Ok, so my girlfriend and I have been together for quite awhile and our sex life is healthy. We have always used protection from day one and have never had pregnancy scares.
A little about me and my wang; I have always had trouble climaxing during sex. I love my girlfriend and I am sexually attracted to her in all ways possible. I have no problem maintaining an erection for hours at a time even. I just cannot come during sex.
Anyways, my girlfriend had "that week just before she gets her period", where she craves certain foods and usually can tell she is about to menstrate. She started spotting for maybe a day or so and then it stopped. She has never had regular periods.
So in the heat of passion we had sex unprotected for what must have been about 4 minutes. I never came close to cumming.
A few days later we were eating dinner and I had mentioned something about us not being able to have sex because she was menstrating. She isn't.
So I began worrying. I don't know why, but for some reason I got it in my head that "I must've gotten her pregnant" and I freaked her out. Neither of us are prepared or want a child right now. So, both of us shaken, we finished our dinner and bought a pregnancy test.
We went home and she used it correctly, instruction to instruction, and the results said "not pregnant". I was relieved.
However, I'm afriad she might not be pregnant, just because she still hasnt had a full on period yet. Out of worry I haven't even considered her unusual and often unpredictable menstrual cycles; for along while I was sure she NEVER had her period because I couldn't so much as spot a tampon wrapper in the garbage.
What do you think, H/A?
This definately scared me back into birth control of course, I'm a smart guy who did a stupid thing. But help me calm my fears. What do you guys think of this?
If her period has been irregular in the past then it's probably nothing.
You two are a nursery waiting to happen. Even if you don't come the semen slowly sneak out before you come, you system is going to work about as well as the guys that like to pull out at the last second.
Satans..... hints.....
XBL: Torn Hoodie
For four minutes of our lives, we didn't. The rest of the four years of our lives we have used spermicidal condoms.
I guess what I'm asking is, would it be useless to take another test and just assume the first one was accurate?
If she begins her period as normal, does that basically indicate she is, in fact, not pregnant?
Taking another one so soon would be a waste. Like others have said, wait a couple weeks and do another. If her period begins as normal then yes, you have nothing to worry about.
This is true--cycles can be affected by all kinds of things, and differ completely from girl to girl. I'm on birth control and still, my cycle can't be pinned down to start/end on a certain day.
As another poster said, wait a couple of weeks, test again, see what happens.
Also, according to http://www.americanpregnancy.org/gettingpregnant/ovulationfaq.htm, signs of ovulation are light spotting & increase in sex drive--so, A, give her a couple of days for the period to start and B, stop having unprotected sex when she is ovulating. Well, you know, stop having unprotected sex, period.
Damn, people are ragging on this guy when he said in the fucking post that they always (other than this time) use protection.
Other than that, yeah, it seems pretty unlikely that she's pregnant if you didn't finish and the pregnancy test was negative. I've seen a lot of pregnancy scares get worse because of people freaking out about it, since stress can delay periods, so just do your best to calm down.
I had unprotected sex once; way stupider than you, I came and everything.
Worst few days of my life. I found out a few months after that my girlfriend at the time wouldn't have aborted the baby if she had been pregnant. If she had told me that at the time, I don't know what would have happened to my mental state.
My point is, chances are she isn't pregnant; but use this to your benefit. You've always used protection; this will mean you'll NEVER have unprotected sex EVER again. And on a somewhat ironic note, if and when you are married to someone with kids, you can use it as a story to convince your kids to NEVER do it bareback.
Personally, the first time I had sex, the condom broke and we didn't know til after. So the morning after, we had to get the.. morning after pill. This is a definate test of a relationship. If you were really worried, and/or if it happens again, go for the morning after pill. It's just giving you extra insurance (though it's not 100% effective, only like 85%, and that's only if she's in the most optimal part of her mentral cycle for it to get that) for like $30 bucks.
Just my 2 cents. Good luck buddy.
Here's the thing. I've had a death-grip style masturbation since I started masturbating in the first place, so we have been working on setting my stimulation on slow-release. I am fairly confident that the extra sensation going condomless provides would help me with the intercourse side of things, but that wasn't our plan last week. We were just more excited than usual and not having a condom practicaly diminishes the time it takes for her to orgasm.
I'm not very embarassed about not being able to comeduring intercourse; staying hard for sometimes hours on end has never brought me complaints 8) . However it's something I'm working on to correct for the benefit of both of us.
My girlfriend and I haven't really used protection for a few years now after finding the above out. Unless she is unable to get pregnant, or I am sterile, I can back this claim up as well as I can. I do not condone what I do, but I believe there is no risk in this type of intercourse as long as one does not get semen (ejaculate) on or inside the vagina.
You guys just need to calm down and wait this out. Chances are she isn't pregnant.
Diamond Friend Code: 0043 9432 1473
One caveat to go with this: The pill does (eventually) help regulate but the first three months or so are really awful. In addition, changing the chemistry down there can lead to pain and/or dryness and/or other unpleasant side effects. I'm not saying it will happen, I'm saying be prepared for it to happen.
Unofficial PA IRC chat: #paforums at irc.slashnet.org
And as an additional post-script, whether or not it regulates your periods depends on the type of pill you get. My blood pressure was too high to take the combined pill, so I'm on the progesterone-only pill which causes me to bleed for up to two weeks at a time, and at intervals ranging from 6 weeks to 5 days.
Bosh, job done.
All it takes is once ...
Librarians harbor a terrible secret. Find it.
I also use this method and dont use protection. Not that I condone my practices, but neverless, I have been doing this for almost a year and no babies. JUST DONT EJACULATE INSIDE THE VAGINA and you "should" be fine. Pretty much YMMV.
Yeah, that is absolutely horrible advice and it's not funny in the least.
...but seriously, thats disgusting and actually quite dangerous for the woman. People die from make-shift abortions.
nobody is going to win
Me too and I've even came inside a couple of times and no baby. Babies are harder to make the onw would leave you to believe.
Quite true, but he's already aware of it. There were at least two people prior to that who didn't read his post very well (which is why I made that point so big and red) and assumed he was doing that regularly. I know I'd be annoyed about that in his position, so I decided to say something.
The risk vs. reward ratio on doing this is skewed pretty far toward the "risk" end of things. Use a damn condom.
Sure, it's not likely, but really, when you're talking about what happens if she does get pregnant, do you really want to take the risk?