For three hundred years Worldship has slowly sunk towards the Abyss. Down and down and down, what seemed an endless journey will finally end in a few precious days. Not even prophets know what waits for them at the journey’s end--they are blind to the Abyss and all it touches--but most feel they do not need prophecy to know their future.
Even in Patron’s Park, the tension is palpable. Not because many walk armed; that is simply good sense when demon’s portals can appear anywhere at any time, and even divine protection cannot stop all the Abyss’ seepage. The three-fold monument standing at the center of the park provides both comfort and unease. The Patrons watch and protect them, but for how much longer?
Still, children play and parents watch. People pass through the park, the heart of Worldship’s single city, on their way to other business. Some of their readiness is left behind as they enter; demons avoid the park, and most will not disturb the sacrosanct harmony of the park without dire need. The single warder devil that stands at the center is considered ceremonial, the bare flesh of her stolen body considered more valuable than the greatsword strapped to her back. She watches and smiles and sneers.
And waits.
Let's talk rules and formatting.
At least one post per day (excepting weekends).
Out of character text should be in Grey, or else in the
OOC thread. Keep it to the start and end of your post.
Experience will not be tracked; you'll level when I say you do.
I will provide a map with each battle; you will place yourselves on it in a designated area when you roll initiative.
We will use a colored text scheme in combat:
At-Wills in Lime, Encounters in red,
Dim Grey for Dailies, and
statuses and lasting effects in orange.
I'd appreciate it if you showed your work in battle, but for the most part will trust you to track your own bonuses and the like.
We begin at noon. Get yourselfs to the center of the park. Roleplay a bit if you like, and give me a !Ready when you are.
I'm providing ambience.
Tordek sets his arcana pen to work, dictating to it while he rests on a fine metal chair.
"Dear Dearest Daria,
Tomorrow marks the 105th anniversary of my wondrous job working on Wanda. I would celebrate, but there is work to be done. Consider this entry my jubilation for all of those years of fine work. However, there is a bad feeling washing over me. Perhaps my feeble joints of flesh, tendon and bone are beginning to fail me. I fear it is worse than that, sometimes. I see a future where I will not have as much time to work on worthy Wanda, instead putting Fiona and Crystal to use. While I will enjoy my reunion with them, they know they cannot compare to this floating barge of beauty. I just hope I have room to bring you along Daria."
- Tordek; 104 Years, 364 Days
Tordek saunters out of his hovel, the building the one his parents grew up in on the Worldship. It has since been enhanced with scraps and whatever the artificer could rummage without damaging the precious world all these inhabitants ride on. He takes a deep breath, enjoying the "morning," as he would describe it, and moves down the street to head to work. His eyes flick back and froth, ever vigilant for those that would dare harm "Wanda." By now, his street is well under his heel, like he's some sort of maniacal neighborhood watch. Today they are especially weary, with the Dwarf carrying his weapons along - something he rarely does. The road winds down at the park, where Tordek takes a breather.
"Alright boys, that's enough fer today" Baern called, leading them towards the locker room. When they've all assembled inside, he turns and addresses them. "Ye've all worked hard these last few weeks, and I'm proud of all of ye. Tomorrah ye'll all be reassigned to new units; some of ye will even have yer own squads. But no matter where ye end up, just remember:"
He pauses for dramatic effect, looking out over their faces.
He gathers his breath and yells in his best drill sergeant's bellow.
At this the assembled soldiers explode, cheering and whooping madly. Baern grins and leaves them to shower, heading to his field office. By now his superiors should have dropped off the dossier on his new squad. He sat down at his desk and indeed, there was a file.
But it was not a list of recruits.
With strange curiosity, Baern read the note. Then he read it again to make sure. These were strange orders; all the note said was this:
TO: Sergeant Baern Skullbreaker, 2nd Light Infantry, 4th Regiment: 17th Squad
FROM: Worldship Command
Report to Patron's Park at noon. Come ready for inspection, in full combat gear. Speak of these orders to no one.
Baern shrugged and started to get his gear together, putting on his armor and getting his weapons ready. Fully ready, he headed to the park, planning to get there a little before noon in an attempt to determine what, exactly, was going on.
He called challenge to them one at a time, in pairs, in groups, and time after time each of them fell back.
None in the room held back; mercy would serve them not when the denizens of the abyss came calling.
Thaggok crushed his enemies as they came. Blow after blow fell upon his armor and shield, glancing off, as one by one his opponents collapsed beneath the blow of his hammer, the clash of his shield, even his boot or the slam of his helmet. After all, to Thaggok, this was more about keeping him as battle hardened as possible then it was about them.
When the melee was complete, as the moans of pain filled the room, Thaggok left without a word. Experience was their teacher, and the priests of Asmodeus would see to the wounds of the ones who could drag themselves to the temple proper.
Thaggok never traveled WorldShip in anything less than full battle-ready state. More times than he could count the eerie glow of an opening portal fell on him and before he knew it a full battle was under way.
Thaggok left the temple, his armor and weapon still dripping the blood of his own militia, the park his destination. He traveled to it at least daily to pray under Asmodeus' all-seeing gaze. Each god had their temples on the WorldShip, but this, this was where they infused the ship, not only with the magics it took to function, but with their divine power.
The three-visage monolith stood, the tallest thing around for quite a ways, each god facing a different direction. Thaggok knelt in obedience before the steely gaze of Asmodeus. He lay his hammer on one side, and his shield on the other. He even removed his helm and placed it before him. Rare few had ever seen his face, but in deference to his God, this he did each time he prayed.
Before she knows it, she has arrived at the park, and her eyes lock onto the monument. A low whistle escapes her lips as she looks up and down at it. Mentally, she says a quick prayer to Erathis, asking for protection and grace in the coming unknown times. Almost as an afterthought, she also entreats the spirits for the same things, figuring that the more help she could get, the better.
Her stomach grumbles, and she remarks aloud to herself, "Time for lunch! I wonder what the best choices for food are around here."
Then they emerge, slinking out of calm and peacful woodland like lost visitors. Only a handful, but their presence is threat enough. In a flash, the devil is there, and one is cut down, but she does not stay for long.
"Paladin!" she yells in holy Supernal, understood by all, "Finish these and follow! I must find the source!" And then she weaves between the demons and into the trees, and vanishes from sight.
You've a moment to study the remaining demons as they approach. The largest are a strange marriage of lion and wolf, maneless and all but packless but surely more deadly than either. The smallest are short but bulbous humanoids, covered in wounds and oozing what could be blood. The last, a taller, armored, figure might pass for human if his arm didn't end in a hilt and a blade.
Roll initiative, and place yourselves in the yellow region.
"Let's finish these buggers off before they can hurt anyone."
Initiative: 1d20+3 = 11
Place me in J10
Initiative: 1d20+1 11
+1, so after Baern. Tordek is in L10.
Initiative: 1d20+4 7
L7 seems appropriate for me. Low initiative = high attacks, right? ...right?
Initiative: 1d20+3 8
Place me in J7 please
18 Abyssal Commander E (B7)- Hp 58/58; AC 19; Fort 18; Reflex 13; Will 18
12 Bloody Demon A (E7)- HP 46/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12
Bloody Demon B (D10)- HP 46/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12
11 Baern- HP 40/40; AC 17; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 12; AP 1
11 Tordek- HP 37/37; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 15; Will 14; AP 1
8 Thaggok- HP 39/39; AC 22; Fort 17; Ref 17; Will 16; AP 1
8 Demonbeast C (C3)- HP 54; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15
Demonbeast D (B12)- HP 54; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15
7 Dew- HP 30/30; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 16; AP 1
Abyssal Commander: Minor- Battle Grace: All allies within burst 10 gain 10 speed until Abyssal Commander's next turn
Standard- Focused Rage vs. Besmal's Will: 27 Critical hit.
