i do feel a bit like lux is like cho'gath in that she becomes a lot better when you have other CC on your team to hold them still for your root or a laser from far away
but even just saving teammates being chased feels so good
people are lined up chasing a champion wayyyy more often than you think they are
Lux has plenty of her own cc, I don't know why you would need others to cc for you more
edit: and Morgana is loads of fun I don't know why you guys are spouting such nonsense
well her Q has a tinier hitbox than morgana's Q
a stun here or there can help you land Q's easier, much like cho becomes ridiculous when you have someone who can stun so rupture is guaranteed to hit
in my last cass game I got an instant double kill with her ult
I was TRYING to stun people but it turned out their health was low enough that they just died
sniping runners in the fog of war with geno beam is still the most fun i have playing this game
i remember the first time i did it, it is my fondest memory of LoL
i have two vivid memories like this, one was me blind sniping a kassadin while i was in river and he was running behind his tower from my teammates
another was an annie that was really low after a late game teamfight near mid while i was in the jungle, and i really waited until i knew where she was gonna go because she was juking a lot
after she died she complimented me and said "i told my team i was gonna get sniped, i kept tellin em...."
in my last cass game I got an instant double kill with her ult
I was TRYING to stun people but it turned out their health was low enough that they just died
whats the ap ratio on her gaze, and is it any good damage at all really?
in my last cass game I got an instant double kill with her ult
I was TRYING to stun people but it turned out their health was low enough that they just died
whats the ap ratio on her gaze, and is it any good damage at all really?
it's fantastic.
0.6 ratio I think on a base of 175->250->325 damage with a 2 second stun or serious slow (40%->50%->60%)
My build nets me about 600AP, which means it's like 600-700 AoE damage
if someone tries to autoattack me to death, I look at them and kill them before they can move
Can't decide if Garren is worthy playing until they re-buff like Riot said they were gonna do. If you get a few crit items his Judgement hits like a FUCKING TRUCK even more then before and his Q deals really good burst to. The Crit Cloak and Avarice Blades seemed pretty good. It's just without crit the bonus AD doesn't kick in and it turns into a "why are we running from Garren again?"
But you need to ramp and get good defense and expensive offense, which is a pretty hard combo to do, efficiently.
How were you thinking of building him?
Ghostblade, sunfire, mallet, atma, last whisper?
I never finished the Ghostblade. I went Regrowth > boots1 > Avarice > boots2 > Giants > Last Whisper > Sunfire > Warmogs > Atmas. Didnt get to finish the regrowth into FoN so i had to sell it for Atmas room...
I still can't get AP Ezreal to work. Maybe it just doesn't. Anyone had success with it recently?
Forget about strictly AP Ez. In my last game just now I discovered the item set of my dreams. It starts as AD Ez and transitions into full on hybrid.
I was mid vs vlad.
Being that he is vlad, a bastard, and allright spiteful guy I decided to go QEQWQRWWWW. First item was a chalice, that way I can just sit back and fire Q at minions from out of harassment range. W to damage vlad through minions if he advanced.
Second item was sheen. Then I work on bilgewater cutlass. After that work on finishing the gunblade. After the gunblade I finished off lichbane for the extra mr and damage. They weren't very tanky so I was able to delay whisper in favor of rageblade. Rageblade gets 3 stacks per landed mystic shot.
Everything from my auto attacks to my W and E were doing solid damage. Q hitting for over 600.
That game was pretty fun. Still can't belive you lived through that one teamfight with no health mooman. Also philosopoppy is hilariously effective. I just wish I could get my champ to autoattack who I want after the charge so I don't waste the triforce proc on a minion or something.
Sonelan on
Dac VinS-s-screw you! I only listen to DOUBLE MUSIC!Registered Userregular
edited December 2010
Slice of solo queue life:
Alright good job guys it was a pain taking out fiddle and he nearly killed warwick but in the end we got the fucker now time to go home
oh hey sion incoming maybe we should hurry
That game was pretty fun. Still can't belive you lived through that one teamfight with no health mooman. Also philosopoppy is hilariously effective. I just wish I could get my champ to autoattack who I want after the charge so I don't waste the triforce proc on a minion or something.
Poppy Tip: Right click on your target before you charge in.
I'm still getting murder by pantheon while right under my tower.
