alone a horrible one.
There were other problems, most of which can be overlooked in hindsight (not including Core Combat).
Steam (Ansatz) || GW2 officer (Ansatz.6498)
Says someone who must have never played Planetside. It was an awful idea, and an awful implementation. Lets hope they dont come back for Planetside 2
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
Indeed, because from that quote tree it's obvious he'd never played Planetside.
Wait, what.
Don't get me wrong, I'd kill to have that game in my hands right now!
But, we're hoping it is bigger than that.
You can now outfit your TR, Vanu and NC troops with a variety of WACKY ZANY HATS!!
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
This was one of the most fun games I had played at that time. I wish that I had a better connection and a better rig so that when it was a huge push I didn't get 2 fps. Still, had a great time playing this back in the day.
Reaver spam was only bad if you didn't play a real faction like the TR. All those missile trails just made it easier to track those fuckers with the striker.
Fixxed that for you. TR Markov, Cosmocratores all the way bitches.
Heh too true. Although I never did much MAXing. I was mostly an AMS/Bangbus/Galaxy driver.
It looks disturbingly like the center of the Tabula Rasa logo.
It's closer to that than any of the main Planetside logos, anyway.
I wasn't playing Planetside when they first added the BFRs, and I gather they were massively overpowered then, and I won't try to deny that. When I played, they didn't massively outclass tanks and were considerably more difficult to acquire and had some big vulnerabilities.
Regardless of the implementation, however, the concept was sound: less common, more powerful, high-priority targets to spice up vehicle combat. Putting them on a relatively longer cooldown and making you jump through stupid hoops to get them, however, didn't really do enough to satisfy the "less common" requirement, but that's an implementation issue.
Another issue is that all combat devolved into indoor hallway-spam in the end, which basically could only be broken by some dipshit on your team running into your lasher / pounder / thumper / whatever spam and giving you a weapon lock. The game really needed more base variety, especially some outdoor-only bases to emphasize the vehicle combat, and much larger, indoor complexes to emphasize the infantry combat (though, uh, not Core Combat...)
But before that it was hilarious to just zoom around and run squads over in my purple little tank
Steam (Ansatz) || GW2 officer (Ansatz.6498)
They really should've done something like have two reticules: a "target" one which moves at full speed, and then the one in the center of your screen which is ACTUALLY where you're aiming, which will move (or I guess, you'll turn) at the reduced speed to where you're pointing. Moving your mouse slowly will have them match each other always, but if you move too fast then your actual aiming reticule has to play catchup with your mouse.