3DS ~ 2664-2225-0872 Nintendo Network: ProfHydron XBox Gamertag: ProfHydron
Friend Safari: Fighting ~ Machoke, Pancham, Breloom add me and tag or msg me and I'll add you back
Custom SpecialI know I am, I'm sure I am,I'm Sounders 'til I die!Registered Userregular
edited May 2010
Rent, you have any more pokes you're giving away? I've been wanting to trade now that I've got my wifi up at home. Anything works, I'm only 4 badges into the game with a few pokemon I really like (my Murkrow, Gloom, Totodile (Crocowhatever), etc). Also, anyone have a dusk stone for me to evolve my Murkrow? Or do I need to bother with it and just level him up as-is?
e: I'm about to hit the Fight gym leader, so a sweet psychic poke would be good...I have Alakazam right now.
Everything that could have gone wrong in that battle went wrong. I Toxicd when you Subd, I missed an Overheat, then I got parahax and fully paralyzed on the same turn, then I missed another move twice.
and if not i want to know who the clever person who came up with that is
smugleaf is good and super accurate but isn't as great as the other two
the first thing i said when i saw the three was "damn son that thing is smug"
They're really good
Anything you need Rent?
Which one? Also, if you have Nincada or Mawile or Charmander I'd love you forever
Pick one of the Lotads for me. Give me 5 minutes and your code.
EDIT: As long as it is a male Lotad, I guess.
Okay I'm in the BF a while so it's gonna be a sec for me too
This asshole has made me run out of PP on two fucking Pokes and now they're all asleep and holy shit this is the most aggravating thing
Sorry but Chansey in the BF is being a Softboiled spamming fucker and dragging this battle out
If a Choice Scarfed poke is put to sleep, it can change its move choice when it wakes up
Lotad 1
HP: 14
Atk: 31
Def: 29
SP Atk: 9
SP Def: 29
SP 2
FC 1248 1892 2684
What FC should I use? I might have deleted yours since last time.
You willing to play doubles? If not, standard rules are fine.
I only have two pokés ready for doubles, though I do have some that can be used there. How many pokés? Add my SoulSilver code: 837-2176-3811
Edit: Oh, man, how am I supposed to compete with that?
Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard
Want a singles match with a different team?
Using Growth Mulch?
Nintendo Network: ProfHydron
XBox Gamertag: ProfHydron
Friend Safari: Fighting ~ Machoke, Pancham, Breloom add me and tag or msg me and I'll add you back
e: I'm about to hit the Fight gym leader, so a sweet psychic poke would be good...I have Alakazam right now.
The battle RNG loves me.