Not really sure where to start. I never show people what I draw so this is a weird venue for me. BUT, I would love to get to the point where when i draw it doesn't look like projectile vomit. I hadn't drawn anything seriously in like 4 years but a few days ago I got on a kick for sketching and now it's becoming a 16 hour a day thing.
THE POINT BEING, please help me? I have never taken an art class before so I am all sorts of bad. WHAT THE FUCKING IS COMPOSITION. Joking aside, I used to browse these forums and they were always helpful to the scrubs like me. I would like to get into digital painting but I just don't seem to get it or something.
Couldn't think of anything to draw so I drew my wow character.
And then my sloppy ass wasted 4 hours trying to paint this.
I have a done a lot more to that one but it's all basic color schemes and stuff nothing that looks past dark blotches.
Then my friend is a badass so i started drawing her a couple for fun.
So thats what I made in the last couple of days.
Using painter sai / intous 3 wacom - also have photoshop, just messing with sai cause I don't know what would be better for painting digitial stuffs.
Any tips or tutorials that you think could be helpful would be like cookies for breakfast. THANKS
^ click for eye sore
Just tell me it's normal to be frustrated at the start when all your pictures look shitty haha.
@iruka - Both links went to the same thread but I went through the painting ones I could find on there.
@Rankenphile - I have been trying to figure out what ctrl+1 means sir so far it seems to be doing nothing.
I bet the specific tut Iruka was trying to link was this one.
Welcome, BTW!
Its pretty normal to be frustrated with a drawing in the middle, and alot of painting go through a stage where they look like hell. Sometimes you let it rest, sometimes you power through. For more links, here are some of mod AOBs tips in blog form:
Painting has alot of things going on at once, You are trying to understand form, light, texture, color... so don't get discouraged if one painting isnt coming together. You might want to try breaking stuff down to study, like paint in grayscale to focus on light, then move onto color, do some drawing to focus on anatomy, and so on.
it keeps you from spending too long looking at tiny details when the rest of the image may not be tied down
its one of my biggest problems, and integrating ctrl+1 into my workflow is helping a lot
I also was hoping someone could tell me if the wow character looks ok (line art I know the paint needs work) as far as line art and all that. I am not strong at drawing either really so help with that could be neat too.
Sounds like I need to stop fooling around in SAI and get back to PS for hotkey / monitor support.
I have noticed that my setup might be bad. I am running my main monitor as a 52 inch tv and then a 30 inch monitor on each side of that. The thing I have been noticing is the color looks different from one monitor to another. Does someone have suggestions on adjusting color for my monitors/tv so I don't end up with odd color ?
Ikura saw your brock samson on DA so I will listen to anything you have to say ever.
In the last row, it has a red light source and is hitting a blue and yellow surface. I mixed the colors together and then added the ball color into that for the final color choice. Is that wrong? Do the reflective colors not mix? If not, does the surface absorb some of the red light and push out an even different color?