Howdy, so I'm shooting a script in the coming weeks, and one of the trickier aspects of the script is that one character projectile vomits onto another.
Logistics of this scene are pretty tricky. The vomiting character does it once, gets up, then does it again.
I know the typical method is to get some sort of goo or what not and just have her spit it out, but that seems a little, well, lame. What would a fellah need to make this shit look cool?
Also, is asking an actress and actor if they're willing to down some epikak and do the scene for real considered offensive?
My budget is pretty substantial, but I'm looking for creative ways that will make it look at least semi realistic, and budget minded.
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Not a garden hose, but something smaller.
I don't know your actors, but if I was hired to work on something and I was asked this I would probably walk off of the set immediately. It doesn't sound like you respect your actors and worse, you are making the set a dangerous place.
You aren't making Jackass. Then again, if you are, you can probably use cod liver oil or a massive amount of milk.
it's dangerous, illegal, disgusting, almost nobody will agree to it. and even if you just care about the show, unpredictable
and ipecac doesn't guarantee a projectile vomit
is this for a movie or a play?
if it's for a play, set up some sort of tubing away from the audience's view, or in the character's hand and hide a small tank under their clothes
if it's for a movie then good cuts and editing will make a good effect out of almost anything you try