Besmal takes 18 damage and is slowed (save ends)
Bloody Demon A: Move to E1
Standard: Claw vs. Besmal's AC: 13 Miss
Bloody Demon B: Standard: Claw vs. Besmal's AC: 8 Miss
18 Abyssal Commander E (B7)- Hp 58/58; AC 19; Fort 18; Reflex 13; Will 18
12 Bloody Demon A (E7)- HP 38/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12
Bloody Demon B (D10)- HP 25/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12
:arrow:11 Baern- HP 40/40; AC 17; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 12; AP 1
:arrow:11 Tordek- HP 37/37; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 15; Will 14; AP 1
:arrow:8 Thaggok- HP 39/39; AC 22; Fort 17; Ref 17; Will 16; AP 1
8 Demonbeast C (C3)- HP 54; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15
Demonbeast D (B12)- HP 54; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15
7 Dew- HP 30/30; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 16; AP 1
Baern, Tordek and Thaggok are up. Act in any order you like.
Minor Action: Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture on Besmal. Besmal gains health equal to her healing surge + Tordek's Wis modifier (2) + 2 for the Potent Restorables feat, for 12 HP restored total.
Standard Action: Thundering Armor. Besmal gains +1 AC until the end of Tordek's next turn. It also attacks an adjacent creature (In this case, Bloody Demon . Thundering Armor vs Fortitude: 1d20+7 20 Hit. It deals 1d8+5 13 thunder damage to Bloody Demon B, and pushes it to C11.
AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 15; Will 14; AP 1
HP 37/37 Surge: 9 Surges/Day: 8
Thundering Armor
Aggravating Force
Flameburst Armor Attack
(Item) Parchment Leather Armor
[Strike]Healing Infusion Curative Admixture or Resistive Formula[/Strike]
Healing Infusion Curative Admixture or Resistive Formula
Scouring Weapon
Shocking Feedback
(Item) Point Blank Hand Crossbow
Flameburst Armor
Restorative Infusion
(Item) Thundering Spiked Gauntlet
Minor: Hunter's Quarry on E8
Standard: Two-Fanged Strike on E8: 1d20+11, 1d20+11 vs. AC (16) = 30, 16 Hit! Hit! it takes 2d10 + 1d6 (quarry) + 1d6 (Quickhit Bracers) + 8 + 8 +1 (wis mod from Two-Fanged Strike) = 31 damage
Twin Strike
Throw and Stab
Hunter's Quarry
[strike]Two-Fanged Strike[/strike]
Bloodclaw Craghammer
Horn Tusk Hide Armor
Ruffling Sting
Jaws of the Wolf
Quickhit Bracers
Dwarven Thrower Craghammer
Begin the Hunt
"Fool headed Dwarf, didn't your time with the legion teach you anything? You provided their leader a reprieve from Asmodeus' wrath!"
"Strike down the leader, and the fodder will scatter before you their spirit broken!"
Standard Action: Ardent Strike vs Demonbeast C 1d20+10 23 HIT!
Free Action: Furious Assault
Demonbeast C is marked by my Divine Sanction
2d10+1d6+5 damage = 23 Damage
AC: 22 Fort: 17 Ref: 17 Will: 16
HP: 26/39 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 10
Resist All: 5 (until next turn)
Ardent Strike
Holy Strike
Divine Challenge
Heedless Fury
Divine Strength
[strike]Furious Assault[/strike]
Hold Fast
Ardent Vow
Blood of the Mighty
Bless Weapon
Dwarven Armor
1d8+7 13 damage
Demonbeast D : Standard- Bloodborn Charge vs. Tordek's AC: 1d20+8 13 Miss
Charge ends in H10.
Abyssal Commander E (B7)- Hp 58/58; AC 19; Fort 18; Reflex 13; Will 18
Bloody Demon A (E8)- HP 7/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12 Bloodied
Bloody Demon B (C11)- HP 12/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12 Bloodied
Baern- HP 40/40; AC 17; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 12; AP 1
Tordek- HP 37/37; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 15; Will 14; AP 1
Thaggok- HP 26/39; AC 22; Fort 17; Ref 17; Will 16; AP 1
Demonbeast C (C3)- HP 32; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15 Divine Sanction
Demonbeast D (B12)- HP 54; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15
:arrow:Dew- HP 30/30; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 16; AP 1
Dew and Besmal are up.
Shocking Feedback vs DemonBeast C's AC: 1d20+9 26 Hit! for 2d6+5 7 damage. Thaggok gains resist 5 all until the end of Tordek's next turn. Using his Point Blank Hand Crossbow, that shot is too quick to allow the Demonbeast next to him an Opportunity attack.
Nothing like rolling 2 1's for damage
Thundering Armor
Aggravating Force
Flameburst Armor Attack
(Item) Parchment Leather Armor
[Strike]Healing Infusion Curative Admixture or Resistive Formula[/Strike]
Healing Infusion Curative Admixture or Resistive Formula
Scouring Weapon
[strike]Shocking Feedback
(Item) Point Blank Hand Crossbow[/strike]
Flameburst Armor
Restorative Infusion
(Item) Thundering Spiked Gauntlet.
The panther's eyes are wide, and instinct seems to be dominating her decisions at the moment.
Minor: Wild Shape
Standard: Charge to F8, Savage Rend vs A's Reflex: 1d20+7 15 +1 for charging = 16. Hit! 1d8+5 9 damage. Bloody Demon A is dead.
Free: Action Point
Standard: Charge to D10, Savage Rend vs B's Reflex: 1d20+7 14 +1 for charging = 15. Miss.
AC: 18 Fort: 14 Reflex: 16 Will: 16
HP: 30/30 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 7
AP: 0
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Vanguard's Lightning
Razorclaw Shifting
Darting Bite
Ferocious Transformation
Fires of Judgment
Angelic Protector
Rod of Forceful Invocation
Enduring Beast Hide Armor
The smaller demon seems to find strength in its injuries, attacking fiercely even as its wounds ooze.
Bloody Demon B: Standard- Bleeding Surge
Claw vs Dew's AC: 1d20+5 22 Hit
1d8+6 7 damage
B gains 9 hp.
Abyssal Commander E (B7)- Hp 44/58; AC 19; Fort 18; Reflex 13; Will 18
Bloody Demon B (C11)- HP 21/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12 Bloodied
:arrow:Baern- HP 40/40; AC 17; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 12; AP 1
:arrow:Tordek- HP 37/37; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 15; Will 14; AP 1
:arrow:Thaggok- HP 31/39; AC 22; Fort 17; Ref 17; Will 16; AP 1 Resist all 5
Demonbeast C (C3)- HP 17/54; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15 Divine Sanction, Bloodied
Demonbeast D (B12)- HP 54/54; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15
Dew- HP 23/30; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 16; AP 0
Scouring Weapon vs Demonbeast D's AC: 1d20+9 15 Miss (for now...) 2d6+5 13 damage
Free: Tordek uses the single charge in his Parchment Leather Armor to add +1 to the arcane attack roll, making it a Hit.
Free: Tordek uses (Item) Thundering Spiked Gauntlet to deal an extra 1d8 thunder damage and push the Demonbeast back one square.
Thundering Spiked Gauntlet: 1d8 4 thunder damage and Demonbeast D is pushed to H11.
Move: With the demonbeast too far away to trigger OA's, Tordek move to E6.
Thundering Armor
Aggravating Force
Flameburst Armor Attack
[strike](Item) Parchment Leather Armor[/strike]
[Strike]Healing Infusion Curative Admixture or Resistive Formula[/Strike]
Healing Infusion Curative Admixture or Resistive Formula
[strike]Scouring Weapon[/strike]
[strike]Shocking Feedback
(Item) Point Blank Hand Crossbow[/strike]
Flameburst Armor
Restorative Infusion
[strike](Item) Thundering Spiked Gauntlet[/strike]
Besmal's AC and Thaggok's resist effects fade. Also, Demonbeast D has -2 AC until the end of Tordek's next turn.
With a mighty swing of his hammer, he drives it down onto the head of the Demonbeast in front of him. The crack of bone accompanies the blow as bits of grey matter fly from the gaping wound.
"I was on my way, Machinist", he utters calmly as he steps away from the body of his fallen foe to engage the next beast.