It doesn't help that my client is fucked or something and I don't gethe warning indicator that he's about to drop on my head. His combo is dumb, and it gives him protection from two tower hits.
The Ender on
With Love and Courage
SpectrumArcher of InfernoChaldea Rec RoomRegistered Userregular
I'm still getting murder by pantheon while right under my tower.
It doesn't help that my client is fucked or something and I don't gethe warning indicator that he's about to drop on my head. His combo is dumb, and it gives him protection from two tower hits.
well her Q has a tinier hitbox than morgana's Q
a stun here or there can help you land Q's easier, much like cho becomes ridiculous when you have someone who can stun so rupture is guaranteed to hit
yes, they do
I mean, on a scale of 1 to fun where 'fun' tends toward the limit of AP Poppy, Morgana has achieved wintry temperatures and below of funhood.
i remember the first time i did it, it is my fondest memory of LoL
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I was TRYING to stun people but it turned out their health was low enough that they just died
Don't misunderstand, it's not like I want the solo or anything!
i have two vivid memories like this, one was me blind sniping a kassadin while i was in river and he was running behind his tower from my teammates
another was an annie that was really low after a late game teamfight near mid while i was in the jungle, and i really waited until i knew where she was gonna go because she was juking a lot
after she died she complimented me and said "i told my team i was gonna get sniped, i kept tellin em...."
whats the ap ratio on her gaze, and is it any good damage at all really?
it's fantastic.
0.6 ratio I think on a base of 175->250->325 damage with a 2 second stun or serious slow (40%->50%->60%)
My build nets me about 600AP, which means it's like 600-700 AoE damage
if someone tries to autoattack me to death, I look at them and kill them before they can move
I wonder if anyone has told him that the manamune thing with energy champs was a bug...
and that it got patched almost immediately...
i remember this one time you were clairvoyance ezreal with mejai's in an inhouse and absolutely destroying
man global ultimates are so funnnnnnnnnnnnn
i have mp5/level yellow runes, and once I get an archangel staff I never run out of mana again
energy champs? the one being trolled is ezreal not shen
Why can't I tell my true feelings?
I never finished the Ghostblade. I went Regrowth > boots1 > Avarice > boots2 > Giants > Last Whisper > Sunfire > Warmogs > Atmas. Didnt get to finish the regrowth into FoN so i had to sell it for Atmas room...
It was "eh", im sure it could be much better...
AP ezreal is pretty bad
I will concede that he is better than AD ezreal when fully farmed though
the question is, how will you achieve that with AP ezreal
the answer is that you won't
I kinda want to buy it, even though I've never played Shaco.
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
jungle as shaco, get first blood, immediately have exactly 1050 gold to buy boots + finish madred's with
ezmode hallucination + jitb's to get dragon
win game
i am still amazed at how i leave the jungle cleared with roughly 500-600 health
jack in the boxes are mad ridonks
Forget about strictly AP Ez. In my last game just now I discovered the item set of my dreams. It starts as AD Ez and transitions into full on hybrid.
I was mid vs vlad.
Being that he is vlad, a bastard, and allright spiteful guy I decided to go QEQWQRWWWW. First item was a chalice, that way I can just sit back and fire Q at minions from out of harassment range. W to damage vlad through minions if he advanced.
Second item was sheen. Then I work on bilgewater cutlass. After that work on finishing the gunblade. After the gunblade I finished off lichbane for the extra mr and damage. They weren't very tanky so I was able to delay whisper in favor of rageblade. Rageblade gets 3 stacks per landed mystic shot.
Everything from my auto attacks to my W and E were doing solid damage. Q hitting for over 600.
That game was pretty fun. Still can't belive you lived through that one teamfight with no health mooman. Also philosopoppy is hilariously effective. I just wish I could get my champ to autoattack who I want after the charge so I don't waste the triforce proc on a minion or something.
Alright good job guys it was a pain taking out fiddle and he nearly killed warwick but in the end we got the fucker now time to go home
oh hey sion incoming maybe we should hurry
Poppy Tip: Right click on your target before you charge in.
It doesn't help that my client is fucked or something and I don't gethe warning indicator that he's about to drop on my head. His combo is dumb, and it gives him protection from two tower hits.
this is with me killing her twice, and me getting ganked by udyr and surviving three or four times
Slice like a god damn hammer. LoL: Rafflesia / BNet: Talonflame#11979
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.