Now under British rule!
League of Legends is a DoTA (Defense of the Ancients) style game made by some of the people that worked on DoTA Allstars. It's free to play; but, includes augmentations that you can buy with real money or in-game points.
Get on the G&T vent to play with us (list at bottom), the vent info is stickied at the top of the forum.
There's a ton of info on the game, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel. So, check out:, the game database provided by Riot (who make the game)., there are a lot of fan sites out there with general information and builds. This is just one; and, it's kinda slow as shit. Regardless of where you look for builds keep in mind, most of them make assumptions that are not clearly conveyed and there are a lot that are just plain bad. Tread lightly.
KillerCodeMonkey's wiki, add your brilliant shit to it.
Game mechanic shit, stuff like how attacks and magic and fuck work.
Rune break-dancing, good info about what runes you should buy.
The new code was posted about a page back. It's L R L R D D U U 3 4. It works.
Drop $20 for the Retail Box (Amazon, Best Buy, GameSpot,
Newegg, Target, and Wal-Mart typically have this) It gives you $10 in Riot Points, take those, then buy $10 in Riot Points and $5 in Riot Points. Spend all of them on the second champ pack.
That's $35 for 40 champs permanently unlocked; none of the post-40 have ever been in a bundle AFAIK.
Q: How can I get champions and save money?
A: You won't have to spend a cent if you simply play games and earn enough IP to buy them all. If, however, you wish to hasten the process you may buy champions with real money. The most cost effective way to buy champions is by purchasing the two bundles on offer.
For $45 you can buy 6380 Riot Points, which are used to buy champions and skins. 3900 of those points gets you the Digital Collector's Pack, which contains 20 champions and includes 1380 Riot Points (huh?). If you were to buy the champions individually it would cost 37800 IP or 9620 RP. The Digital Collector's pack can also be bought in stores or online as a boxed copy, which may save you a significant amount of money.
3410 Riot Points gets you the champions bundle. This contains some more expensive champions. Bought individually they would cost 60750 IP or 14350 RP (ish).
This leaves you with 450 RP, enough to buy yourself a single skin!
or, Udyr is bearcock, king of cocks and destroyer of worlds. He knows no pity.
Here are a bunch of people that are playing, refer to the spreadsheet for an updated list.
TyrantCow : MooMan
FightTest : FightTest
fadingathedges : fadingathedges
undeinpirat : undeinpirat
zanmatto : ParanoidDroid
Zombiemambo : EssGee
Cohsae : Cohsae
Nisi : Nisi
Sirson : Sirson
Originate : Originate
DebaserZbs : DebaserZbs
Endomatic : Barnabus
I needed a name to post : Pterodactyl Man
Zek : Zeyk
klok : fastpaced
ParisInFlames : skoot
Stolls : Karlinn
fmz65 : SensAZNal
UrQuanLord88 : urquan
TheSuperWoot : MelancholyMark
Lehman : Draggan
CharlesVI : CharlesVI
Bendery It Like Beckham : Bendery
DustedForLife : DustedAgain
Zoelef : Zoelef
soggychicken : soggychicken
Peas : jyajin
Custom Special : F4ll0ut
alset85 : alseT
king awesome : kingawesome
Mightyhog : Agreedo
Houn : Houn
In Starscream We Trust : In Starscream We Trust
TriadFate : TriadFate
Drakmathus : Drakmathus
Bardi : Bardi
MinionOfCthulhu : MinionOfCthulhu
Hrage : friedriceyum
Esc.Hatch : Hatch
distracted : Distracted
Feldorn : Mortenya
Adus : Adus
BaronVonNub : BaronVonNub
Zero-Control : ZeroControl
RawrBear : RawrBear
hiigaran : hiigaran
Thrawn200 : Mitthrawnuruodo
Seran : Seran
Colt : TheDeathJester
PolloDiablo : PolloDiablo
Slicer : Srice
Fiaryn : Fiaryn
Dracil : Dracil
Zalin : Zalin
Camui : Sogedan
Chubbly : Chubbly
Mugaaz : Mugaaz
Pyromaniac221 : abstrakt11
Shade : Hardcannon
nome : xcletus