Minor Action: Divine Strength
1d10+12 damage = 18 Radiant Damage
Move Action: G,10
AC: 22 Fort: 17 Ref: 17 Will: 16
HP: 26/39 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 10
Ardent Strike
Holy Strike
Divine Challenge
Heedless Fury
[strike]Divine Strength[/strike]
[strike]Furious Assault[/strike]
Hold Fast
Ardent Vow
Blood of the Mighty
Bless Weapon
Dwarven Armor
Minor: Hunter's Quarry on Abyssal Commander
Standard: Twin Strike vs. Abyssal Commander: 1d20+11, 1d20+11 vs. AC (19) = 12, 19 Miss! Hit!, 1d10+1d6+4 damage = 14 damage to the Abyssal Commander
AC: 17 Fort: 16 Ref: 14 Will: 12
HP: 40/40 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 10
Twin Strike
Throw and Stab
Hunter's Quarry
[strike]Two-Fanged Strike[/strike]
Ruffling Sting
Bloodclaw Craghammer
Horntusk Hide Armor
Jaws of the Wolf
Begin the Hunt
Dwarven Thrower Craghammer
Quickhit Bracers
Demonbeast D : Standard- Bite vs. Thaggok's AC: 1d20+8 17 Miss
Abyssal Commander E- Hp 30/58; AC 19; Fort 18; Reflex 13; Will 18
Bloody Demon B- HP 21/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12 Bloodied
Baern- HP 40/40; AC 17; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 12; AP 1
Tordek- HP 37/37; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 15; Will 14; AP 1
Thaggok- HP 26/39; AC 22; Fort 17; Ref 17; Will 16; AP 1
Demonbeast D- HP 37/54; AC 16 -2; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15
:arrow:Dew- HP 23/30; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 16; AP 0
Move: Shift to D11.
AC: 18 Fort: 14 Reflex: 16 Will: 16
HP: 23/30 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 7
AP: 0
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Vanguard's Lightning
Razorclaw Shifting
Darting Bite
Ferocious Transformation
Fires of Judgment
Angelic Protector
Rod of Forceful Invocation
Enduring Beast Hide Armor
The last of the smaller demons takes the opportunity to slink away, and catches Baern unprepared.
Standard- Warcry of Corruption vs. Dew's Fortitude: 1d20+8 14 Hit
Dew gains ongoing 5 necrotic damage and is weakened (save ends both)
Abyssal Commander provokes opportunity attacks from Besmal and Baern for using a ranged power
Bloody Demon- Standard: Shifting Strike
Claw vs. Dew's AC: 13 miss
Shift to A9
Claw vs. Baern's AC: 25 Critical hit
Baern takes 13 damage
Abyssal Commander E- Hp 12/58; AC 19; Fort 18; Reflex 13; Will 18 Bloodied
Bloody Demon B- HP 11/46; AC 16; Fort 16; Ref 15; Will 12 Bloodied
:arrow:Baern- HP 27/40; AC 17; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 12; AP 1
:arrow:Tordek- HP 37/37; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 15; Will 14; AP 1
:arrow:Thaggok- HP 26/39; AC 22; Fort 17; Ref 17; Will 16; AP 1
Demonbeast D- HP 37/54; AC 16 -2; Fort 16; Ref 14; Will 15
Dew- HP 23/30; AC 18; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 16; AP 0 Ongoing necrotic 5 and weakend (save ends both)
He quickly spins and attacks the commander demon, missing with one hammer but connecting with the other. His hammer crushes its chest and it collapses, leaving only the large demon remaining.
Standard: Twin Strike vs. Abyssal Commander: 1d20+11, 1d20+11 = 12, 30 Miss! Hit!, 1d10+1d6+4 = 15 damage and it's dead too!
AC: 17 Fort: 16 Ref: 14 Will: 12
HP: 27/40 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 10
Twin Strike
Throw and Stab
Hunter's Quarry
[strike]Two-Fanged Strike[/strike]
[strike]Ruffling Sting[/strike]
Bloodclaw Craghammer
Horntusk Hide Armor
Jaws of the Wolf
Begin the Hunt
Dwarven Thrower Craghammer
Quickhit Bracers
Swinging his hammer in a mighty arc, he delivers a resounding blow, bloodying the beast and staggering it so it cannot move.
Standard Action: Hold Fast vs Demonbeast C 1d20+9 20 HIT!
