Finally hit 20, had 9300 IP to spend on runes. I main Malphite but I know I'll play others and wanted runes that would be generally helpful for more then just one.
So far, undefeated with my group with malphite, and I've been getting so many more kills now that runes fixed some of my early game mana issues (got regen quints, cooldown blues, mp reds, and health/perlvl yellows).
Even after the last two patches nerfed him, he's still a tough guy, now if only they had better skins for him...
Velmeran on
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
Does anyone else feel bad when they get every single last hit ever in a lane and then kind of let your lane mate have some only to discover they suck at last hitting and then ten minutes later they're in farm mode and just destroy all the minions while your hero is still stuck last hitting?
I need to steel my heart.
Basil on
Zen VulgarityWhat a lovely day for teaSecret British ThreadRegistered Userregular
I get into last hitting mode so intensely sometimes that it can get a bit awkward if I'm on vent with the person I'm laning with! For I am a greedy, greedy man.
Slicer on
StragintDo Not GiftAlways DeclinesRegistered Userregular
edited December 2010
I feel bad when I lane with someone I know because I'm pretty pro at last hitting and they always ask me to let them get some hits. I am the worst person to lane with in that regard
Stragint on
PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
I feel bad when I lane with someone I know because I'm pretty pro at last hitting and they always ask me to let them get some hits. I am the worst person to lane with in that regard
I'm fucking awful at last hitting. It was starting to really be a problem for me when I stopped playing last week because I'm frankly not getting better at the game at a rate appropriate to my level, and my W/L ratio skydived.
I think I might start a smurf account so I can try new champs and dick around without getting annoyed with myself whenever I lose.
Psycho Internet Hawk on
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
I feel bad when I lane with someone I know because I'm pretty pro at last hitting and they always ask me to let them get some hits. I am the worst person to lane with in that regard
nasus doesn't like you!!!
Nasus last hits amazingly well, even if you suck at it. Just don't lane with other amazing mid-game AoE type farmers (Anivia, Malph, Malz, MF, etc...).
I'm fucking awful at last hitting. It was starting to really be a problem for me when I stopped playing last week because I'm frankly not getting better at the game at a rate appropriate to my level, and my W/L ratio skydived.
I think I might start a smurf account so I can try new champs and dick around without getting annoyed with myself whenever I lose.
I have a horrible time playing Melee type characters early game when there's ranged harass in my lane and I can't return harass to have a see-saw type of battle for creeps. Poppy gets ousted from last hitting unless you're super aggressive, and willing to take hits and return them...which if your lane mate is suicidal it's perfect, but if they are too defensive and not willing to jump in, expect to die.
But if you just generally suck at last hitting, play practice games with no other champs to see what it takes to last hit with whatever characters you're having issues with. It helps quite a bit to get an idea of timing - then add in bots and try it some more. It's so worth it.
I'm fucking awful at last hitting. It was starting to really be a problem for me when I stopped playing last week because I'm frankly not getting better at the game at a rate appropriate to my level, and my W/L ratio skydived.
I think I might start a smurf account so I can try new champs and dick around without getting annoyed with myself whenever I lose.
Practice last hitting in a custom game, its tedious but it is definitely a skill worth being good at. That is what I did and I average 4-6 minions each wave depending on who I am using and how lazy I am feeling.
Stragint on
PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
there are a ton of champs that don;t make use of magic pen runes.
I'm sure just about every champ could be built as AP...not that you'd want to, but, you know, you can.
Speaking of which, I don't know why I never thought of an AP/AS Kog'Maw build. Isn't his void ooze ratio 1 with AP, and his ulti is around .6 ratio? e: I can see Nashtor's Tooth and Guinsoo's as both awesome items. Hmmmmmm.
also, I'm sorta starting to get the hang of cass. I've tried one point in q and then maxx twin fang and then her w, not relying on q for damage and just using twinfang. works decent. she still needs some tweaking though. I don't know why shes so freakin slow, I guess to try and make up for the speed boost on q, but thats lame. and q really need to do a tick of damage when it hits imo.
