[Moba Doba] Federation of Heroic-ish Icons



  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010

    Lining up Bullet Time is awesome.

    I wasn't very good at landing Double Up so it harassed champs, but oh well - something to work on.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    TeknoXI wrote: »
    I wish people would start buying wards when the other team has an Akali and Shaco and stop feeding them.

    I wish they would severely alter the stealth mechanics in the game or something.

    I was in a game with Twitch & Shaco, Twitch in my lane, and the first item he buys after backing? Oracle's. Buh-bye map awareness. Buh-bye stealth detection.

    Most frustrating thing in the world.

    And he ws a good Twitch, of course, which meant that Oracle's was next to useless against him. He's simply S&P from outside Oracle's detection radius.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • CorporateLogoCorporateLogo The toilet knows how I feelRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Ward nerfs for everyone

    CorporateLogo on
    Do not have a cow, mortal.

  • ThisThis Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    At least put "League of Legends" somewhere in the thread title. It would be good if people looking for a thread about League of Legends who aren't already familiar with this thread are able to find it.

    This on
  • TeknoXITeknoXI Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    TeknoXI wrote: »
    I wish people would start buying wards when the other team has an Akali and Shaco and stop feeding them.

    I wish they would severely alter the stealth mechanics in the game or something.

    I was in a game with Twitch & Shaco, Twitch in my lane, and the first item he buys after backing? Oracle's. Buh-bye map awareness. Buh-bye stealth detection.

    Most frustrating thing in the world.

    And he ws a good Twitch, of course, which meant that Oracle's was next to useless against him. He's simply S&P from outside Oracle's detection radius.

    This is why I play Shen. Because they get cocky and stealth. I simply use my best guess and taunt through where I think he is. Reveal him and jump on him w/ teammates. You have to out-think people like that. Ambushes are you best bet. Reveal ward in a bush w/ your team is usually win.

    TeknoXI on
    League of Legends: TeknoXI
  • OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    TeknoXI wrote: »
    I wish people would start buying wards

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
  • surrealitychecksurrealitycheck lonely, but not unloved dreaming of faulty keys and latchesRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    She's vanilla ranged DPS and her stuff scales off attack damage...

    there is no interesting way to build her, afaik.

    You can build her ap with lichbane.

    It affects her ult, double up for the first bounce gets lichbane, bullet time and make it rain both scale with ap. Also impure shots gets bonus damage on the stack from ap. It can be made to work. Alo you can get super ults if you get some magic pen

    surrealitycheck on
  • AsiinaAsiina ... WaterlooRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I actually managed to have a good game as MF yesterday. I've been terrible with her, but I decided to farm as best I could and only use double up to harass when I was almost positive it would bounce to Ashe. That early gold advantage really helped.

    Also I got some good ults off from a bush and I killed two people with a single double up.

    Asiina on
  • TracerBulletTracerBullet Spaceman Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    TyrantCow wrote: »

    "Hey Paladine, who should I play?"

    "Play Ryze!"

    "Why the fuck did you tell me to play Ryze"

    Is how that game went.


    Also, that one guy said "Falo ae"

    Dunno what any of it means, but falo=phallus in portugese.

    Classy as fuck trash talk right there.

    TracerBullet on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The first rule of LoL is never play Ryze.

    It's kinda like the first rule of fight club.

    Only not.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I still dream of some sort of Yordle/Gizmoduck/Cyborg.

    I never did before, but I know I will tonight.

    Talith wrote: »
    Cutfang wrote: »
    I still can't get AP Ezreal to work. Maybe it just doesn't. Anyone had success with it recently?

    Forget about strictly AP Ez. In my last game just now I discovered the item set of my dreams. It starts as AD Ez and transitions into full on hybrid.

    I was mid vs vlad.

    Being that he is vlad, a bastard, and allright spiteful guy I decided to go QEQWQRWWWW. First item was a chalice, that way I can just sit back and fire Q at minions from out of harassment range. W to damage vlad through minions if he advanced.

    Second item was sheen. Then I work on bilgewater cutlass. After that work on finishing the gunblade. After the gunblade I finished off lichbane for the extra mr and damage. They weren't very tanky so I was able to delay whisper in favor of rageblade. Rageblade gets 3 stacks per landed mystic shot.

    Everything from my auto attacks to my W and E were doing solid damage. Q hitting for over 600.

    Punk butt!! You steals all my kills. DON'T LIE DON'T LIE :(

    PS I had so much AD that game

    Pacificstar on
  • TracerBulletTracerBullet Spaceman Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    The first rule of LoL is never play Ryze.

    It's kinda like the first rule of fight club.

    Only not.

    Yeah, but, sometimes, you don't want to pick a character, and you just want all responsibility for a game taken away from you so you go "Hey, X-Teammate, who should I play?"

    Sometimes they go, "Amumu!" sometimes "Rammus!" Other times? They say, "Ryze"

    TracerBullet on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    This is why I play Shen. Because they get cocky and stealth. I simply use my best guess and taunt through where I think he is. Reveal him and jump on him w/ teammates. You have to out-think people like that. Ambushes are you best bet. Reveal ward in a bush w/ your team is usually win.

    I almost always pick Nidalee for her Bushwhackers if there's a stealth presence, but I just picked Kat becuase 'HEY WHATS THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?'

    Now I know.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • ZomroZomro Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    So last night I tried out Shen because I've heard a lot of great things about him. I played a couple of custom matches with bots (as I feel if I'm going to try a new champ, I better at least try and get an elementary understanding of their mechanics first). I do have to say I really like him, it helps that I've always loved "tanks" (Prot Pally in WoW, Black Orc in WAR, etc). He definately benefits from a huge amount of HP, since it increases his survivability and damage (through his passive), and he can always benefit from other defensive stats (armor, magic resist, HP regen). My main question, though, is how much is he affected by Ability Power? Only reason I ask is because AP can increase the damage of his Vorpal Blade (Q), and I think it adds to the amount of healing done by the lifetap component. It also appears that AP would increase the shield value of Feint (W), and I'm not sure if it increases the shield of his Ultimate. If he does benefit from AP, obviously it's a tertiary stat (at best) and you would want to avoid any AP item with mana / mana regen on it. But, isn't there an item that's HP and AP?

    I do suppose, however, that most games won't last long enough to get an item like that after his major priority items, but it's nice to know whether or that helps him.

    Zomro on
  • TracerBulletTracerBullet Spaceman Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The damage part of Vorpal Blade as a .65 AP ratio, the healing part a .067, and the shield part has a .6 ratio for damage absorbed.

    So, theoretically, not terrible ratios, but, bad enough to skip AP on Shen. You're looking at needing a ton of AP to get any decent amount of damage/healing/absorption out of his moves.

    His ultimate as a +1 ratio though, so I guess you could give someone a shit ton of shield when you ult them.

    TracerBullet on
  • ZomroZomro Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Yeah, I figured that it wouldn't be much of a bother, if at all.

    Zomro on
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    edited December 2010

    'Hey look, it's Teemo. Q + E. Oh look, it's a dead Teemo.'

    'Hey look, it's Mundo. Q + W. Oh look, it's a dead Mundo.'

    'Hey look, it's the entire enemy team chasing our overextended Warwick through the jungle. R. Oh look, motherfucking Pentakill!.'


    In fairness, they had the worst Akali. I was in a 2v1 against her & TF and she'd keep trying to harass me with her mark and eating double-ups in exchange. She died twice before switching lanes and then feeding Shaco.

    The Ender on
    With Love and Courage
  • AsiinaAsiina ... WaterlooRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Mei Hikari wrote: »
    Korean Strat all up ins


    You post that one, but not the one where we won.


    After we got Baron I went back to buy the Negatron Cloak. Duld was all R U TROLLIN?! when I backed, but LOOK WHO DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO BUY?!

