Thunderbolts #150 was a good read, but it has a terrible last panel. I mean, Jeff Parker imitating Mark Millar type thing that just doesn't jive with the whole issue. And the filler in the back is T-Bolts #1.
Other than the last panel, fun done in one story, great art, and it really was a good fight issue despite no John Walker in it (I know, right?):
The T-Bolts with the Avengers Trinity get teleported somewhere funky because of Ghost messing with Man-Thing and Mjolnir, but the nanites can't work, so Juggy, Ghost, and Crossbones make a break for it. Clearly, Cage caught up to Juggernaut
Ghost is also done messing with Tony because Tony showed him his account book, and how he's just a small business now.
Cage found out Crossbones killed the cop last issue, and Steve beats him up and he's off the team. Karla will stay on the team simply because Man-Thing only responds to her.
Basically everyone hugs it out in the end, except for Crossbones.
But poor frog, why'd he have to go splat, sniff....
And Batman Inc. #1, Selina doesn't like manga
and on top of that, while Selina tries to save Mr. Unknown's girlfriend from a water trap, there's a tentacle monster in it too. Mighty Lord Death Man is nasty.
I have scans but Tex is better at convincing you fiendish rouges to pick up the comic than I am, not to mention I don't want his scans + mine to = rule violation of too many scans collabratively. But I do have another moment I want to gush about as well. I present to you Larfleeze, fastest pickpocket in the world!
I'm actually a little worried that a superhero would keep his personal info. on him like that. And where was Barry keeping that wallet in that skintight spandex?
And the reveal about the Indigo lanterns, that was a nice twist. Mister Bibs covered it in the Brightest Day thread.
edit: I think I need to pick up Superman/Batman #78 next week.
One good Scans Daily link deserves another as the second story of BOOM!'s Darkwing Duck comic goes from a 'Return' to an 'Identity Crisis'. In other words, the meeting fans hoped for but never thought possible happens.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Spider-Girl #1 came out this week, and was pretty cool. I've got some qualms about how it borrows too much stuff from the other parts of the Marvel U, but I suppose that's the point of a shared universe. I just tend to prefer it when a superhero has their own rogues, and doesn't have to borrow them from other heroes. I feel like that's the only way you can really build a character's mythology up.
Anyhow, the issue does do a really good job of setting up Spider-Girl/Anya's supporting cast and world. The main conflict of the book stems from a big superpowered fight occurring between the Fantastic Four and an unseen enemy, which in turn causes street crime to explode exponentially, forcing Anya to corral thieves and looters.
Clayton Henry and Paul Tobin do a really good job of selling the chaotic feel of the day, without veering off into a bunch of doom and gloom. Even the bad guys are presented as more than just thuggishly evil. There's also a smart little bit of foreshadowing, which didn't even occur to me until I hit the last page.
Bottom line: If you enjoy teen superhero books with a bit of a classic feel, check this out. Also, Dean Haspiel draws old-school, lumpy Thing. Which is always worth seeing.
The Astounding Wolf-Man came to a close this week, and while it's not a great ending, it does do some cool stuff, teases possible future stories, and gives everyone a pretty happy ending. Plus, it has Wolf-Man in a jetpack again, and I'm pretty sure I've said it before, but this series is always at its best when the hero's in a jetpack.
More interestingly, there's an ad for a future Jason Howard/Robert Kirkman book, which looks to be the all-ages project Kirkman's been teasing for a while. Which I think will fit Howard's artistic sensibilities a lot better.
X-Factor #211 was good, but basically just a big fight scene punctuated by jokes. Which isn't really a bad thing, it just makes the book read really quickly.
Between the scene in Thunderbolts where all the female inmates are swooning over Thor, and this scene, it seems Thor's being positioned as chief hot dude of the Marvel U.
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Spider-Girl #1: Since Munch already posted the cat bandit bit I'll say my moment was the bit in the back-up with little Anya saving Reed and Ben with the giant red button
Dead Avengers #1: Jesus. The first two pages, the flashbacks, Swordsman's speech at the end. The whole issue was awesome.
I liked the part right before that when Sinestro takes off his ring and it declares "Fisticuffs Enabled"
The kids are trying to rescue Jade, who was put in the dungeon (so to speak) last issue, and are trying to converse without their crazy RA listening in on them:
See: Galacta
(though Galacta was actually a pretty good one-shot)
It was nice quip but Sinestro still beat him like a mule and then like a gentleman granted him mercy.
How bad ass is that? You hit me so you must suffer regardless of your intent. I will beat you untill you have learned a lesson.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Even after Kyle gave him that awesome scar
Not letting yourself get controlled as the other GL's were.
Talking trash to you and then giving you a huge scar on your back.
Banging your daughter.
Yeah Sinestro has a few reasons not to like Kyle much, though the fact he did stop when he did in their current fight shows he seems to have some respect for him on some level. Not that he'll ever admit it.
There are some issues I had with the actual story, but they were pretty minor.
Beyond that though layouts were spot on, characters were drawn with the best kind of expressiveness, and the attention to detail artistically was out of this world.
So I pick up the new Powers tpb. Number 13 in line. I like the main storyline along with reveals about Walker's past/present. But at the end they start up a new storyline about a dead power that claimed to be a god. Next to last page the FBI shows up claiming jurisdiction. Turn the page:
I thought they had written her out of the main storyline at the end of the last book(reducing her to special guest role status in the main plot). Just a Hell yeah moment for me.