2d10+4 damage = 18 Damage
Demonbeast C is immobilized
Demonbeast C is marked by Thaggok
AC: 22 Fort: 17 Ref: 17 Will: 16
HP: 26/39 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 10
Ardent Strike
Holy Strike
Divine Challenge
Heedless Fury
[strike]Divine Strength[/strike]
[strike]Furious Assault[/strike]
[strike]Hold Fast[/strike]
Ardent Vow
Blood of the Mighty
Bless Weapon
Dwarven Armor
Standard: Aggravating Force vs Demonbeast's AC: 1d20+9 11 MISS!
Thundering Armor
Aggravating Force
Flameburst Armor Attack
[strike](Item) Parchment Leather Armor[/strike]
[Strike]Healing Infusion Curative Admixture or Resistive Formula[/Strike]
Healing Infusion Curative Admixture or Resistive Formula
[strike]Scouring Weapon[/strike]
[strike]Shocking Feedback
(Item) Point Blank Hand Crossbow[/strike]
Flameburst Armor
Restorative Infusion
[strike](Item) Thundering Spiked Gauntlet[/strike]
Tordek grumbles and recalibrates his hand crossbow. "Okay... well, I suppose machinist shares some of the properties of what I do. But still..."
Bite vs. Thaggok's AC: 1d20+8 14 Miss
Not gonna waste time on you guys killin' the thing.
Combat over!
So you're surrounded by the corpses of abyssal creatures, weird piles of demonstuff, and a bunch of strangers who are pretty good at kicking demonic ass. What now?
He sits down next to her, catching his breath, glancing at the assembled party. "I'm called Baern. Sergeant in the 4th Regiment here. My orders were ta come to tha park, but I dunnae see any other marines here. Who are the rest of ye?"
Assuming we can take a short rest, Baern will spend 1 healing surge to get up to 37/40 hit points, leaving me at 6/7 surges remaining for today.
Arcana: 1d20+12 21
He then looks at the Paladin. "Hey. You there, fine fellow. C'mere and see if these buggers have divine... determinations." Tordek then takes a look at his equipment deciding what needs to be fiddled with. He finally looks at Besmal, "Can I take a look at that weapon of yers? I bet I can give it a nice little wollop."
While walking over to Besmal, Tordek also creates another infusion. He daintily tugs the inch-long syringe from Besmal's arm and fills it up with this arcane power. "Just a pinch, right?"
Tordek uses a healing surge to create another healing infusion. He has two once more.
Tordek can use Arcane Empowerment on one item a day, and once per milestone. This time, he empowers Besmal's Dynamic Weapon +2 (Polymorph) with Augment Energy. Once, as a free action, Besmal can add +2 to an attack roll after rolling said attack roll.
"I've never felt anything quite like that before," she observes to anyone who's inclined to listen. She takes a steadying breath, then steps forward and shyly introduces herself. "I'm Dew, and am I ever glad you were around! I'm stronger than I was before, but these demons are still tough opponents." She kneels by one of the corpses, studying it and reflecting on her time at the temple of Erathis before arriving on the Worldship, seeing if she sees anything recognizable and useful. She also spends a bit of time examining the odd piles of...stuff...laying around as well.
Dew spends a surge (5/6 left) to get back to full HP.
Religion check on demon corpses: 1d20+8 15
Religion check on weird piles of demonstuff: 1d20+8 27
"I am Thaggok, Paladin of Asmodeus, and we have to move now. It is by no accident we all were here at this time. The devil who protects WorldShip is in danger. We must follow her before it is too late."
Without waiting for an answer, Thaggok starts to run in the direction the Devil left the park.
Religion: 1d20+6 = 19
"It's not like we have a lead, they just appeared. As they sometimes do when they attack Wanda. This isn't the first incursion, and won't be the last. Although I admit they were more... calibrated than before. They usually scatter moments after appearing, too greedy for their own good. These were willing to share." He laughs heartily.
Perception: 1d20+8 18
"Your skull is as thick as your neck, Machinist. Of clockwork you know much, of the Divine you are ignorant. What we fought were Demons, and a Demon and a Devil are far different beings. Now come! Asmodeus' thrall is in danger!"
If the party does not come with him, Thaggok will resort to either Diplomacy, or Intimidation.....Can you guess which one he's better at?
Tordek also has 7/8 surges, as he used one to make another Infusion.
3x Gravespawn Potion
Perception: 1d20+8 10
Tordek is too busy talking to Dew to notice anything.