Arthas is dead. Deathwing has shattered Azeroth. But the real threat looms on the horizon.
Look at this motherfucker. Easily the most diabolical and evil force in Azeroth, Outland, or any colored dream. He not only used the blood elves and Illidan, but Kil'jaeden to his advantage. Check out that ability! He gains control of all ready resources! I don't even know what that means, but I'm sure it's goddamn powerful.
So Shamblers, start gearing up for Undead Fel Elemental Lord Kael'thas Sunstrider due in patch 4.3 and also in patch 5.2
<Shambler Milk> is the place to come if you'd like to play with SE++ers.
Instructions for joining:
1) Create a character on Cho'gall
2) /who Shambler Milk
3) Ask someone for a guild invite
4) Friends and family are welcome
Get an Authenticator you damn weiners
Required Mods:MilkGlass!
...that's it.
Raid Schedule: TBD
Likely it will remain at 8PM server/9PM EST/6PM PDT
(6PM server weekends)
Suggested Reading:How to not be that guy in groups. Don't be that guy.
WoW Terminology. If you find yourself confused by the language of WoW, this is a good place to start.
How to Shamble in the Clysm
You like raids, yes? Well we got raids. Here are a few things that you need to do if you want to Shamble Raid.
- Download and install MilkGlass!
- Download and install Ventrilo. You don't need to have a mic, but you do need to be able to, and know how to listen.
- Download an up to date version of Deadly Boss Mods.
- Know your class. The Elitist Jerks Forums generally have good information for every class, so give some of their information a read through. You can also ask in guild and people will try to help.
- Have your gear properly gemmed and enchanted. Yes this costs gold. Tough shit, do it anyway. Don't be a Moopac.
- Be able to pay attention and think/act/react on your own.
- Have (at least) a rudimentary knowledge of the encounters in which you are about to partake.
Following is a video compilation of the current raid boss encounters. Watch them and learn so you're not a dumb. Most of these are from TankSpot and, while I find the lady's voice a bit annoying and she is apparently incapable of saying "roar", they are generally pretty good at explaining the encounter. It should also be noted that some of the videos are 10 man, and some are 25. This does not change much other than the numbers involved, and either way the videos work as learning tools.
Baradin Hold
Baradin Hold is the new Vault of Archavon type raid and currently contains one boss, and he is easy sauce. Still, if you do not know how to Argaloth, watch the video.
Pit Lord Argaloth
Bastion of Twilight
Halfus Wyrmbreaker
Halfus is accompanied by six additional NPC dragons. The first is his pet Proto Drake that will attack the raid. You can't do anything about him.
The other five, of which only three will be active in a given raid reset, all give Halfus different abilities. The raid needs to activate these dragons and kill them to weaken Halfus in order to kill him. I am including this list as the video that follows was a bit vague on some of them, but it's still informative.
Slate Dragon:
Gives Halfus the "Maleficent Strikes" ability. Stacking mortal strike debuff, forces a tank swap.
Killing Slate Dragon causes the BOSS (not the raid) to be stunned for 12 seconds periodically.
Nether Scion:
Gives Halfus the "Frenzy" ability. Increases attack speed by 100%.
Killing Nether Scion reduces the BOSS: Chance to hit, attack speed, and damage done by 25%.
Time Warden:
Activates the proto-behemoth's "Fireball Barrage" (i think it needs to be dodged, conflicting info still)
Killing the Time Warden slows down the fireballs, making them easier to dodge.
Storm Rider:
Activates Halfus' "Shadow Nova" spell (needs to be interrupted)
Killing the Storm Rider reduces the cast time of Shadow Nova by 100%, making it possible to interrupt.
Orphaned Emerald Whelps:
Activates the Proto-behemoth's "Scorching Breath" ability (causes lots of raid damage, needs to be healed)
Killing the whelps reduces the damage dealt to the raid by the Proto-behemoth (might also reduce boss damage, unsure)
Halfus Wyrmbreaker
Valiona & Theralion
Twilight Ascendant Council
Here we fight guys of Earth, Fire, Wind and Water. But not Heart, fuck that guy. Then those guys turn into Captain Planet and you kill him, too. This fight also features one of the few times when being in fire is a good thing.
