The early parts of the last decade were good times to be in the media. A fearful public consumed news at a furious pace, any yahoo with a blog could enter the punditry world if they built a large enough readership, facts weren’t required, arguments were decided by the volume of your yelling and the quality of your hair. It was a boom. Unfortunately, an overlooked problem was brewing. As the quality of the news declined, people increasingly turned towards alternatives. This was a threat to the group of pundits gathered in Washington DC and New York City.
Eventually, war was declared:
Suddenly, the old left/right scream fest where everyone could attend the same parties together, intermarry, and generally fuck around was under attack.
Crossfire was canceled, blatantly ideological programming became even more popular, and in rare cases, facts were actually required to debate. It was sad times for the American media indeed.
Eventually the corporations that owned the major media organizations decided to band together to fight off the assholes who were attacking them. If they could at the same time, drastically rework the status quo in favor of their ideological preferences, that would just be an added bonus…
This is a faction game with a mafia. There are two factions and a mafia. And a few surprises. There are also a lot of kills to try to make this go fast. Every role has some kind of special condition or ability, so you’ll have things to do. Enjoy!
Screenshots and quotes of role PMs are banned as usual. No talking to the dead, no anonymous contact. PM me any proboards you make. All the usual stuff.
Clarifications in the traditional
Orange. Ties will be a mass slaughter, so try not to do that.
Standard inactivity rules apply, 2 posts and a vote required.
Day ends when The Daily Show starts (or would start) for me. 11 PM eastern. Narration will be written after I stop watching The Daily Show (usually after the second segment unless the interview subject was interesting. Should be done before midnight eastern.
By the way, I made fairly limited value judgments, as I think most of the media both left and right are utterly abhorrent. Some of them I was particularly mean to, and it maybe wasn’t the ones you may expect if you read the political threads in D&D.
Seers totally accurate?
Can we trust our faction mates
Actual policy disputes should be taken to D&D, while fake bullshit policy disputes (or better, personality disputes) are encouraged.
Signup in
whatever colorSignups
1. Aegis - Dancin' David Gregory, Danced his last dance[/strike]
2. TheLawinator - Frank Rich, called effeminate and possibly gay in the New York Times[/strike]
3. Capfalcon - Sean Hannity, head exploded due to cognitive dissonance[/strike]
4. romanqwerty - David Brooks, suspected of being funny[/strike]
5. Dunadan019 - Alan Colmes, suspected of being funny[/strike]
6. Sir Fabulous, Keith Olbermann, took a special comment to the nuts[/strike]
7. Bremen - Eugene Robinson, inexplicably mocked by The Daily Show[/strike]
8. Ebfan - Markos Moulitsas, started spouting centrist bullshit, no longer interesting[/strike]
9. Ringo - Rush Limbaugh, described as an effeminate, elitist loser in the New York Times.[/strike]
10. Alegis - Aasif Mandvi, correctly suspected of being funny (by Bill O'Reilly)[/strike]
11. Devoutly Apathetic - Andrew Sullivan, adopted a Goldilocks Theory of Politics[/strike]
12. The Anonymous - John Oliver, correctly suspected of being funny[/strike]
13. [strike]smeej[/strike] adventfalls - Samantha Bee, centrist comedy is true comedy![/strike]
14. The Ender
15. jdarksun - Glenn Beck, converted to centrism, even less coherent[/strike]
16. samurai6966 - Jason Jones, correctly suspected of being funny[/strike]
17. Savant
18. Megatin - Bill Kristol, his bosses noticed he's always wrong[/strike]
19. Phyphor - Scott Rasmussen, his polls started skewing centrist instead of conservative[/strike]
20. Orange Soda - Charles Krauthammer, suspected of being funny[/strike]
21. daniant - Rachel Maddow, viciously set upon by a swarm of dittoheads[/strike]
22. Svenska
23. Toxic Toys
24. bratr - Mary Matalin, said the usual crazy things, but on a network that pointed out they were crazy[/strike]
25. LoserforHireX - Erick Erickson, silly tweets lost him all credibility[/strike]
26. Lucedes - Michael Steele, pissed off Grover while complaining in a restaurant[/strike]
27. ronrab - E.J. Dionne, finally wrote an interesting column[/strike]
28. Shushnik
29. shalmelo - Maureen Dowd, mocked by a physically small man[/strike]
30. Teucrian - Jim Lehrer, now reporting both sides have good ideas, center is best[/strike]
[strike]1. adventfalls[/strike]
2. Rawkking Goodguy
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
The best kind of game!
Twitch Stream
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
BUY BUY BUY BUY BU-OH now what!? A comedian is attacking me!
This reminds me, I could have made so many more roles, I was half tempted to sign up for a main.
Jim Cramer, for example, is NOT in this game.
Win Condition: Get a majority of people to vote out a village special on a bandwagon you initiated.
Fuck you!
Sign here to lose my mind.
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
Gonna try to cannibalize my old g15 with my new one and see if I can get a working keyboard out of the two!
Guess what, OS? Over in that other Phalla, Arivia is doing something that people dislike even worse than what you did! Go check it out once you get that keyboard a-workin'.
Zithra Melitch in Star Wars: An Empire's End
Jellica in In the Shadow of Zeus
Tell me arivia had a melt down and outted the entire mafia....
"We believe in the people and their 'wisdom' as if there was some special secret entrance to knowledge that barred to anyone who had ever learned anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche