[Moba Doba] Federation of Heroic-ish Icons



  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Spectrum wrote: »
    The Ender wrote: »
    I'm still getting murder by pantheon while right under my tower.

    It doesn't help that my client is fucked or something and I don't gethe warning indicator that he's about to drop on my head. His combo is dumb, and it gives him protection from two tower hits.
    And then he gets Janna shielded for a 3rd hit.

    Or, alternatively, Malphite ults in first to start tanking tower hits, THEN pantheon drops in and bullshit combos you.


    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • Minerva_SCMinerva_SC Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Stragint wrote: »
    Cass is such a bitch to lane against. Her dumb ass poison spam is frustrating and I hope they increase the cooldown to something reasonable

    ....and thats about it. She's annoying to lane against, and nothing else. she's not even deadly, just annoying. I've yet to see her really contribute to anything. I mean, yeah, poison, okay, then she dies. I bought her and have played her 3 times or so, don't even feel like playing her anymore, would rathe rplay reworked urgot/kat, or the real poison king, singed. another wasted 6300 ip. : /

    for me anyways, I guess some people like her.

    Minerva_SC on
    "If a cherry pie filled cape is wrong, I don't want to be right.
    I'm dead serious."
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Minerva_SC wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    Cass is such a bitch to lane against. Her dumb ass poison spam is frustrating and I hope they increase the cooldown to something reasonable

    ....and thats about it. She's annoying to lane against, and nothing else. she's not even deadly, just annoying. I've yet to see her really contribute to anything. I mean, yeah, poison, okay, then she dies.

    Given the ratio on her Q and an ult that is an AoE stun if applied correctly, I'll give Riot the benefit of the doubt and assume players just haven't learned how to build her yet.

    I've got to say, though, all of the Cass play I've seen so far has been pathetic. It always brightens my day to see an enemy Cass in my lane.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    i watched my brother lane against a cass who didn't harrass him at all
    and she still managed to run out of mana

    unintentional on
  • BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited December 2010

    I just laned against Shen and Tristana as Urgot.

    Urgot took none of their shit.

    That's right Tristana I outrange yooouuuuuuuu

    Pity about the rest of the team but I had a good lane phase. Their Cleopatra proved to be superior to our own, and Yi got flustered by our Cleo's incessant bitching and started playing super bad. ;-;

    Why must people get so mad at video games?

    Basil on
  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I've seen a few decent Cass players, her fang move can get pretty mean if built well it seems but beyond that she is pretty meh after laning. Its really easy to avoid her ult and miasma is also very easy to avoid and her damage starts to drop off so its really easy to run up and hit her.

    I just can't stand laning against her in mid, I faced her as Annie and it was frustrating, at no point could I stop moving or I'd get poisoned. Its like Teemo on steroids, annoying beyond reason to lane against.

    It is still pretty early for the new champ so yea, optimal builds are probably still in the works but from what I've seen, she is really lack luster towards the end of the game, pretty ignorable and really easy to kill. I feel the same way about Cass as I do about Irelia, not that great

    Stragint on
    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • CelethangCelethang Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Either Cass is a high skill required champ, or she's outright underpowered. Either one would contribute to seeing lots of failure by the people who try to play her. She's great at harassing and teamfight damage if she's not being focused, but her lesser "burst" potential, short range on her fang and ult, and squishyness makes her a little tricky elsewhere honestly.

    Celethang on
  • FellhandFellhand Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Whenever I see people typing anything but english I just feel like I have to put in "JA MEIN LEIPEN!"

    Fellhand on
  • FuriousJodoFuriousJodo Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I had a game with a guy that I am pretty sure was talking trash in Portuguese for the entire game. I kind of felt bad for him, he probably had some amazing trash talk but it was completely lost on an entirely English speaking team.

    FuriousJodo on
    FuriousJodo on Twitch/PSN/XBL/Whatever else
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Celethang wrote: »
    Either Cass is a high skill required champ, or she's outright underpowered. Either one would contribute to seeing lots of failure by the people who try to play her. She's great at harassing and teamfight damage if she's not being focused, but her lesser "burst" potential, short range on her fang and ult, and squishyness makes her a little tricky elsewhere honestly.

    This is why I focus more on her Q spam and Miasma for damage. Her E is awesome for burst But I think i like building her more as a DoT mage than for her burst. With the amazing AP ratio on her Q it still does amazing damage into the late game.

    However I agree she should not be the main source of damage on a team, I think pairing her with someone that can capitalize on the fact that the enemy team is slowly dying would be ideal.

    Delphinidaes on
    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> gitl.enjin.com Join us on Sargatanas!
  • RyadicRyadic Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Celethang wrote: »
    Either Cass is a high skill required champ, or she's outright underpowered. Either one would contribute to seeing lots of failure by the people who try to play her. She's great at harassing and teamfight damage if she's not being focused, but her lesser "burst" potential, short range on her fang and ult, and squishyness makes her a little tricky elsewhere honestly.

    Yeah, she just doesn't bring anything to the table. Not even her ult. I am pretty sure she's going to get an eventual buff on her abilities to make her a little more potent and give her more of a presence other than "free kill".

    She seems to have a lot of potential, but I just don't think that anyone can turn her into a formidable champion. She's just underpowered. But I'd prefer a new champion to start out underpowered than overpowered.

    Ryadic on
  • ShamusShamus Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Talith wrote: »
    Cutfang wrote: »
    I still can't get AP Ezreal to work. Maybe it just doesn't. Anyone had success with it recently?

    Forget about strictly AP Ez. In my last game just now I discovered the item set of my dreams. It starts as AD Ez and transitions into full on hybrid.

    I was mid vs vlad.

    Being that he is vlad, a bastard, and allright spiteful guy I decided to go QEQWQRWWWW. First item was a chalice, that way I can just sit back and fire Q at minions from out of harassment range. W to damage vlad through minions if he advanced.

    Second item was sheen. Then I work on bilgewater cutlass. After that work on finishing the gunblade. After the gunblade I finished off lichbane for the extra mr and damage. They weren't very tanky so I was able to delay whisper in favor of rageblade. Rageblade gets 3 stacks per landed mystic shot.

    Everything from my auto attacks to my W and E were doing solid damage. Q hitting for over 600.

    I play Ezreal the exact same way!

    I prefer Triforce over the Lich Bane, but I've only had a few games where I can grab the full item build.

    I could never play AP Ezreal well, even when he had the heal with his W. AD always clicked better with me, and a more hybrid build suits my play style.

    Actually, the reason I build a Triforce is I usually go:

    Sorc Boots
    Last Whisper

    It's hybrid, leaning towards AD. I'll try your build next time I play him.

    Shamus on
  • MonkeyConQuesoMonkeyConQueso No more MH Claw Happy handsRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    I've got to say, though, all of the Cass play I've seen so far has been pathetic. It always brightens my day to see an enemy Cass in my lane.

    I've seen ONE good Cass out of four so far, and all of them have been on the other team. And the one good Cass harassed like a mofo while I was playing Poppy, so my creep kill was in the shitter. She didn't exactly DO much late game though, as I believe that she just didn't build for late game at all - mostly just survivability after we managed to blow her up late game when she hung back too far (I love Poppy!).

    Obviously, 4 Cass' isn't a great case study or anything, so I'm not exactly going to down talk her yet. I'm actually on the brink of buying her because I think she'd be an amazing farmer and late game damage sustainer.

    And speaking of champs I want to buy...oh man, Malz is just dreamy. Reversed two surprise ganks (Kat/WW) when playing mid with Wall + Curse + Pool + Ult concentrating on WW, and finishing off lvl 5 Kat with another Curse because she stayed in the pool to melee. Second time, Kat ran away due to low health, so I just burst down WW with Wall + DFG + Pool + Ulti. Lost the game due to our Malph and Morde not really doing anything at all late game...just farming. The highlight was Morde dying to Blue Golem at lvl 8... Post game showed he had 986 Wins. How?

    MonkeyConQueso on
    PSN : Aubvry ;; WiiU/XBL/Steam : MonkeyConQueso ;; 3DS FC : 4553-9982-3786
    Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
  • OrganichuOrganichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited December 2010
    man, i'm really really fucking pissed and need to vent

    so i took panth mid against akali and i killed her at lvl 1- she did NOT suicide. i only had spear shot, and she dashed and i got her greedy near my minions, flashed AND ignited and barely killed her

    this happened two more times, now with her smokebomb, both of us using summoner spells and pots, me walking away with only tiny slivers of health

    anyway they went on to win and kept saying 'report akali, she said in chat she was intentionally feeding' and shit and i'm like "she wasn't, they were very close deaths, she tried"

    it was pissing me off because i'm not amazing at this game so i am legit happy when i pull out a narrow kill. these assholes p much wanted to be able to say 'we won even with an intentional feeder!' and it was really annoying because i played my ass off to get those kills. i tried telling them she was only saying that out of frustration of having been outplayed but they wouldn't listen


    only a game etc etc but it pissed me off

    Organichu on
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Shamus wrote: »
    Talith wrote: »
    Cutfang wrote: »
    I still can't get AP Ezreal to work. Maybe it just doesn't. Anyone had success with it recently?

    Forget about strictly AP Ez. In my last game just now I discovered the item set of my dreams. It starts as AD Ez and transitions into full on hybrid.

    I was mid vs vlad.

    Being that he is vlad, a bastard, and allright spiteful guy I decided to go QEQWQRWWWW. First item was a chalice, that way I can just sit back and fire Q at minions from out of harassment range. W to damage vlad through minions if he advanced.

    Second item was sheen. Then I work on bilgewater cutlass. After that work on finishing the gunblade. After the gunblade I finished off lichbane for the extra mr and damage. They weren't very tanky so I was able to delay whisper in favor of rageblade. Rageblade gets 3 stacks per landed mystic shot.

    Everything from my auto attacks to my W and E were doing solid damage. Q hitting for over 600.

    I play Ezreal the exact same way!

    I prefer Triforce over the Lich Bane, but I've only had a few games where I can grab the full item build.

    I could never play AP Ezreal well, even when he had the heal with his W. AD always clicked better with me, and a more hybrid build suits my play style.

    Actually, the reason I build a Triforce is I usually go:

    Sorc Boots
    Last Whisper

    It's hybrid, leaning towards AD. I'll try your build next time I play him.

    It depends on the game I'm in whether I start with brutalizer or chalice. In that game I was up against vlad, so I rather start with chalice for the mr and ability to spam spells more. I skip the brutalizer and start working on sheen and gunblade.

    In other games I'll go brut, sheen, bilgewater and then see what else I need from there.

    For shorter games I lean towards AD hybrid, if it's clear it's going to go on past 30 then I work towards AP hybrid.

    Which is why I love the gunblade so much. It's a solid item on ez, but it makes transitioning from early game AD Q spam into late game full skillset Ap hybrid so easy.

    Talith on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Organichu wrote: »
    man, i'm really really fucking pissed and need to vent

    so i took panth mid against akali and i killed her at lvl 1- she did NOT suicide. i only had spear shot, and she dashed and i got her greedy near my minions, flashed AND ignited and barely killed her

    this happened two more times, now with her smokebomb, both of us using summoner spells and pots, me walking away with only tiny slivers of health

    anyway they went on to win and kept saying 'report akali, she said in chat she was intentionally feeding' and shit and i'm like "she wasn't, they were very close deaths, she tried"

    it was pissing me off because i'm not amazing at this game so i am legit happy when i pull out a narrow kill. these assholes p much wanted to be able to say 'we won even with an intentional feeder!' and it was really annoying because i played my ass off to get those kills. i tried telling them she was only saying that out of frustration of having been outplayed but they wouldn't listen


    only a game etc etc but it pissed me off

    Well, in fairness (and this is not at all a knock against you), Akali's not a great choice to go mid. She can pull some nice tricks post-6 to boss around the other mid, but her harass is pretty limited, her health pool is small and her smoke bomb can be completely neutralized as an escape option by one Oracle's purchase.

    Yeah, it's BS if you outplayed her and then she just went on to claim that she was intentionally feeding, but she probably shouldn't have been in that lane to begin with.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • OrganichuOrganichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited December 2010
    oh yeah, for sure she shouldn't have been in the lane in the first place

    but she tried hard to kill me, was last hitting as well as i was, made me use health pots etc

    both of my summoner spells were pretty much on CD nonstop, so it was no walk in the park to kill her

    Organichu on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010

    Just a few hundred points until I can buy Miss Fortune (there's a really cool Leaguecraft skin for her that sold me).

    Oh man, I'm never going to get good runes.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Ohh Enders, you and your nude skins.

    Talith on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Talith wrote: »
    Ohh Enders, you and your nude skins.

    No, seriously - look at this shit:



    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • EddyEddy Gengar the Bittersweet Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    akali isn't a bad mid, but her solo-laning against panth is a horrible idea

    she goes mid to counter squishies, in much the same rationale panth goes mid for

    Eddy on
    "and the morning stars I have seen
    and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Ohh right, that skin is pretty well done. I remember deciding not to use it despite how awesome it is because it doesn't keep her hair red.
    Might just try it out to see how it looks in motion.

    Talith on
  • BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy Trundle is awesome Trundle is awesome

    Why didn't I buy him to begin with

    Oh man oh man

    Someone give me builds he rules

    Basil on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I've noticed an incredibly steep decline in Mordekaiser players.

    Were his nerfs really that bad?

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Basil wrote: »
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy Trundle is awesome Trundle is awesome

    Why didn't I buy him to begin with

    Oh man oh man

    Someone give me builds he rules


    Cloth Armor + 5 pots
    Build armor into Razor
    Build Razor into Wriggles
    Buy Sheen
    Buy Brutalizer
    Build Brutalizer into Ghostblade
    Build Sheen into Triforce
    Build survivability stuff (GA, FoN, whatevs)

    Always remember to grab Blue Rune or you'll run into mana issues.


    Regrowth Pendant
    Build Pendant into Philo Stone
    Follow the above order from Sheen down

    Really, it' most efficient to use him as a jungler.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • RyadicRyadic Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    I've noticed an incredibly steep decline in Mordekaiser players.

    Were his nerfs really that bad?

    No. The nerfs were good. My guess is that people played Morde because he was essentially easy mode. My first time playing with him I went something like 10/3/15. He's just so simple and he was difficult to kill.

    I think that the nerfs made him easier to kill, so the people that aren't good with him can't actually play him well. They die a lot, because the "old way" doesn't work anymore.

    Ryadic on
  • Mr.SunshineMr.Sunshine Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I'm not noticing the nerfs at all. If anything I've been kicking more ass with him.

    How was the "old way" to play him?

    When I play him I get FoN, Mercs, and Rylai's. Then, depending on how the other team is made up. I go Thorn if they're heavy physical or Abyssal if they're heavy with the magic. And then I'll have no clue on what to get last. Maybe I should try to stick Omen in there somewhere... or Guardian Angel... or something that does more damage.

    Two games where I went "They nerfed him?". First one I was at the other teams second bottom tower and I was getting tagged team by Taric and LeBlanc. I made it all the way to my teams second bottom tower before dying. It was just an endless chorus of 'STUN' 'SNARED' and 'SLOWED'. I came back to life thanks to GA. I think Taric said "OP much.".

    The other game is where I tried to save our low health tower from Trundle and Garen. They got the tower but I killed Trundle and then killed Garen with Trundle for a double kill. I've never done that before and they were both pretty close to full health.

    Granted, it was pretty late game when these things happend and I was on streak of 6 or so kills in both games.

    Mr.Sunshine on
  • OrganichuOrganichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited December 2010
  • BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    Basil wrote: »
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy Trundle is awesome Trundle is awesome

    Why didn't I buy him to begin with

    Oh man oh man

    Someone give me builds he rules


    Cloth Armor + 5 pots
    Build armor into Razor
    Build Razor into Wriggles
    Buy Sheen
    Buy Brutalizer
    Build Brutalizer into Ghostblade
    Build Sheen into Triforce
    Build survivability stuff (GA, FoN, whatevs)

    Always remember to grab Blue Rune or you'll run into mana issues.


    Regrowth Pendant
    Build Pendant into Philo Stone
    Follow the above order from Sheen down

    Really, it' most efficient to use him as a jungler.

    Yar, similar to what I've been trying out. I'll give the ghostblade a shot.

    I think I can do some good things ganking with him. He just comes out of the jungle like a meteor after four minutes.

    Basil on
  • ZoelefZoelef Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Ryadic wrote: »
    The Ender wrote: »
    I've noticed an incredibly steep decline in Mordekaiser players.

    Were his nerfs really that bad?

    No. The nerfs were good. My guess is that people played Morde because he was essentially easy mode. My first time playing with him I went something like 10/3/15. He's just so simple and he was difficult to kill.

    I think that the nerfs made him easier to kill, so the people that aren't good with him can't actually play him well. They die a lot, because the "old way" doesn't work anymore.

    I laned against a Mordekaiser as Singed recently as the 1v1 top lane. At level 2, I Flung him into my gas twice with some attack pokes and forced him to recall at 100-200 health. At level 9 vs his 8, I tried to take him down from half-health and we traded kills. At level 12 vs his 11, this happened again.

    I didn't notice a significant shield on Morde until level 5-6, when he could E/W/Q combo to full. Ignite/Ult still hits hard.

    Zoelef on
  • OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Honestly, Mord is pretty much a pubstomp champion. If you've noticed a decline in Mord players it may be more that your Elo is rising and players are countering him better. The main way to deal with Mord is simply to gank him over and over again until he cries. He's always pushed up 'cause he's Mord, so he's always vulnerable. Doesn't even matter if you kill him, just keep making quick passes for harass until he's low enough that you do kill him or send him back healing.

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
  • OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Organichu wrote: »

    Also, WTF is that Warwick doing. Why didn't he just Q the Shaco?

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I'm going to queue dodge whenever I see a Yi or a Jax.

    Those toons are just too hard to play. You can't trust them in the hands of pubbies.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • FellhandFellhand Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Morde is still really good. Suprisingly, the change to Mace of Spades is good! It's relevent now.
    I went 20/8/13 in a pub where 2 team mates quit.

    Fellhand on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    OremLK wrote: »
    Honestly, Mord is pretty much a pubstomp champion. If you've noticed a decline in Mord players it may be more that your Elo is rising and players are countering him better. The main way to deal with Mord is simply to gank him over and over again until he cries. He's always pushed up 'cause he's Mord, so he's always vulnerable. Doesn't even matter if you kill him, just keep making quick passes for harass until he's low enough that you do kill him or send him back healing.

    Man, I just can't break the 800 mark. You have no idea.

    Every time I come close, just BAM. Leaver city. I don't even mind games where one or two players are baddies; everyone has bad games. But 4v5 or 3v5 isn't fun & isn't fair. The very least Riot could do is make it so uneven teams mean no hit to your ELO.

    EDIT: At least I have Miss Fortune now. Oh man, I hope I'm not failtown with her these first few games.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • SokpuppetSokpuppet You only yoyo once Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    OremLK wrote: »
    The main way to deal with Mord is simply to gank him over and over again until he cries. He's always pushed up 'cause he's Mord, so he's always vulnerable.

    Even one or two early ganks pretty much shut him down for the rest of the game. He desperately needs level advantage to accomplish anything at all, IMO.

    Sokpuppet on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Quick, somebody - what is an awesome way to build Miss fortune that's a little unconventional?

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • SokpuppetSokpuppet You only yoyo once Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    She's vanilla ranged DPS and her stuff scales off attack damage...

    there is no interesting way to build her, afaik.

    Sokpuppet on
  • FellhandFellhand Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Sokpuppet wrote: »
    OremLK wrote: »
    The main way to deal with Mord is simply to gank him over and over again until he cries. He's always pushed up 'cause he's Mord, so he's always vulnerable.

    Even one or two early ganks pretty much shut him down for the rest of the game. He desperately needs level advantage to accomplish anything at all, IMO.

    He just needs gold advantage. If you have your items for your build, you will win. If you're out leveled it depends on against whom and if you can close the gap. Morde can farm REALLY well so you shouldn't be out leveled unless you have a head injury.

    Fellhand on
  • TeknoXITeknoXI Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I wish people would start buying wards when the other team has an Akali and Shaco and stop feeding them.

    TeknoXI on
    League of Legends: TeknoXI
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