So I know this is
supposed to be able to work, but so far my luck has been the same as with all game pads in my past. I'm trying to use a 3rd party PS3 controller with Monday Night Combat and not having much luck. I have Vista and I'm using MotioninJoy. So far the software detects it and the buttons, but that's it. It's nonexistent as far as the game is concerned.
The USB cable will only charge the battery, it doesn't send any information.
When it's connected to a pc it does send information. I don't have a bluetooth dongle capable of connecting to my Dualshock, but when I plug it in to my pc with a USB cable it works like a charm using MotioninJoy.
I was playing Just Cause 2 last week using my Dualshock.
Same here. I plug it in, turn on MotionJoy (sometimes have to run it as Admin), set the preferences to XBox Controller Emulator, and it works like a charm.
There are certainly issues with it, but I've been able to fix it by turning it off and on again.
I had to install the MotionJoy thing a couple of times before it would work, but it finally did (I dont know why it didnt work the first time since I did the same thing both times). I mean, if you have the $40 or whatever to burn, getting a 360 controller is much easier, and if you have an xbox you can use it with console as well. But if youd rather save the $40, Id try the MotionJoy thing again.
I'll see if I can get you more specific information when I get to my desktop at home.
Well. There you go.
The guide doesn't mention it but I recall hearing some people just couldn't use them on their machine.
I think its important that you remember to click the enable button before using it. It seems simple, but I usually forget. If you follow the instructions in the link that Burtletoy posted it should work, like I said I had to do it twice to get it to work. It may require a restart, I dont remember.
I really wish Microsoft just let you plug your xbox controller in though, but of course that would be too convenient for Microsoft's customers.
Obviously you have to go through the usual of disabling device signing and all that but the motion joy application explains all the steps.
I want to know more PA people on Twitter.
<Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
<prox> i work for dicks
#paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
You only need the Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver, assuming you already have an Xbox 360 Wireless controller. The controller packaged with the wireless receiver is a standard Xbox 360 wireless controller.
But the price for the receiver is the same as the price of the wired controller so why not just get a wired controller if youre going to go that route?
With a wireless receiver you can use a 360 wireless headset with your PC (which is perfect for vent). However if you don't have a wireless headset (or if you already have one for your PC), then a wired controller might be a better idea.