Arch : Zinnar
Pmoney : Pmoney
Fleck0 : flecko
Saphier : errant
Thor1590 : Aphrodesizach19
PJStelford : PJStelford
Reagan : Reagan
programjunkie: Wicked Demiurge
Niqle : Niqle
nealcm : Alvarian
Tiger Burning : Tiger Burning
facetious : Bonhomie
Verr : verr
cutfang : Dancing Bagel
cwapfobrains : infobrains
Manetherenwolf : Manetherenwolf
Banana-Man : SaintAugustine
Evil Weevil : Evil Weevil
Karnius : Karnius
Nanaki : Nanaki
ResIpsaLoquitur : ResIpsa
jdmichal : KillerCodeMonky
CrownAxe : CrownAxe
Alecthar : Alecthar
Darkewolfe : Darkewolfe
NBoomer : NBoomer
Evilsville : October13
Grundlterror : thecwar
Kias : Kias2
Insanity : The Huge Manatee
Averni : Keredar
eeSanG : 2sang
Xaquin : Xaquin
Squirrel Rancher : Glory2Hypnotoad
Shrieve : Shrieve
Eddy : Valencian
Figgy : Figment3
sportzboytjw : TylerJ
Edgie : Edg1e
Biosys : Biosys
Megamaniaco : Corcorigan
Dread Pirate Arbuthnot : Requine
iamthepieman : pyeman
Trynant : Trytann
stopgap : Stopgap
skettios : Zymirra
Arkady : failboattootoot
Pacificstar : Pacificstar
Apolloh : Fleetfooot
TracerBullet : SpacemanSpliffed
Cleonicus : Cleonicus
Tangen : Tangen
vagrant_winds : VWinds
Mahnmut : jericho89
Cognisseur : Cognisseur
Madpoet : Pastorious
SuperRuper : SuperRuper
The Ender : RokkEmSokkEm
Zen Vulgarity : ZenVulgarity
Interjection : kcMasterpiece
Dropping Loads : Zzyzzxx
Tag : Tag Me
CodeRed : Muckdork
pleh : pleh
Arikado : Arik the Fervor
kwoaru : kwoaru
Dead! : Zappy Zapzap
Coffey : Phantasism
Djiem : Djiem
Wishpig : MassiveHugAttack
Incenjucar : Pyraux
Wild Garlic : Wild Garlic
priestwithknives : priestwithknives
Archonwarp : Constant Comet
Keysier : Keysier
Fellhand : Fellhand
Ryadic : Ryadic
Zorak15 : Zorak15
Minerva_SC : MinervaSC
Jacking this from Zen, who jacked it from MooMan.
Valiantine has a lovely spreadsheet that you can add your summoner name to.
I placed everyone's name in the OP to this neat and tidy spreadsheet. You should be able to edit it yourself, find your name and fill the fields. If anyone is getting problems, PM me or AIM me.
Edit - Put this in the OP or I'll have violent intercourse with the most cherished person in your life.
Here is a video to help improve your laning!
Is Sona still good? I stopped playing for amonth right after she came out because she filled me with such rage. Now I have enough to buy her (well, soon enough I will) and I am sorely tempted.
LoL: failboattootoot
She hasn't changed, so yes. Build CDR, Sheen, and either Attack Damage (to utilize her good burst) or Support/Tanky items (to be an aura bot).
// Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
I build 9/0/21 masteries, CDR blues, and Locket/Shroud/Treads to get to the 40% CDR cap. If the match continues I start looking for AP (even Will of the Ancients is okay on her), but Innervating Locket gives her so much regeneration and laning presence that I always rush it.
A really good twitch is annoying as shit
So.... any tips for her, other than spam tornadoes+buy rod of ages/nashors?
Pick Sona instead.
Jax and Kog are foolish enough to stand still by their inhibitor tower with no creeps in the way?
Have fun losing 1/3 of your HP
To be fair "Pick Sona" is a tip for every support champion in the game save for MAYBE Morgana.
Since your main goals are "dark wind a group" "ult a group" and "fear an individual and drain him, then run from the group" it seemed like support sort of made sense.
No. The correct way to fiddle is to jungle and then CAWCAWCAWCAW onto their team every chance you get, which is more often because you always have blue buff and can permanently jungle for freeeeeee.
Buh-wha? Sona has zero use for AD. Power chord's strength is based off her level and does magic damage. Deathfire and then AP Sona is pretty much the way to go after getting a locket/boots, with a glacial shroud when you can for CDR/a little more survivability.