    Asiina on
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Stragint wrote: »
    Cass is such a bitch to lane against. Her dumb ass poison spam is frustrating and I hope they increase the cooldown to something reasonable

    I just wish i could see her ground poison thing coming, the animation is really easy to miss.

    Pacificstar on
  • CorporateLogoCorporateLogo The toilet knows how I feelRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The damage part of Vorpal Blade as a .65 AP ratio, the healing part a .067, and the shield part has a .6 ratio for damage absorbed.

    So, theoretically, not terrible ratios, but, bad enough to skip AP on Shen. You're looking at needing a ton of AP to get any decent amount of damage/healing/absorption out of his moves.

    His ultimate as a +1 ratio though, so I guess you could give someone a shit ton of shield when you ult them.

    Rylai's could be worth a laugh with Vorpal Blade, and it gives you a decent amount of HP at the least

    CorporateLogo on
    Do not have a cow, mortal.

  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    I've noticed an incredibly steep decline in Mordekaiser players.

    Were his nerfs really that bad?

    I dunno, I went 1v1 against a Mordekaiser at top as Sivir and just flat out killed him. I mean, he was kind of bad, but his shield isn't NEARLY as bad as it used to be. I can knock it off of him with a well placed BB, and then just auto attack him to death.

    Pacificstar on
  • FellhandFellhand Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    I've noticed an incredibly steep decline in Mordekaiser players.

    Were his nerfs really that bad?

    I dunno, I went 1v1 against a Mordekaiser at top as Sivir and just flat out killed him. I mean, he was kind of bad, but his shield isn't NEARLY as bad as it used to be. I can knock it off of him with a well placed BB, and then just auto attack him to death.

    If he was pre-level 6 he was bad for fighting you if your creeps weren't around you to get hit by Siphon. Post level 6, Sivir is tasty and not bad for taking down towers as a ghost.

    Fellhand on
  • Mojo the AvengerMojo the Avenger Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Talith wrote: »
    Cutfang wrote: »
    I still can't get AP Ezreal to work. Maybe it just doesn't. Anyone had success with it recently?

    Forget about strictly AP Ez. In my last game just now I discovered the item set of my dreams. It starts as AD Ez and transitions into full on hybrid.

    I was mid vs vlad.

    Being that he is vlad, a bastard, and allright spiteful guy I decided to go QEQWQRWWWW. First item was a chalice, that way I can just sit back and fire Q at minions from out of harassment range. W to damage vlad through minions if he advanced.

    Second item was sheen. Then I work on bilgewater cutlass. After that work on finishing the gunblade. After the gunblade I finished off lichbane for the extra mr and damage. They weren't very tanky so I was able to delay whisper in favor of rageblade. Rageblade gets 3 stacks per landed mystic shot.

    Everything from my auto attacks to my W and E were doing solid damage. Q hitting for over 600.

    Do you ever have mana problems with this build? I run out of mana constantly with Ez.

    Mojo the Avenger on
  • TracerBulletTracerBullet Spaceman Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Talith wrote: »
    Cutfang wrote: »
    I still can't get AP Ezreal to work. Maybe it just doesn't. Anyone had success with it recently?

    Forget about strictly AP Ez. In my last game just now I discovered the item set of my dreams. It starts as AD Ez and transitions into full on hybrid.

    I was mid vs vlad.

    Being that he is vlad, a bastard, and allright spiteful guy I decided to go QEQWQRWWWW. First item was a chalice, that way I can just sit back and fire Q at minions from out of harassment range. W to damage vlad through minions if he advanced.

    Second item was sheen. Then I work on bilgewater cutlass. After that work on finishing the gunblade. After the gunblade I finished off lichbane for the extra mr and damage. They weren't very tanky so I was able to delay whisper in favor of rageblade. Rageblade gets 3 stacks per landed mystic shot.

    Everything from my auto attacks to my W and E were doing solid damage. Q hitting for over 600.

    Do you ever have mana problems with this build? I run out of mana constantly with Ez.

