SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
edited November 2010
From the realm of Riot didn't test Leblanc's interactions with other champions well enough: Mordekaiser can ult and kill Leblanc's clone and get a fully functional Leblanc ghost. Furthermore, when this ghost is reduced to low HP, it can spawn its own ghost clone.
Is anyone else finding Malady is replacing Guinsoo's Rageblade in a lot of builds? I find myself getting it first on champs I used to get Rageblade with and then usually skipping it altogether. Getting the attack speed up front seems better most of the time than having to wait for the Rageblade stacks to build.
So this isn't really a LoL related question. But I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with Word Press and really would like to move our podcast site over to something else thats way more flexible. I keep running in to issues where people can't register new accounts or when they do they don't get emailed a password.
Anyone here know anything about site management / programing for websites that wants to help me out? I'm pretty envious of Hotshot's magical VoDoo who does all their awesome site work. :<
From the realm of Riot didn't test Leblanc's interactions with other champions well enough: Mordekaiser can ult and kill Leblanc's clone and get a fully functional Leblanc ghost. Furthermore, when this ghost is reduced to low HP, it can spawn its own ghost clone.
Holy shit, infinite ghosts.
CrownAxe on
ElldrenIs a woman dammitceterum censeoRegistered Userregular
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Anyone here know anything about site management / programing for websites that wants to help me out? I'm pretty envious of Hotshot's magical VoDoo who does all their awesome site work. :<
Holy shit, infinite ghosts.
name a channeled ult it doesn't cancel.
But this is all semantic.
Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
Ultimates that actually get canceled by stuns and the like.
Oh, right, Nunu and Galio.
Kat and MF too.
LoL: failboattootoot
<Sorry Cutfang>