I dislike tanky Sona because there's not much point in surviving if you're incapable of healing and blasting (and going AP will get you gold very, very fast, so you can get that late-game armor more easily if need be). Sona's an enormous threat even from the back if her AP is hefty, especially if the rest of your team is mostly physical and the enemy team has been building around that. With a competent team by your side her w/e is enough to get you out of trouble as long as you keep a couple bodies between you and the enemy team.
That drain buff has made it even easier than ever. Such an amazing jungler.
also, c'mon take that shit outa the quote blocks. i did it once in a mocking fashion
fix the ugly.
Then don't be a dumbass and be sure to keep your distance? Sona's heal is incredibly weak if you don't put at least some AP on there. 140 hp is nothing late game. Every time I've gone tank Sona I've been a little safer, sure, but it's useless because my support is gimped. Sona should be in back anyway, since part of what makes her so annoying is her ability to help her entire team recover and leave team fights as soon as they want and come back stronger before the other team can recover. Enemy tries to chase after I e my team away out of range? Whoops, my team is suddenly back at almost-full strength because I'm healing for a ton every couple seconds, you get a crescendo in your face and the three almost-dead guys you were chasing to kill a second ago have their health back and are pounding your face in while you're stunned.
Maybe I'll change my tune as I get better and start playing better people, but right now AP Sona is being too effective for me to try anything else.
This is key. Sona is fast as fuck, considering you can just spam your speed boost constantly, and since you're obviously running an innervating locket, your speed boost is ALSO A HEAL. With that speed, you should hardly ever be getting caught.
Once she gets a locket and boots it is nearly impossible to catch Sona if she starts running and you're not already close. That's why those are always, always my first two items. Once her E is fully leveled it is impossible to catch Sona and the two people of her choice.
You do have to play defensively, and always be aware of the other team, but Sona's support, she's not supposed to go toe-to-toe with other champs. If you want to survive Poppy and Olaf tearing out of nowhere and wailing on your ass be Mundo or something. Every champ has something hard for them to deal with, part of playing them well is making sure you're not in that situation.
This is the scenario I'm thinking
If the other team doesn't have a single chaser, then I guess the "if you're not a dumbass" approach works.
If you want to be support you sort of have to accept that you can't deal with every scenario and play accordingly. If the enemy team has a good chasing champ and I don't know where they are, you bet your ass I'm keeping away from the jungle unless someone else is between me and it.
I do understand where you're coming from, as Sona is so squishy, but tanky Sona is just so damned useless that living longer isn't worth it if I can't do anything with my extra lifespan.
But there is a bit of an alternative, such as RoA/Rylais/etc
That way you get both AP and survivability!
How novel.
Cause, again, if you aren't building innervating followed by boots you're doing it wrong.
A nice thing about locket is that it does give you a fair chunk of health too. I'm not saying that getting a RoA afterwards isn't a bad idea, but "build a tank" is not the same as "don't rush locket" is not the same as "don't get AP"
You can do all of these things
Not even boots 1
She died every time the enemy team looked at her funny
Locket already gives you lots of HP and mana and the absurd health/mana regen every time you cast, so I generally don't shoot for Rylais. Slow is nice, but my Q will only get 15% since it;s multi. ROA's AP is nice, but locket+sorcerer's boots is almost as much gold as a ROA and the spell penetration is beast early on before people get a lot of resist. If I really want protection, i'd rather shoot for a glacial shroud and get armor/CDR so I can be even more spammy (especially since CDR affects her passive 2-second universal CD).
Axes all day and never run out of mana
Bagel can attest to this
archangels is a good item on sona, to be fair.
This is like that one Garen who stacked 6 sunfires against my AP heavy team. Good idea executed hilariously wrong.
I don't really like archangel's as much on Sona anymore tbh, but man, if you got a ton of goddess tears and sat back spamming to max the mana you get from them, and then converted them? Hilarity.
Of course, you'd die if anyone managed to get two hits in, but you'd be healing people for full and one-shotting the enemy.
archs doesn't work that way.
You will get a maximum of 1000 extra mana from the passives of any combination of tear/arch/manamune, no matter how many you stack or when you convert them or whatever.
You can stack all of them
Because if they share the mana pool that's dumb and never really explained anywhere since Brutalizer/Ghostblade stack
*edit* according to Lol forums Elldren is right. That's...lame.
i think i was in that game
I am going to test this right now.