Twilight Ascendant Council
This guy is our server's namesake. He is a big two-headed ogre fuck with tons of abilities and features a unique Corruption mechanic somewhat similar to Yogg-Saron's Insanity.
Thone of the Four Winds
The Conclave of Wind
The Conclave of Wind features three big Genie bastards, but no Robin Williams. Each has their own abilities. Sometimes you need to use wind jets to change platforms and it's overall a pain in the junk.
The Conclave of Wind
Al'Akir is the biggest Genie of them all. He does knockbacks and blizzards and adds and tornadoes. The tornadoes constantly move around the platform and have a random place in them that you can get into to let them pass by a la the lava waves on Sartharion. Which is awesome because I know how good you assholes were at avoiding that shit. Also, in phase three it's kind of like Malygos phase three in that you are flying around in three dimensional space which is awesome for the same reason as doing Malygos with you fucks was always fun. Kill me now.
Blackrock Descent
Omnotron Defense System
This encounter features four elemental golems, of which only two will be active at a time. Each has their own unique abilities as are laid out in the video. For God's sake kill the fucking slimes.
Omnotron Defense System
Magmaw is a big lava worm thing that rapes everyone with fire or something. Then you impale him on a spike and do the damages. Also there are little parasitic worm things that I'm sure we will be awful at dealing with.
There's no TankSpot video for Maloriak yet, so instead you'll get a list of abilities and a crappier video that, while it does point out things about the boss, it does so in text and is accompanied by some metal. Rock on.
Boss stuff:
Boss Abilities:
- Throughout the fight, Maloriak will cast Arcane Storm which deals damage to the whole raid. Have a designated interrupter for this.
- He will also cast Release Aberrations periodically which needs to be interrupted or cast depending on your situation. You need to have 9 aberrations for each green phase, so plan accordingly.
BOTH of these abilities can be slowed by Slow, Curse of Tongues, etc... so do that
- The last thing he will cast is Remedy which will heal Maloriak. This needs to be dispelled or spell stolen.
Phase 1:
- Red Vial - When Maloriak throws a red vial into the cauldron, everyone in the raid needs to stack up due to Scorching Blast which deals damage to everyone in a frontal cone. The damage is split amongst everyone in it. Along with this he will cast Consuming Flames. When this happens, that raid member needs to move away from the blast zone of his breath to avoid death, and then back in after the debuff dissipates.
- Blue Vial - When Maloriak throws a blue vial into the cauldron, everyone in the raid needs to spread out due to Flash Freeze, a Kel'Thuzad mechanic that chains to anyone close by. It has 5,000 health and must be destroyed before the player can be freed.
- Green Vial - When Maloriak throws a green vial into the cauldron, the vial explodes and everything in the room (Adds, Boss and Raiders) becomes coated in a Debilitating Slime which gets rid of any Growth Catalysts and causes a 100% damage taken increase.
- Phase one will last for 2 cycles of all 3 vials.
Phase 2:
- When Maloriak reaches 25% health, he will enter phase 2.
- During the transition into phase 2, Maloriak will release all of his remaining minions. The two large ones need to be tanked by the off tank.
- Once he has transitioned into phase 2, he will gain 3 new abilities. (Below)
- Fire - He will periodically cast Magma Jets on a random raid member. He will face the target beforehand and this can be strafed out of. It also knock the target into the air, causing fall damage.
- Frost - He will also cast Biting Chill which is an orb summoned below the target and slowly drops to the ground, exploding on impact.
- Poison - Finally, he will cast Acid Nova which will hit the whole raid and do AoE damage. This must simply just be healed through.
- Tank Maloriak close to his cauldron.
- Stack for red, spread out for blue. AoE adds during green.
- Get 9 adds per phase.
- Save Bloodlust for phase 2 and burn him ASAP.
- He has a tight enrage timer so you need to time the second adds to die close to 25% and then burn him.
Atramedes is a blind dreggin and we are the Harry Potters. This encounter relies on a unique sound mechanic. Getting hit by stuff adds sound to your sound bar. If you hit 100 sound the dreggin will kill you. There are gongs around the room that will stun Atramedes and reset everyone's sound, but you can only use each one once.
