Grimm: The Lost BoysTHE CHARACTERS
Regina Carston
Female, Age 10
Like her two older brothers, Regina went through an incredible growth spurt the summer before third grade. Seemingly overnight, she shot up like a bean pole while the other girls remained short and acquired her first training bra while everyone else was flat as a board. Third grade started out as hell for her, the other girls teasing her for her height and the boys sitting behind her pulling on her bra straps in the middle of class. Soon, she started to come home crying and her brothers, well feared bullies in the junior high and known by all children in town, weren’t too happy about it. They toughened her up and taught her to fight. Soon she realized her new body was not a curse but a blessing that allowed her to retaliate to the verbal abuse in a more physical manner. Given that no boys have had their growth spurts yet, she is equally effective in intimidating and hurting boys up through the 5th grade. She’s the most feared bully of the elementary school, the next in line in the Carston family reign of terror on the educational system.
Regina, often referred to simply as “Reg” by fearful potential victims and “Reggie” by her brothers, is a tough young gal on the surface. If you could get beyond this well constructed exterior, you’d see a myriad of insecurities about her physical appearance, her lack of girlfriends and her secret love for dolls. She maintains a tomboy image to not only fit in with her brothers but to set herself apart from the other girls in order to convince them, and hopefully herself, that she doesn’t need them anyway. As much as she denies it to herself and everyone else, a part of her wants to be invited to the sleepovers and chase boys on the playground. Her greatest secret is her doll collection, which she keeps locked away in a trunk at the foot of her bed. She received them at a young age and convinced her brothers she had thrown “those stupid, ugly dolls” out, while keeping them safely tucked away for private moments.
GRADE: 3rd
SHAPE: Person
SPEED Average
Cool 4th, Pluck 1st, Imagination 1st, Luck 1st, Muscle 4th
Hide 1st, Seek 2nd, Scamper 1st, Scrap 5th, Throw 2nd
4-H --, Book Learning 1st, Boy Scouts --, Country Club --,
Gaming --, Home Ec --, Industrial Arts 3rd, Juvie 2nd
Head of her favorite doll wrapped securely in a bandana.
Each time she suffers a wound, she must make a Pluck test with a difficulty of one grade per her total number of wounds (including the just-suffered wound). If she fails, she becomes scared, and continues to be scared until the wound has been healed or the source of her injury is neutralized or no longer present.
Protecting Your Rep (Iconic): Once per scene when making a test in a trait that is lower than your Cool, you may use your Cool trait instead of the appropriate trait, plus whatever advantages or disadvantages would be normal for the test. After doing so, your Cool is expended by one grade.
Threats (Archetype): Regina is especially adept at pushing around those who are smaller or weaker than her. She may spend a turn making an opposed Cool test against a character within a stone’s throw who can see or hear her. The target characters need not understand her language, so long as he is intelligent enough to read her body language or tone of voice. Additionally, the target character must fulfill at least one of the following three requirements:
1. Has a lower personal grade than Regina
2. Has a lower Muscle trait than Regina
3. Is of a smaller stature than the Regina
If Regina wins an opposed test, she receives an advantage on her Scrap tests against the target for this scene. The advantage is equal to +1 for each grade by which Regina wins the test.
Big Kid (General): Requirement: Muscle 4th.
Although your stature is kid-sized, you are considered adult-sized for the purposes of using Scrap as a defense trait (but not as an attack trait) and when making opposed Muscle tests, including when wrestling.
Special: When it really counts, you can be as tough as any grownup. You may spend your turn and expend one Muscle to improve your stature protection by +1 for the duration of the scene. This ability may only be used during an action scene.
Kenny Cheeseliker
Male, Age 10
Kenny always was large boned and awkward. He got through school well enough- he was sort of smart, and sort of strong, and sort of nice... So while he was picked on for his weight a bit, it was bearable. He had a few friends and was resigned to the fact that he wasn't really anyone special...except when he got home from school and shut in his room, when he was Superman! He protected his classmates, his family, the WORLD from evil villains who terrorized the poor normal people, and they were always really thankful when he saved their lives over and over. As he got older, he started to protect kids in the schoolyard, even though he often got in trouble (both from the teachers and the bullies involved).
Defender- Kenny doesn't like seeing others hurt, or made fun of- he knows it's not fun and he will try to put a stop to it, even if it means trouble for him.
