I live in northeast Mississippi. But that's not what I need advice about. ;-)
Today, we observed some unfamiliar ants in our yard. We're used to tiny fire ants, big black carpenter ants, and just a number of different kinds of ants. Sucks, but that's the cost of living here.
These ants, however, were moving in a swarm. This prompted us to look closer, because all the ants around here usually travel alone or in long, thin trails. These, however, were traveling in one swarm -- kinda picture an octagon, then trails between all the non-adjacent vertices as well, and then ants crawling along all these lines at once. It all seemed very orderly, though I'm sure that was a trick of the brain. In any case, the octagon was steadily moving across the yard, headed in the general direction of my car (!!!).
I'm an experimental type, so I did a quick bunny-hop stomp through the middle of the swarm. They all spread out, still orderly, and started moving back the direction they came from. We put a couple stragglers in a jar and poisoned the crap out of the rest of them.
They're 1/4" long, and a sort of reddish-brown color. We've never seen them in this area before. Any clues?
Hopeless Gamer
But yeah get an exterminator out for a free inspection deal if you can.
As for why they had a neat little ant formation, I have no clue. I doubt they're interested in your car though, if they're carpenter ants.
I doubt they'd be carpenter ants ... I don't think they have very big colonies at all, but the carpenter ants we have in the northwest US might be a different variety then the southeast.
Also I can't make 'mechanics' flow into 'mechan-ants'. I just can't make the pun, dammit.
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
My aunt could, but its kind of late so I don't want to call her.
Yeah, I was only worried about that because I already have fire ants living somewhere in my car. I've looked and looked, but I can't find where they're staying. All I know is that I see them crawling across my dash while I'm going down the road, and whenever I lift the hood they're swarmed around the battery terminals.
Ants are not my favorite thing, you might say.
Boric acid and a food trap in the car, maybe? And coat your tires with repellent. It's possible that the colony isn't actually in your car but just staying near where you park it.
could be these perhaps?