Chimaeron is a big ol' three headed Hydra guy. This fight is all about keeping the raid just over 10k health and sounds like a bitch on healers. Then at the end he just starts eating everyone and you can't heal anymore and blurgh.
Nefarion(and undead Onyxia)
Couldn't find a good video on this one yet, the one posted will give some idea of how the fight works but it's not as precise as one would like. I will update to a better video when I can. Til then here's a summary from wowhead. Sounds like a real pain.
How to: Nefarian (Normal)
Boss is split in to 3 phases, p1 with nefa/ony, p2 with magma/nefa flying/adds and p3 with nefa/fire.
(Note for 10man: You absolutely NEED 3 healers, unless you have extremely good self heals combined with some luck in phase 2, as you can not reach from one platform to another. And the boss does stupid amounts of aoe damage anyways.)
Phase 1
Fight starts with pulling ony, and the idea here is to nuke nefa as close to 71% as possible but not to 70% and then kill ony.
One tank pull ony to one side of the room, bosses side facing the raid (To make this more clear, look at the minimap. For example, tank ony at the east side of the circle, with his head being south and tail at north. Nefarian on the other side, same thing). Ony does tail lash behind him (~40k physical dmg to clothies, ~50y range), breath in front of him and lightning to his sides (can not be outranged). Nefa has same breath/tail lash, but no lightning to sides.
During phase 1, adds spawn which periodically stack a buff on themselves increasing phys dmg and movement speed, simply cc the adds (fear/trap/root/shackle/whatever) but make sure you do not cc them in front of the bosses breath, as the breath frees them from cc and gives them max energy again. Once the mob runs out of energy, itll die until phase 3.
As mentioned above, tank ony with her side facing the raid. When lightning sparks start forming around ony, turn onys tail towards raid to avoid massive aoe damage. When it ends, turn it back again.
As for dps, melee can go straight for nefa when he lands (unless you are very melee heavy), rest of the dps get ony down to around 10-15% (tank can whittle her down) then move to nefa. The thing about dps'ing nefa is that everytime you take 10% of his health off, he does a ridiculous aoe nuke to everyone in the raid, which is unavoidable (hits for ~105k before resists). Make sure you use nature res aura/totem, def cooldowns and be topped off before it hits (the boss will emote as well). After 2 electrocutes and nefa at ~71-74%, kill ony to trigget p2.
Phase 2
Nefa flies to air and the platform sinks in to magma. Split the raid in to 3 evenly and jump on the pillars and IMMEDIATELY start interrupting the adds spawned on the pillars. Melee nuke down the adds on pillars, ranged nuke either nefa or the adds, depending whether you want to nuke nefa down more during p2 and eating another electrocute (remember, ~100k aoe on top of already nefa spamming random aoe). Nefa himself will simply spam random shadow bolt thingies which have a tiny aoe upon landing, so spread on top of the pillar to minimize damage (Needs confirming, not 100% sure about whether they have aoe at all). Phase 2 ends when the last add dies.
(If you didnt nuke nefa during p2, he will still be at ~71% hp, otherwise, you could theoretically even kill him in phase 2 if you can just eat all the aoe thrown at you while keeping at least one add alive. Dont know if theres an enrage timer or anything or if he comes down at some point regardless of adds, but if he does, its a very forgiving timer)
Phase 3
Nefa has the same abilities as in p1 and one additional ability which will resurrect the adds in phase 1 back. The new ability will spread fire on the ground, which will reignite the adds from p1 back. The idea is to have one tank, one dps who can snare (frost mages are the #1 for this) and one heal kite all the adds around while attempting to keep them out of fire to have them deactivate for a little while, resetting their stacks of their self buff (The snaring DPS doesnt have to help the tank 24/7. Warrior tanks can do it by themselves with Piercing Howl). Pay attention to the flying meteors which indicate where the fire will land, move accordingly and reset the mobs as much as possible (Unless your DPS is very good or you took nefa down close to ~50% already during phase 2, you HAVE to reset their stacks or they will mow down your raid at some point.)
