So, I've had this library job for about three months now, and though I don't love it, I like most of the people I work with pretty well, and due to the fact that it's part of a system of interconnected libraries, the chances for moving up in the system once opportunities open up is pretty good. Which is aided by the fact that I have a library degree, so I have a leg up on potential future employment opportunities.
However, it is only 45 hours every two weeks, pays about 10.25/hr, and due to the City of Birmingham's budget woes, I'm likely to get a 10% paycut in the near future.
Now, due to my connections (mostly family) I may have a full time position (at 10.75/hr), full benefits and all that fall into my lap. However, though this particular job does cooperate with the Birmingham city libraries as a part of a Cooperative, it is not in the same library system, which means that getting back into Birmingham city libraries might be a bit harder. I'm also concerned about "burning" the people I'm working for due to me leaving so early in my tenure.
I'm at about 80% yes on taking the job (assuming it's mine to have, which I'm not sure is a foregone conclustion) because the financial incentives are pretty good, but the other 20% is concerned about the ways in which this may or may not harm any future prospects I end up having. Though I think that most people are going to understand you wanting basically twice the hours for slightly more per hour plus benefits.
I'd go with the full time position in this market, but I don't really know much about library systems. It could be that the gamble of staying on and hoping for more might pay off in the long run. Or you could be canned next month with the next budget cut.
Go with your gut.
Your boss and co-workers are all (probably) getting the same pay cut. Most of them wouldn't blame you for taking this.
You should always go after a better opportunity so long as it is indeed better... i.e. better pay, hours, benefits. The only time I'd recommend not increasing is if it messes up your lifestyle, or you know for sure you wouldn't be happy there.
I think my main worry is that there are a lot, lot, lot of people set to retire soon (full Librarians and such) and they'd mainly hire from within. I'm definitely leaning more towards taking it though. I could actually move out and live off what I make (especially since I get health insurance). Whereas now I don't really think I could afford it.
My other concern is that, being a small city library, they may not have as many protections in place for employees, whereas working for the city of Birmingham, it's not easy to get pushed out of a position except for very, very good cause.
This is modified, of course, by how much you need to live on and how close your current job brings you to that mark.
As long as you don't flip the finger on the way out, I'd say take the new job.
Part of the reason that she was trying to fill it fast was because they were concerned they were going to take it away from her apparently---literally the fastest job process I've ever been involved with, a little over 24 hours from hearing about the job to basically accepting it.