Just wanted to share something I made for use with my dnd/pathfinder game. There pretty easy to make. (instructions on my website) but all you do is use an acrylic rod to bend jumbo sized paper clips (which are coated in a vinyl sheath in various colors) to form a nice kink free circle and with a bit of hot glue you've got yourself a circle of wire, which you can use for condition markers in 4.0 or other types of markers for figures. They're a little larger than 1in bases but you can make them any size really. They also don't "raise" up your character like the colored magnets do.
They work great for movement too in that you can try out various movements and your origin space is still there marked by the hoop, so you'll never say "where was I again" on the battle-mat.
http://www.d4d6d8d10d12d20.com - My RPG/Game Blog