Maybe you're like me. When you hear a company has come out with a mystery flavor you've gotta have your go at guessing it. Be it Jelly Belly's, Dorito's or my latest fascination Stride Mega Mystery Gum.
Has anyone picked up this Mega Mystery Gum? Tell me your thoughts.
With help from a friend I've determined the flavour to be SMAAASH!!
But really probably just some kind of tropical citrus blend
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i always got cherry
cherry flavored anything is disgusting
There is just too much of a horrible difference between assorted fruits, classic bubble gum flavor, various types of mint, and (god forbid) cinnamon.
how could you not like watermelon flavored airheads. it's just not possible.
I never got to try these
it's one of the biggest regrets of my life
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom