In my house I've got my 60GB, and my brothers old, busted PS3. On the old, busted PS3, the HDD works. The disc drive is wrecked, but he was able to do the data transfer when I hooked him up with a new PS3 at Christmas, this is important because...
It's my intention to get a second PS3 for the house. This one will go in the living room, and be used exclusively for blu-ray watching. As a result, it doesn't need the large HDD of the new slims, but I want a large HDD in my 60 GB.
So, what I'd like to do is take my 60GB PS3 and do the total transfer of all data (including locked save files, like Demon's Souls) to the old, busted PS3. Then I take the 250 HDD from the Slim I'll buy for the living room and pop it into the 60GB, and restore the data onto the 60GB using the busted PS3.
Then put the 60GB drive into the Slim and Bob's your uncle.
The only thing I'm concerned about is/TL:DR:
Can I put the HDD from a Slim PS3 (250gb) into my old PS3 Phat (60gb)?
The only difficult bit would be the backup as the HDD will be formatted when you plug it in and start up the PS3.