    Talith said he gets a Chalice of Harmony, which would take care of most of his mana problems right there. If you're going AD ezreal, I love to grab a Manamune on him, which also completely negates his mana troubles.

    TracerBullet on
  • Mojo the AvengerMojo the Avenger Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I read that part, but his final build has no mana regen in it. Just the flat mana from banshees.

    Mojo the Avenger on
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Pacific, your endgame noble sacrifice which let me kill their Vlad will be remembered.

    Mojo, in that game, I had to replace the chalice at the very end with that banshees veil. Because I fire my entire arsenal nonstop and I don't have manamune, I need blue buff or else I run dry.

    Talith on
  • TracerBulletTracerBullet Spaceman Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Everyone needs to quit living their lives and get online for this video game.

    That means you Talith...specifically.

    TracerBullet on
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Fellhand wrote: »
    The Ender wrote: »
    I've noticed an incredibly steep decline in Mordekaiser players.

    Were his nerfs really that bad?

    I dunno, I went 1v1 against a Mordekaiser at top as Sivir and just flat out killed him. I mean, he was kind of bad, but his shield isn't NEARLY as bad as it used to be. I can knock it off of him with a well placed BB, and then just auto attack him to death.

    If he was pre-level 6 he was bad for fighting you if your creeps weren't around you to get hit by Siphon. Post level 6, Sivir is tasty and not bad for taking down towers as a ghost.

    Hehe, I spell shielded his ULT that game (multiple times). DON'T UNDERESTIMATE MY SPELL SHIELD SKILLS.

    Pacificstar on
  • ZoelefZoelef Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »
    In fairness, they had the worst Akali. I was in a 2v1 against her & TF and she'd keep trying to harass me with her mark and eating double-ups in exchange. She died twice before switching lanes and then feeding Shaco.

    So our ELO gap is at least 750...we should duo up sometime, then after the match point out our ELOs then adamantly insist to the other eight players we weren't duo-queuing.

    It wouldn't even be hard, I'd have to say I was in MM for 10-12 minutes and you'd have to say your ELO is ~1150. BAM hilarity ensues.

    Zoelef on
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Everyone needs to quit living their lives and get online for this video game.

    That means you Talith...specifically.

    I'll be online in 10 minutes.

    Talith on
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Jungle Trynd is still a boss. I still don't know if I like the new last whisper or not on him.

    In any event it's a late item for him.

    Constrictor on
  • ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Ryadic wrote: »
    I'm tired of these champions as of late. None of them are Yordles. Riot needs to give us what we want. More short people!



    Arch on
  • TyrantCowTyrantCow Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    [MOBA DOBA] League of Legends. 17-0-22? MooMan is boss as FUCK!

    TyrantCow on
  • PacificstarPacificstar Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The title of the thread really needs to SAY THE NAME OF THE GAME

    Pacificstar on
  • CorporateLogoCorporateLogo The toilet knows how I feelRegistered User regular
    edited December 2010
    And people were griping about MOBA DOBA not being present in the last thread

    At least you knew what game the thread was about

    CorporateLogo on
    Do not have a cow, mortal.

  • NisiNisi Registered User regular
    edited December 2010

    Nisi on
  • shalmeloshalmelo sees no evil Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    The Ender wrote: »


    Ender, how the hell have you played 120 games and are already level 30? I've got something like 80 more games under my belt and am still only level 24...

    Also, how do you check your own ELO for normal games?

    shalmelo on
    Steam ID: Shalmelo || LoL: melo2boogaloo || tweets
  • unintentionalunintentional smelly Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    every time I read this thread it's people saying cass is underpowered
    I really don't think she is!

    unintentional on
  • NisiNisi Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    I tried her lastnight and felt like she could be good, but I was really fail with her.

    Nisi on
  • OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Speaking of Elo, I made it to 1564 today.

    People still make baffling decisions regularly. Sometimes I'm one of them.

    @shalmelo: You can't see your Elo in normal queue, you can only see it in ranked. On Ender's screen you are only seeing his win/loss record in Ranked FYI, I'm sure he's played many more games than that overall.

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
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