I'm wondering what I should do with my D&D character. He recently moved from Neutral/Good to Chaotic/Good, meaning he no longer has his Druid powers.
He's a fairly eccentric Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin) who really enjoys rocks and stones and doing crazy weird things. For example: His main weapon is a sling, and he has enchanted a number of sling bullets with Create Water. This doesn't have much effect besides being really nifty. His (eccentric for earth elementals) earth elemental chohort died in the last adventure due to the rod of wonder that he was wielding backfiring. Due to this, he currently has nobody to carry his banner into battle. He is also the author of the (perhaps not-so) famous "Law versus Chaos: A Treatise on Neutrality." (It being written in Terran may have been part of the reason why it was not more widely-received)
Character-wise, his classes are: Druid 2/Ranger 1/Rogue 1/Darkrunner 3/Earth Dreamer 3
He has enough xp to go up another level. I was thinking Earth Dreamer.
However: I'm not entirely sure what to about his Druid powers. He's definitely not going to go back to neutral on the Law/Chaos side of things, though he is fine with being neutral with respect to good and evil. He's also not repentant at all about becoming non-neutral, so I'm not sure that a typical Atonement spell would actually restore his powers. (My DM may waive the atonement requirement and just allow me to become neutral and regain powers; I'm not sure on that point)
Do you guys have any suggestions? Are there are decent ex-Druid options that aren't evil? (I know there's some sort of blighter, but that totally doesn't fit what my character would do)
My options seem to be:
1. Become neutral on the good/evil axis (may need Atonement here) (Suggestions here would be nice)
2. Forget all about Druid powers and just continue on. This would make him much less powerful due to lack of spells
It would depend on your knowledge of the DM. If he is easy going, then maintaining neutral should not be an issue. If not, then prestige classes are always nice.
On a side note, Has your DM hit you with severe xp penalty? If Druid is your main class, then every other should impose an xp hit.