I have been playing AdventureQuest and DragonFable and MechQuest and AdventureQuest Worlds(the latest drug), and most Newgrounds flash submissions for a long time. I am now nearly two years into a simple yet fulfilling game. Why does it fulfill me? I am an avid gamer and own a PS3 but my PC has had my attention too much lately.
Hi I am anubis0079 and I am a Flash Gaming Addict. Is there hope for me?
Maybe you just like flash games.
Think of it this way - if you can achieve pleasure from a free flash game at a level that would require most people to pay $60 for, than more power to you dude.
not so much a big deal as a feeling of neglect for my PS3. I guess i could comprimise and play them on my PS3's Browser.
Be more specific.
What if for instance there was only 1 type of character you could be, would you still enjoy it?
It's basically an adorable, bare-bones diablo. But it's great. I'd rather play it than Diablo 2.
The hated sun is an excuse to wear sweet shades.
I think this is the key right here. You could import a lot of classic NES games and Game Boy Classic games- and anything earlier than that- you could take most of them, lift them out of their time, release them as a Flash game, and you wouldn't have to change a thing. Essentially, Flash is the NES, just with much lower costs and much lower barriers to entry. And often better graphics.
There's always going to be a home for smaller, simpler games. Some people want a 60-hour epic with a gazillion different items and spells and weapons and sidequests, some people want a 15-minute quickie that has an excuse plot and uses four buttons.
So true. In fact Super Mario Bros. Crossover is the perfect example. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/534416
I have horrible luck with my shades. They last about two minutes.
Maybe you just love games with Quest in the title. There's a severe lack of games with Quest in the title for the PS3. You could always print out the words Quest and tape them onto the title of a ps3 game and maybe some uncontrollable urge will draw you to play it.
Or you can pick up a hobby.
2. easily accessible - low sysreqs, browser based
3. multitask friendly - can eat while playing, can surf while playing, can watch movies while playing, can talk to friends while playing
4. more plentiful, therefore more novel
5. have just as much a capacity for 100% completion disorder as regular games
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
I have several hobbies.
Everyone assumes i am complaining but i was actually just making conversation.
though the lable with quest on it sounds good....." Little Big Quest"....hmmm sounds fun to me.
Add me as a friend if you like. SniperGuy210.
They're good distractions at work!
Inexplicably addictive grinding in its purest form.
i wasted hours on this! good one sheep.
It's a multiplayer puzzle game.
Hello i'm lvl 18 on Kongregate. Please do not visit that site if your work/social life has any meaning to you ([url]Http://www.kongregate.com[/url])
Indie gaming has proven again and again that you didn't need a technological juggernaut to make a succeful game. Flash games are just the next step in that line of thinking. I think. Or maybe i just love free, ultra accessible fun games that you can replay whenever you want with no strings attached. Maybe.
Ah. Yeah. I'm sorry. I wanted to post that in here so I just found one of my links from another thread and simply forgot that it was a private room!
yeah seconded
i have been playing hells of flash-like games on my ipad
also: it's slick, you can surf the internets and you can take it errywhere
Basically, continually making the product of your actions (the levels, the stats, the items) more salient than the process you use to get there (oh wow I am getting frustrated, thats why I lost there. Oh hmmm this strategy isnt working, I need to look at my thinking) has really significant effects on how we get attached to (and addicted to) tasks and systems. Basically it's kind of undercutting the debugging that you might do on your own patters of thinking and behavior, and its doing it in a really effective way.
I really hope I remember to post here later.
what is flash-like? If it is suitable substitute i may actually start to care the ipad exists, for i still read books therefore need not an ebook reader. seriously it seems limited.
There's a big to do about Flash's efficiency at the moment. Though I don't know if there is enough support behind the alternatives yet.