Ok, I have an old desktop that I'm upgrading right now. I bought a new Mobo, CPU and video card for it, I already have RAM I'm going to put in. However, I've never put a computer together before, I've never even taken one apart. I've figured out most of what to do so far but I'm going to have to ask you all a bunch of stupid questions throughout this process so I figured starting my own thread was a good idea.
First question:
I've gotten everything out of the computer except the mobo. I unscrewed everything but it seems stuck and I don't want to just yank it out if that's not what I'm supposed to do because I'm worried about breaking something. How do I get it out?
Should I put the RAM, video card and CPU in the new mobo before I put it in the computer?
I would say no, because it makes me nervous to be pushing the mobo down onto some random surface.
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
Now I just have to work on putting everything in very, very carefully.
Edit: It's a SATA drive too, I don't know why it won't fit.
edit 2: Nevermind, figured it out. I didn't realize the hdd was supposed to hang out of the bay a little bit.
If my power supply isn't strong enough to run everything, it will still come on and try though right?
Is your little green LED power indicator on the mobo lighting up? What exactly happens when you try to power up the computer?