Minerva_SC on
"If a cherry pie filled cape is wrong, I don't want to be right.
I'm dead serious."
also, I'm sorta starting to get the hang of cass. I've tried one point in q and then maxx twin fang and then her w, not relying on q for damage and just using twinfang. works decent. she still needs some tweaking though. I don't know why shes so freakin slow, I guess to try and make up for the speed boost on q, but thats lame. and q really need to do a tick of damage when it hits imo.
Build her 9/0/21 and use one move speed quint. Works wonders. Besides I don't think her base move speed is lower than other but i'd have to check.
Delphinidaes on
NNID: delphinidaes Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
there are a ton of champs that don;t make use of magic pen runes.
I'm sure just about every champ could be built as AP...not that you'd want to, but, you know, you can.
Speaking of which, I don't know why I never thought of an AP/AS Kog'Maw build. Isn't his void ooze ratio 1 with AP, and his ulti is around .6 ratio? e: I can see Nashtor's Tooth and Guinsoo's as both awesome items. Hmmmmmm.
Viable AP != gets mileage from MPen
kedinik on
I made a game! Hotline Maui. Requires mouse and keyboard.
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
there are a ton of champs that don;t make use of magic pen runes.
I'm sure just about every champ could be built as AP...not that you'd want to, but, you know, you can.
Speaking of which, I don't know why I never thought of an AP/AS Kog'Maw build. Isn't his void ooze ratio 1 with AP, and his ulti is around .6 ratio? e: I can see Nashtor's Tooth and Guinsoo's as both awesome items. Hmmmmmm.
Viable AP != gets mileage from MPen
I was just assuming that all damage affected by AP was considered magic damage, so yes, bad assumption. Still, I was mostly being silly and, to a point, contrary. :rotate:
there are a ton of champs that don;t make use of magic pen runes.
I'm sure just about every champ could be built as AP...not that you'd want to, but, you know, you can.
Speaking of which, I don't know why I never thought of an AP/AS Kog'Maw build. Isn't his void ooze ratio 1 with AP, and his ulti is around .6 ratio? e: I can see Nashtor's Tooth and Guinsoo's as both awesome items. Hmmmmmm.
Viable AP != gets mileage from MPen
I was just assuming that all damage affected by AP was considered magic damage, so yes, bad assumption. Still, I was mostly being silly and, to a point, contrary. :rotate:
Correct assumption, just that many heroes don't get much in the way of AP-based damage dealing spells.
kedinik on
I made a game! Hotline Maui. Requires mouse and keyboard.
reVerseAttack and Dethrone GodRegistered Userregular
So finally played my first game as Swain since they changed his passive. I think it is going to change how I build him. Originally the passive basically was letting me keep his ult up for entire fights as I got a kill or killed some minions. Now though the initial laning phase I never run out of mana it really isn't as effective when it comes to my ult I think. And thus lowers my late game effectiveness. It especially lowers the effectiveness of chalice on Swain.
I am thinking instead getting tear for maybe a late late game archangels to help with my defense.
Maybe a core of tear, boots 2, spirit visage, rylais and then what I need for team be it armor or mr.
Mazzyx on
MonkeyConQuesoNo more MH ClawHappy handsRegistered Userregular
there are a ton of champs that don;t make use of magic pen runes.
I'm sure just about every champ could be built as AP...not that you'd want to, but, you know, you can.
Speaking of which, I don't know why I never thought of an AP/AS Kog'Maw build. Isn't his void ooze ratio 1 with AP, and his ulti is around .6 ratio? e: I can see Nashtor's Tooth and Guinsoo's as both awesome items. Hmmmmmm.
Viable AP != gets mileage from MPen
I was just assuming that all damage affected by AP was considered magic damage, so yes, bad assumption. Still, I was mostly being silly and, to a point, contrary. :rotate:
Correct assumption, just that many heroes don't get much in the way of AP-based damage dealing spells.
