[RUMOR] Quantic Dreams next game is Sci-Fi

McGeeMcGee Registered User regular
edited November 2010 in Games and Technology
As we know Quantic Dreams (the creators of Heavy Rain) are working on 2 new ips. One of which is apparently a sci-fi romance?

According to a strong, and reliable source, David Cage's next game will be a sci-fi that dwells to a more emotional level, rather than just futuristic space marines.
The concept of the clandestine “source” is one of the many delusions that permeates the gaming industry. In reality, sources rarely meet us in decrepit alleyways dressed in trenchcoats, bleeding profusely from a fatal wound, their dark, troubled conscience demanding they divulge earth-shattering secrets before succumbing to a painful demise. It’s seldom that melodramatic. (Though when this does happen, man, it’s so awesome.)

Sometimes when we run a story here at TheSixthAxis people behind the scenes get in touch and just shoot the breeze. Sometimes they also tell us something that hasn’t officially been announced or confirmed (and should hence be treated accordingly), and, sometimes, they don’t mind if we share it with you as long as their anonymity is maintained.

When we ran our recent “We Made Horizon Up” article about how Quantic Dream purposely masked the concept of their next game from blabbering actors by creating an unrelated audition-only project called Horizon, we were contacted by someone we trust. Sparked by our article, the topic of the call was what Quantic Dream would do next and, specifically, David Cage’s comment about how fans of Heavy Rain will be “surprised” where Quantic Dream are going.

We assumed he would go deeper, further down into the twisted psyche of human emotion, expanding on the adult and societal themes evoked in Heavy Rain. According to our source, however, though Quantic Dream’s next project may very well explore these very concepts, it will be doing so while wrapped in a different genre. According to our source, David Cage’s next game is a science fiction title.

Is this real or are we just hit-bating? Well, it comes with the obvious caveat that, though we have no reason not to believe our source, this is second-hand information. As in, Monsieur Cage did not speak to us directly.

If it’s true (and, once again, we have every reason to believe it is), such a possible direction is not outside the realms of probability. After all, Quantic Dream’s Omikron and Fahrenheit explored elements that are arguably science-fiction in nature, (apart from Omikron’s setting, Fahrenheit’s “Purple Clan” AI construct immediately comes to mind), and such a futuristic environment would present Cage and his team an even wider, more fantastical landscape to craft an emotional story.

As soon as Quantic Dream confirm the setting of their next game, you’ll be sure to hear about it here. Until then, note the rumour tag above.

SOURCE: http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2010/11/16/rumour-quantic-dreams-next-is-sci-fi/comment-page-2/

Let's hope that the new tech that David Cage was working on will be similar to level of L.A. Noire

McGee on
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