GRADE: 3rd
SHAPE: Person
SPEED Average
Cool 2nd, Pluck 2nd, Imagination 2nd, Luck 2nd, Muscle 2nd
Hide 3rd, Seek 3rd, Scamper 3rd, Scrap 4th, Throw 3rd
4-H --, Book Learning 2nd, Boy Scouts --, Country Club --,
Gaming --, Home Ec --, Industrial Arts --, Juvie 1st
Superhero Cape
First, the Normal Kid cannot have a trait that exceeds any other trait of its type by more than one grade. For instance, if a kid has Muscle 3rd grade and 2nd grade in his other Core traits, he must advance all of his other Core traits to 3rd before he can advance Muscle to 4th Grade.
Second, when presented with several targets at any point in combat, an opponent always chooses to attack the Normal Kid. Additionally, in situations where a harful effect, such as a spell or widespread attack, could just as easily not include the Normal Kid as include him, the attack always includes him, even if it means fewer nearby kids are included.
Be Brave (Iconic): Spend 1 Pluck to auto-succeed a pluck roll before rolling. Spend 1 Pluck to act in spite of fear or mind-control.
Orphan (Origin): Your Juvie increases by one grade, and you receive +1 grade to Seek tests made to detect ambushes and Scamper tests made when turn order is being contested. However, you suffer a -1 disadvantage on all Imagination and Gaming tests.
I Don't Want to Grow Up! (General): +2 to two playground traits (Scrap & Throw)
Against the Odds (General): +1 Scrap vs higher personal grade, spend 1 Muscle to deal +1 wound vs higher personal grade.
Patrick "Tricky" Tivendale
Male, Age 9 and 3 months.
Patrick was raised by his grandmother; abandoned by his mother who left in mysterious circumstances - from what he can remember, Gran didn't approve of Patrick's father, and she and his mother argued regularly about him.
Educated at home, and raised to be a proper little gentleman, Patrick (or `Tricky', as he is known to the lads), is a dab hand at a number of gentlemanly arts. He can place a lawn bowl next to the jack, putt like a pro, and he is the reigning junior champion croquet player of the Golden Oaks Country Club.
For the most part he is a good kid, but he is frustrated at having so little contact with others of his own age, and as such has turned working around his grandmother's restrictions into an art.
GRADE: 3rd
SHAPE: Person
SPEED Average
Cool 3rd, Pluck 3rd, Imagination 1st, Luck 1st, Muscle 2nd
Hide 1st, Seek 1st, Scamper 2nd, Scrap 2nd, Throw 5th
4-H --, Book Learning 2nd, Boy Scouts --, Country Club 3rd,
Gaming --, Home Ec 1st, Industrial Arts --, Juvie 3rd
Croquet Mallet
Jocks may only focus on, step up on, or receive teamwork bonus dice on Scamper, Muscle, and Throw tests. If the Jock's iconic Core trait is Luck, he may also only expend Luck on the above tests.
Being Brave (Iconic): Once per scene before making a Pluck test, you may expend one Pluck grade to automatically succeed at the test.
Alternatively, you may choose to act even though you're shaking in your shoes or under someone else's control. Once per scene after failing a Pluck test, you may expend one Pluck grade to act somewhat normally. You still suffer a disadvantage on all trait tests for the scene equal to the number of grades by which you failed the original Pluck test, but at least you can try to help your friends.
The Winning Play (Archetype): Once per scene, without spending his turn, the Jock may gain +1 grade to Scamper, Throw, and Muscle tests for the rest of the scene. Thereafter, the Jock's Muscle trait is expended by one grade.
Home-Schooled (Origin): You may increase any four Study traits by one grade level, but you suffer a -1 disadvantage on all Scamper and Throw tests.
David & Goliath (General): Whenever facing an opponent whose stature is larger than yours, you gain a +1 advantage on attack tests against that opponent.
Special: If you succeed at the attack test against a larger opponent, you may expend one Pluck to also inflict +1 wound.
Male, Age 9
A small, slight boy, Benny wears over-sized glasses & is in pajamas. He carries with him a small blanket, something that would earn him ridicule in the real world. His dark black hair is big and his oval face is typically pointed at the ground, focused only on his own internal world.
Benny is always lost in thought, being an archetypal dreamer. He is slow to respond, and was thought to be a bit slow in first grade, until the teachers discovered he simply couldn't see the board. Absorbed in books and drawing, Benny has shown little interest in the outside world. His drawings are endless variations on the same theme--brave knights and heroes.