Whole heartedly agreed - There's many champs that building AP is just plain nonsense. Although I was serious with AP Kog'Maw - he actually is viable built as AP.
a) Warmog's is fantastic on Shen because of its synergy with his passive. Mitigation is really good on Shen as well because of Feint, but I max Feint last, so by the time I have it at a useful rank I will have armor/MR anyway.
b) Warmog's levels up on kills and assists now, so it's super easy to fill up quickly just by being involved in every gank/countergank/teamfight and killing creeps in between.
c) Shen isn't as bad for farming as people say, it's really easy to actually get last hits with him and like Talith mentioned he can farm safely while super overextended and still get to his team for a fight.
My typical Shen build is Warmog's, Atma's, Force of Nature (if the game goes on long enough for that, it's not uncommon to have something like Warmog's, Merc Treads, and a Chain Vest at the end, which is fine).
I don't agree with the Atma's. Force of Nature sure, but a Trinity Force makes Shen a force to be reckoned with late into the game. Randuin's can be traded out for a Thornmail or Guardian Angel, depending on the enemy team composition.
Tri-Force is the luxury item. It's just not tanky enough to justify buying early on in my opinion, especially at that price. That would be my last item if the game was lasting fooorever though.
Atma's passive has such a fantastic synergy with Warmog's and Shen's passive. Your Ki Strikes hit like a truck.
OremLK on
My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
there are a ton of champs that don;t make use of magic pen runes.
well, unless things are way different now, i'm pretty sure that most heroes use abilities that deal magic damage. this damage can be increased by MPen.
there are a ton of champs that don;t make use of magic pen runes.
well, unless things are way different now, i'm pretty sure that most heroes use abilities that deal magic damage. this damage can be increased by MPen.
The original question was whether or not many heroes have viable builds that include lots of MPen runes.
Many of them do not, even if they have one ability that deals a little damage and scales poorly with AP.
kedinik on
I made a game! Hotline Maui. Requires mouse and keyboard.
Anyone know what Roku's Lichbane Lux build is in full, or can point me to a stream where he talks about or shows it?
I ask because I need suggestions for a ranged AP champs (or more ranged champs in general), since practically everyone except Tristana in my roster is Melee, be it AP or AD. I was leaning towards Lux for the burst and utility, and hearing about Roku's build got me interested even more.
Do people do any kinds of 5v5 practice matches or anything here?
Yes. These usually occur in the late evenings or on weekends. One person shall invite 9 others of their choosing and aim to ensure that the teams are evenly matched. The mode is usually All Random, to facilitate the learning of new champions. Blind pick is also used when players express an interest in learning a particular champion or in testing a new build. Sometimes a theme will be used, such as 'yordle' or "don't play pantheon you fucks".
Often both teams will share the same ventrilo channel during the game. This keeps with the general feeling of friendly practice and good natured banter can be exchanged. Due to the unpredictable nature of all random and players trying out new builds such as the underrated PhilosoTwitch some games can result in a one sided victory. When this happens, the losers accept their defeat with good grace and a constructive effort is made to ensure that future games are more evenly matched.
To participate simply lurk around in ventrilo until you see a congregation of PA'ers, or message MooMan.
So far, undefeated with my group with malphite, and I've been getting so many more kills now that runes fixed some of my early game mana issues (got regen quints, cooldown blues, mp reds, and health/perlvl yellows).
Even after the last two patches nerfed him, he's still a tough guy, now if only they had better skins for him...
See, I completely suck with Evelynn. I guess it's time to remedy that?
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
I need to steel my heart.
The carries are off in the jungle and the solo lanes.
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
nasus doesn't like you!!!
I think I might start a smurf account so I can try new champs and dick around without getting annoyed with myself whenever I lose.
Nasus last hits amazingly well, even if you suck at it. Just don't lane with other amazing mid-game AoE type farmers (Anivia, Malph, Malz, MF, etc...).
