Equilibrium is set in the futuristic and dystopian city-state of Libria. After a Third World War devastated the Earth, a fascist state emerged whose ideology determined human emotion to be the root cause of conflict. All emotionally stimulating material is banned and "sense offenders" are ruthlessly persecuted. A drug called Prozium is passed out at "Equilibrium" centers. The drug dulls all emotion from happiness to pain.
At the pinnacle of Librian law enforcement are the Grammaton Clerics, who are trained in the deadly martial art of Gun Kata (A fictional martial art that uses guns to maximum efficiency in kiling targets).
The protagonist of the film is a high ranking Grammaton Cleric named John Preston, who is seeing the world around him for what it is for the first time after he kills his partner and sees what he has been destroying this whole time.
So yeah I love this damn movie. It is in the top 10 of my favorite movies, and I just freaking love it. The action, the story, the lead character, and the atmosphere. It's awesome. This movie got me reading Fahrenheit 451, whci I also loved. So I was suprised to hear that a lot of movie critics do not like this movie, and no, I didn't just get this from the Penny-Arcade newsletter for that certain comic.
Pretty much my biggest problem with this movie is the main villain. He sucks. The rest of the characters are awesome, from Christian Bale to the rebels, but he sucks. Why are you smiling jack-ass? Your an elite soldier in a dystopia that doesn't allow feelings, you need to stop smiling. The good part is, he isn't a villain you see in every other scene. He's definitely not overplayed to annoyance. I think the main villain is the government of that dystopia. You see how it works, and how it brain washes its citizens.
So, just like my other threads I don't even think that this will get much traffic, I'd just like to discuss it.
Like, uh, gun-kata.
I did manage to convince my chemistry teacher to let us watch it in class because we were doing a unit on equilibrium at the time, so, that was pretty cool.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
The redeeming feature is a lot of dudes get shot.
You don't watch Equilibrium for the story or the acting.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
Honestly Rambo 4 is the perfect guys getting shot movie. You have very horrible awful villains, being horrible and awful (and the worst part that parts pretty realistic as far as burma goes) and then a cathartic annihilation of those very bad people.
Probably get assigned to a spouse like in The Giver or something.
unpopular, maybe, and critically shit on
but in the sense of hey man did you see this bitchin movie with batman and gun kung fu
almost everyone i know who's seen it, likes it
People who don't like the final fight scene are fucking insane.
Single takes, it was mostly shot with single takes as they didn't have the time to reshoot. It. Is. Jaw. Dropping.
And the fact that the DVD had an option just to watch the fight scenes, cutting out the rest of the movie, shows that Wimmer understood what the film was about.
I made a game, it has penguins in it. It's pay what you like on Gumroad.
Currently Ebaying Nothing at all but I might do in the future.
Arranged marriages just like in 1984 and India.
Next question.
Woody Harrelson's character in Zombieland did Gun-Fu, which made me laugh.
Then I hung my head in shame because I knew what movie it was referencing.
Equilibrium was rad. The hand trapping with guns fight was one of the coolest fights in movies.
Too bad Kurt Wimmer took the pull from this--debatable quality--movie to go make Ultraviolet, which nobody will stick up for.
This movie crossed my suspension-of-disbelief threshold.
I didn't like the fight scenes, because to me they looked... well, they looked stupid.
And the rest of the movie was pretty throwaway. I've long grown out of dystopia-of-the-week stories, and this particular dystopia was pretty rehashed.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Why do I only notice my spelling errors after someone quotes me?
All-in-all it was a poor movie. The fight choreography was fun, but you're right, the whole premise was just ridiculous and uninspiring.
Doing just fine.
Dark City, now. That's a movie the deserves more recognition.
However, the visual effects towards the end of the movie have not aged well at all.
And, yes, Dark City is fantastic.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Did you just call Zombieland horrible?
I don't personally think it should be on a top 10 list, but it was a very fun movie
Except for Bill Murray. He's always a class act.
That said, Equilibrium is what most RPGs would look like. Dozen mooks unload on a PC from five feet away and none of them hit because his AC is too high.
That's brilliant. Don't forget the useless NPCs that inevitably die even if the PC tries to save them.
That's really, really spot on.
Some fun action and a handful of cool scenes with rather meh acting and plot
Your opinion is wrong!
The gun-kata skill is actually in the ninjitsu talent tree, which makes it subject to the Inverse Ninja Rule. This is a feature, not an exploit.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
The damn thing made no sense in any way. What really pissed me off was that every God damned character displayed obvious emotion. Worst Spock impressions I've ever seen. They should have all been purged in fire... because, apparently, ultraviolence is the way of peace and when you aren't emotional, instead of simple and quick execution, you burn people alive.
So stupid. Still fun.
Also, Dark City is the best thing I own. Saw that one night when it was a national sci-fi channel and it was just amazing. Once I found out its name, I was all over it.
Zombieland is great, too, and people must be crazy to declare otherwise.
the movie produced some relatively entertaining violence but all in all it was not worth a second watch
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
no u!