GRADE: 3rd
SHAPE: Person
SPEED Average
Cool 1st, Pluck 1st, Imagination 5th, Luck 3rd, Muscle 1st
Hide 3rd, Seek 4th, Scamper 2nd, Scrap1st, Throw 2nd
4-H 1st, Book Learning 1st, Boy Scouts 2nd, Country Club --,
Gaming 6th, Home Ec 1st, Industrial Arts --, Juvie --
The Dreamer suffers a -1 to all tests made against charm spells, illusions, and similar abilities that toy with the mind.
Using Your Imagination (Iconic): You may spend your turn to expend an amount of Imagination equal to half their personal grade level (round down). A standard use of Imagination changes the world around the character in some particular and usually short-term way.
Art Student (Origin): Your Imagination increases by one grade, and you gain +1 advantage on any Cool tests that involve storytelling or open, non-confrontational emotional empathy. However, you suffer a -2 disadvantage on all Book Learning tests.
Kid Magician (General): You can manipulate magic without letting it get to you. You gain +1 advantage on all estrangement tests, and all weakening disadvantages from magic are reduced by one (to a minimum of -1 per spell).
I Think I Can (Archetype): Dreamers may choose two Iconic Core traits, one which is automatically Imagination. Alternatively, if a Dreamer wishes, she may choose Imagination as her only iconic Core trait--in such a case, each single Imagination that a Dreamer expends, she may generate an imagining as if she had expended two Imagination.
Dread Pirate Locke
Fiona Locke; Female, Age 10
No one's ever seen Locke at school, or knows where she lives; she usually claims she's an orphan. She also claims to get in and out of the Grimm Lands by throwing a rope up to the moon, shinnying up it, and then climbing down on the dark side, so, you know, grain of salt. She spends the vast majority of her time in the Lands. She'll come out to play with other kids, even though playing where there's real pirates is 'way more exciting!'
Locke is never without a pirate captain's hat, an eyepatch, a red pirate-y sash around her waist, and Cutlass (see below). She has long red hair, and freckles, and eyes as green as the sea. (Never point out to Locke the sea's usually not all that green, it's a thematic thing.)
While pirates are usually Bad News in the other world, Fiona is of the Errol Flynn mold (not that she'd know who that old-timer is). If there's a chasm to be leapt, or a swash to be buckled, Locke is on it like grapes on pudding! She's endlessly enthusiastic and energetic, and a bunch of other e-words, and much more physical and athletic than most Dreamers.
GRADE: 3rd
SHAPE: Person
SPEED Average
Cool 1st, Pluck 3rd, Imagination 4th, Luck 1st Muscle 1st
Hide 2nd, Seek 3rd, Scamper 2nd, Scrap 4th, Throw 2nd
4-H 1st, Book Learning 1st Boy Scouts 2nd, Country Club --,
Gaming 4th, Home Ec 1st, Industrial Arts --, Juvie --
Cutlass, scourge of the many seas!
Cutlass is a stick. It's a pretty cool stick, yeah, all gnarled and stuff, but it's just a stick - in our world. In the Grimm Lands, Cutlass is as good a real sword, without all that yucky blood spurting and hands getting chopped off. She just smacks things with it instead of cutting things, and it works fine. In combat in the Grimm Lands, Cutlass counts as a light sword for damage and other effects (or whatever category the GM deems appropriate for a cutlass.)
The Dreamer suffers a -1 to all tests made against charm spells, illusions, and similar abilities that toy with the mind.
I Think I Can (Archetype): Dreamers may choose two Iconic Core traits, one which is automatically Imagination. Alternatively, if a Dreamer wishes, she may choose Imagination as her only iconic Core trait--in such a case, each single Imagination that a Dreamer expends, she may generate an imagining as if she had expended two Imagination.
(Locke's two Iconic Traits are Imagination and Pluck.
Using Your Imagination (Iconic): You may spend your turn to expend an amount of Imagination equal to half their personal grade level (round down). A standard use of Imagination changes the world around the character in some particular and usually short-term way.
Being Brave (Iconic): Once per scene before making a Pluck test, you may expend one Pluck grade to automatically succeed at the test. Alternatively, you may choose to act even though you're shaking in your shoes or under someone else's control. Once per scene after failing a Pluck test, you may expend one Pluck grade to act somewhat normally. You still suffer a disadvantage on all trait tests for the scene equal to the number of grades by which you failed the original Pluck test, but at least you can try to help your friends.
