I'm sure there are many fine articles and blog posts dedicated to this one but google wants to translate every string I can muster into the equivalent of 'session times san fransisco'. So I figured I would more directly consult the part of the internet that actually understands English - you guys!
What are some rad movies set in or around San Fransisco? We're swinging by for a few days on our way from Australia to Vancouver this weekend, and while for the most part we'll have a friend to be tour guide, until then I'd love to get myself psyched up and get some ideas by watching some movies.
(I watched
Vertigo last night, by the way, know well a bunch of Alcatraz movies like
The Rock and
Birdman of Alcatraz and I've seen
Milk recently too. I really want to go check out the tree-ring-history as seen in
Vertigo and
Twelve Monkeys)
here is the link you want
any other suggestions are much appreciated though!
Seconding Bullitt.
Homeward Bound 2
Make sure you have a lot of booze.
The Birds
The Conversation
Thieves' Highway
Star Trek 4
Ang Lee's Hulk
Big Trouble in Little China
Off of the top of my head
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_set_in_San_Francisco,_California is a good list.
I especially recommend Maltese Falcon and The Rock (at least the beginning parts).
Though, I don't think this is what you are looking for. Any excuse to post this;
Such an awesome movie.
Also: Dirty Harry, Interview With the Vampire, D.O.A.
Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. There are more, of course.
It's a black comedy along the lines of In Bruges, really enjoyed it