I have a horrible time playing Melee type characters early game when there's ranged harass in my lane and I can't return harass to have a see-saw type of battle for creeps. Poppy gets ousted from last hitting unless you're super aggressive, and willing to take hits and return them...which if your lane mate is suicidal it's perfect, but if they are too defensive and not willing to jump in, expect to die.
But if you just generally suck at last hitting, play practice games with no other champs to see what it takes to last hit with whatever characters you're having issues with. It helps quite a bit to get an idea of timing - then add in bots and try it some more. It's so worth it.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
Practice last hitting in a custom game, its tedious but it is definitely a skill worth being good at. That is what I did and I average 4-6 minions each wave depending on who I am using and how lazy I am feeling.
What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak
I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
even in a 2v2 lane, no matter what champ i am, in solo queue, i'm almost always top farm in the laning phase.
is he coughing every couple breaths too?
No using heroes who can't thrive with MPen runes.
I'm dead serious."
I'm sure just about every champ could be built as AP...not that you'd want to, but, you know, you can.
Speaking of which, I don't know why I never thought of an AP/AS Kog'Maw build. Isn't his void ooze ratio 1 with AP, and his ulti is around .6 ratio? e: I can see Nashtor's Tooth and Guinsoo's as both awesome items. Hmmmmmm.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
I'm dead serious."
Build her 9/0/21 and use one move speed quint. Works wonders. Besides I don't think her base move speed is lower than other but i'd have to check.
Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
Viable AP != gets mileage from MPen
I was just assuming that all damage affected by AP was considered magic damage, so yes, bad assumption. Still, I was mostly being silly and, to a point, contrary. :rotate:
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
Correct assumption, just that many heroes don't get much in the way of AP-based damage dealing spells.
I am thinking instead getting tear for maybe a late late game archangels to help with my defense.
Maybe a core of tear, boots 2, spirit visage, rylais and then what I need for team be it armor or mr.
Whole heartedly agreed - There's many champs that building AP is just plain nonsense. Although I was serious with AP Kog'Maw - he actually is viable built as AP.
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
Sorc Shoes
Tri-Force is the luxury item. It's just not tanky enough to justify buying early on in my opinion, especially at that price. That would be my last item if the game was lasting fooorever though.
Atma's passive has such a fantastic synergy with Warmog's and Shen's passive. Your Ki Strikes hit like a truck.
well, unless things are way different now, i'm pretty sure that most heroes use abilities that deal magic damage. this damage can be increased by MPen.
The original question was whether or not many heroes have viable builds that include lots of MPen runes.
Many of them do not, even if they have one ability that deals a little damage and scales poorly with AP.
I think I had 4 separate occasions where they got me to sub 100 health and I lived.
should I not be going visage+force of nature on rammus?
Destiny! : Warlock - Titan - Hunter
Switch: SW-1493-0062-4053
The build looks fine IMO, especially with the amount of magic damage on the other team.
Probably could of swapped spirit visage out for another item, maybe Aegis or something for more health.
treeeskimo likes ron paul
read all about it
I ask because I need suggestions for a ranged AP champs (or more ranged champs in general), since practically everyone except Tristana in my roster is Melee, be it AP or AD. I was leaning towards Lux for the burst and utility, and hearing about Roku's build got me interested even more.
Yes. These usually occur in the late evenings or on weekends. One person shall invite 9 others of their choosing and aim to ensure that the teams are evenly matched. The mode is usually All Random, to facilitate the learning of new champions. Blind pick is also used when players express an interest in learning a particular champion or in testing a new build. Sometimes a theme will be used, such as 'yordle' or "don't play pantheon you fucks".
Often both teams will share the same ventrilo channel during the game. This keeps with the general feeling of friendly practice and good natured banter can be exchanged. Due to the unpredictable nature of all random and players trying out new builds such as the underrated PhilosoTwitch some games can result in a one sided victory. When this happens, the losers accept their defeat with good grace and a constructive effort is made to ensure that future games are more evenly matched.
To participate simply lurk around in ventrilo until you see a congregation of PA'ers, or message MooMan.