Favorite Weapon: light swords (Cutlass, despite its appearance, counts as a light sword)
On your initial roll for Scrap tests using that type of weapon, you boost to the next grade on a roll of 5 or 6 instead of only 6. Subsequent rolls have a target range of 6, as normal. If you focus on a Scrap test while using that type of weapon, the boost range increases to 4-6 for the first turn spent focusing, to 3-6 for the second turn, and so on.
Special: After focusing on Scrap, but before making a Scrap test with your favorite weapon, you may also expend one or more Muscle. If you do so, your increase boost range carries over to one subsequent roll per Muscle expended. For each subsequent roll after the first, however, your increased boost range decreases by one.
(Point spending: lower Luck to raise Pluck; Lower Seek to raise Scrap; Lower Book Learning to raise Boy Scouts.
Raise Pluck by 1 grade; costs 3
Raise Scrap by 2 grades; costs 4
Raise Gaming by 1 grade; costs 1)
All any of them could remember was a fuzzy light distorted by thick fog. The sphere had guided them through the darkness. And then what had they found? More darkness, as that is where all of their memories ended.
But now they were waking up, shouts teasing their ears from a distance, while the sound of waves crashing seeking to lull them back to sleep much closer.
They were all sprawled on a beach that they couldn't remember or recognize, surrounded still by a thick, nearly impenetrable fog--both in the world around them as well as within their heads.
However, as the interior fog clears, the children would become acutely aware of the sounds of adult males calling out in the distance.
Thats my mallet. These are my good clothes. Aren't I about to have my photo taken for the newsletter? What am I doing here?
Hearing the sound of adults nearby, Patrick calls out a hesitant reply. "Hello? Grandmother?"
A short, red-headed girl rubs her noggin while leaning on a large gnarled stick. Her dress is rather... atypical, and she looks like she was caught halfway through a performance of a play, or maybe a Halloween party. It's a pretty dang good pirate costume.
"I'm not yer grandmum, lad! Belay the wax from your eyeballs and earballs! Who are these other ne'er-do-wells then?!"
Glancing around him, Kenny squinted his eyes a bit and tried to see what he could make out in the fog- how many kids were here with him on the beach, anyway?
The fog otherwise obscured his vision, and now that the men had gone silent, there was nothing to discern. All he knew was that before the loudness, the men had seemed a decent ways off and scattered all around them. That was one thing he could be sure of--there were adults all around them.
She scrambles to her feet and demands of the awkward looking boy in front of him, "What's goin' on?!"
"Hello," he says, placing a pair of glasses on his pale face.
The boy has a head full of thick black hair, and a large pair of glasses hang off his nose. He's wearing pajamas, and his head is forward. He looks still half-asleep, and seems to feel very confused.
"I'm Benny," he says, looking around side to side. "Excuse me, but how did all of you get into my dream?"
He looks around at the others, inspecting them closely - usually people in his dreams are little more glamorous and interesting. "So...what do we do now?"
She turns to look at Kenny. "Who are you talking about? I don't see nobody!" You can detect the fear on her face even though it is obvious she is trying to mask it.
She holds her breath and listens closely while scanning her surroundings very carefully, trying to see if anything catches her attention.
eady, b---.
"Little girl," calls a voice from beyond the veil, "Little girl playing pirate?"
Another chorus of laughter.
"Brave little girl. Or stupid little girl?"
Dark silhouettes begin to appear in the fog, stepping closer. The outline seems--especially to Fiona--incredibly familiar.
"Boo." A bearded, dirty face suddenly pops out of the mist, ending up mere inches from Locke's. The man wears a sadistic grin on his scarred and weather-beaten face, and wields a blood-stained cutlass in his hand. He couldn't be mistaken for anything other than he was--a pirate.
He had to admit that the girl--although pushy--had a point. This didn't feel like a dream at all.
"Maybe this isn't a dream..." he mumbled, when the pirates head suddenly popped into view.
Speechless, Benny clung tightly to his blanket, hoping one of the other children would step up and tell him what to do.
As the pirates came into focus and he recognized them for what they were, he stopped and shouted at the others "Don't just stand there- RUN!"..And rather than running himself he stooped down and grabbed himself a handful of sand.
She bonks it on the nose.
