I'm taking 2 6 week Spanish classes. I haven't had a Spanish class in a decade, but I've been studying w/ Rosetta Stone for the past few months. The class is going alright.
We just have some reaaaaally fast turnaround on assignments such as memorizing vocabulary lists or today I have an oral presentation assigned last night. I can have an outline, which I do, and I wrote it out and am repeating it and trying to just look at the outline to remember the words I've been repeating.
Are there better systems than this?
Post-It Notes on everything in your house
Just trying to 'think' in Spanish... like when you look at a table, try to see it as a 'mesa'.
Find someone who is either also studying or who speaks Spanish and talk with them as much as you can.
Just brute-force repetition (if you do this, pause between repetitions to give your brain time to 'absorb' what you just said... there's science behind this idea, but i'm lazy)
It's why commercials end with a half second of blackout before the next one starts... they pay for that time to allow their logo or the last image of whatever to imprint on you.
I've used it for several languages and other things, and it does pretty well.
Flashcards are a good idea. Especially for languages, be sure to study the flash cards both ways.
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
It can be for the purposes of passing a test, or regurgitating information over a short period of time.
It is less effective as a means for retaining the information and applying it later.
practice using the words in context and sentences with each other
make up goofy sentences to make them work etc etc
another effective thing is to make meaning in otherwise meaningless words
no matter how tenuous he connection, try to tie the words into something that is already in your head and has meaning for you
The more time you put in, the better it will go. Study during the day, review at night, 2 days at least before a test to get a passing grade, or 7 days if you really want to retain the information, plus a refresher midway through the course and once a year afterward, depending. Get good sleep, otherwise the best memorization practices in the world won't mean squat: and I mean it, the parts of your brain responsible for memorization actually shrink with chronic sleep insufficiency.
But yes, if you're going to flashcard it, both ways is essential, and if you can invent other ways that's great.
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
For example:
A waitress called Eza serving a bottle of beer (serve-eza-> cerveza)
A baby going "hahblahblah" as its first attempt to speak (hablar)
It sounds silly but it really works.