"You call that PIRATIN'??" she bellows at him. "Skulkin' about in the FOG? Chasin' little KIDS! Where's yer SHIP? Where's the bloody LOOT to be had shakin' down minors? Belay that bilge! Why aren't ya off fightin' a giant octopus or suchlike?! Who's cap'n of this sorry mess of kneeballin' scum? He needs a boot to his poop deck!"
"Stupid, then," the man growls. "Get them!"
Hardly before the man has a chance to finish, nets come flying from the fog, all of them set with heavy metal balls to help keep their catches in place.
Scamper test to avoid nets ( = 3 Scamper total.
A fairly superficial thinker, Patrick’s last words before being engulfed by the nets are hardly memorable "Boy, pirates sure are smelly-looking! Aaah!"
She struggled uselessly in the smelly man's grip, obviously vastly overpowered.
"Your friends are lucky the Captain gives very specific orders in regards to your kind," he says with a rather unpleasant grin.
As the apparent leader taunts Locke, the other pirates move to gather up their catches, keeping the children restrained within the nets and seeming happy enough to just drag them.
"Though.." the man brushes the edge of his sword across Fiona's cheek, "you say you're a pirate? He does have a totally different set of rules for that."
"What...ow" he said painfully as his knee hits a rock, " mean like she can ask to Parlay? I saw that in a movie once."
"I don't think the sharks take too kindly to requests for parlay, but she can sure as hell tr--"
"What about me?" The words were spoken by a new, youthful voice, and the pirate commander's eyes grew wide.
"You idiot's missed one!" He spun around, still gripping Locke tightly by the front of her shirt, looking for the child who they had failed to catch.
"So I can play?" the hidden boy asked.
"Aye," called the pirate, trying (largely in vain) to sound friendly, "you can play. Just come on out."
Yeah, apparently people don't listen to those kinds of warnings here... At least I won't be the only one being ignored.
One of the other pirates edges closer to the leader, looking nervously about in the fog. "I.. uh, I don't think its one of these ones."
A sudden rooster crow cut the air, followed by a flash of movement darting through the fog. There was a stunned silence that followed, where time seemed to be frozen as if straight out of a cartoon. But it was quickly over, ended by a blood-curdling scream from the Pirate leader as he dropped Fiona to the ground.
And, really, "dropped" wouldn't be the right word, because, as the children could see, the man's arm had actually been severed cleanly at the elbow, allowing him to really have no say in the matter of whether or not Locke remained dangling above the sand. Nor did he have much of a say in how much of his blood ended up all over the girl, which, to put it lightly, was a lot of it.
"How did I do?" called the youthful voice.
As the boy taunts them, the adults fall back around their wounded commander, encircling him and looking all around in complete and utter panic.
"It's the Pan!" one of them shouts. "Oh god, we're all gonna die!"
"Shut up, Fool. He's all alone!"
"But so are we!"
Wide-eyed and terrified, he starts screaming and throwing himself around in the net. 'Aaaaah! Aaaah!!! Let me out! Let me ouuuut!"
"Now THAT," she crows happily, "is how you make a BLOODY ENTRANCE! He's AWESOME!"
The pirates were frightened and off guard! Now was her chance to... to... well, what did pirates do in a situation like this? STRIKE! She swung her gnarly stick at the nearest knobby adult leg, hard as she could!
EDIT: roll fixed.
His fathers stories flew through his head, as he started to push the net off of him.
But the pirates were preoccupied now, so he took the chance to start to wriggle free of the net.
The pirate's are on guard enough that as Locke swings, a real sword comes down to parry the blow before pushing outward, causing the young Fiona to stumble backwards a bit. The adults immediately go back to watching the fog.
Meanwhile, Kenny manages to begin to free himself from the tangled netting.
"Is it my turn again?" the boy-in-the-fog asks. "Well, if you insist!"
There's another blur of motion, and it becomes clear that this child, this Pan, is not merely running across the ground--he's flying. As the boy darts by, there's a scream, and then one of the pirate's slumps over, blood pooling from the massive gash in his throat.
"God damned devil!" a man shouts, panicked. "GOD DAMNED DEVIL!"
The Pan's laugh echoes through darkness.
"He's flying," she whispers in awe. "He's really -- he's FLYING..."
She clutches her stick to her chest, and looks around, as if seeing everything for the first time.
"Wh-where are we?" she says, although there's as much excitement as fear in her voice. "Where can boys fly?"
"No! No! Stop it! Stop it! Let me out I want to go home!!!", he screams as he tries to get out of the nets.