The rest of the raid nuke nefa, tank him in the middle of the room, watch out for tail lash/breath (still reignites adds!), move out of fire if needed and remember, for every 10% nuked, 100k aoe to everyone. If/When fire spreads to the middle, move accordingly, but make sure you dont have nefa breathing at the adds.
As long as you have either very good dps or your add group kites successfully, nefa will go down eventually.
Hey dudes I made a little
UI guide thing for you bros that keep asking to help with yours. Uis are pretty personal things, no two Uis will be the same but I kinda want this to be like a starting point for you bros to get your Uis going.
Addons I use.BagnonButton FacadeChatterClasstimerCliqueDocsdebugrunesDominosDoom Cooldown PulseElkanos buff barsGridMiks scrolling battle textObituaryOmen3OmniCCQuartzRecountSexyMapSLData textTidy PlatesTidy Plates: Threat platesTooltip on mouseXperlDBM
Addons you better use if you're not a FeegMilkglass (its for butts)
Thats a good number off Addons I suppose, if you don't feel comfortable using all those at the same time or don't think you need to uses some of them thats fine. Start slow, Changing your entire UI in a day can take some getting used to so if you just want to ease yourself in then by all means be a babbie.
Here I'll tell you how I set up my various Addons just as kind of a reference, If you don't like the way I Set my stuff you can change it to your liking or send a complaint to mirren. I'll also put picture I guess.
Bagnon: just Set it and forget it. It also lets you see whats in the bags of all your characters just by selecting the little portrait of yourself in the corner and switching to another toon.
Button Facade: Add a border to your buttons. Make it so you do have a border. Do what ever you feel is right with your bars. No real set up need, just find the button facade menu in your addons panel and choose which on you want
ClassTimer: I love classtimer, not only does it show any buff or debuff you want on your target, it also does the same for you, your pet, and your focus! I set mine to be just above my bars, and make them stack up in stead of down. To add buffs or debuffs to tracking just go into timers-->extra--> then add the spell you want.
Clique: lets you easily bind stuff to keys or key combos or mouse buttons or key and mouse button combos. The possibilities are endless! Setting your binds is straight forward and clique even has a little tutorial.
Docsdebugrunes: awesome for Dks compact addon that tell you all you need to know bout DK stuff like rune cooldowns duration of the infusion buff on your ghoul, size of the next blood shield if you choose to deathstrike after a hit. Its awesome
Dominos: I love dominos, perhaps my favorite addon, you can do pretty much anything you can think of with your bars and its easy to use.
Here is my set up You might not like they way I have my bars set but this is just an example.
Action Bar 1
Size: 12
Column: 6
Spacing: 13
Padding: 3
Scale: 122
Action Bar 2
Same as above
Action Bar 3
Size: 6
Columns: 6
Spacing: 30
Padding: 1
Scale: 77
Action Bar 4
Same as 3
Bar: 5
Size: 12
Columns: 12
Padding: 2
Bars 6-10 are unused for but you can do with them what you will
These are numbers are scaled to my monitor so they might be a little different then what you desire but you can fiddle with them till they are right.
Elkanos Buff Bars: My preferred replacement for the blizzard buff icon. Pretty straightforward set up. Just drag it yo where ever you desire, you can add or remove buffs that you want to track through the options menu
Grid: Grid is awesome, I use it as a party/raid frames replacement but its also invaluable for telling who has aggro, who's dying, Who's dead, incoming heals, who has what debuff and a bunch of other junk. Setting up grid is an adventure in and of itself but thats more for healers and I assume they already know what to do. The base version of Grid works just fine as a party/raidframe. Set up can be a bit daunting just because of the sheer number of menus and sub menus but its pretty simple to set up once you get past them.
Omen3: Aggro meter. Useful for tanks and DPS who don't want to pull aggro and die like chumps (Revash). Pretty much set and forget unless you want to tweak the visuals. I personally have it set to transparent along with recount.
Recount: Dps meter to show how bad you are, why are you so bad, do 2k more dps.
SexyMap: Map mod lets you put all kinds of pretty borders and shit around your map. Also allows you to move it away from the top corner postion. I use the simple square preset because I don't like a lot of bullshit around my map. Maps are serious goddamn business and anyone who tells you otherwise is a communist sympathizer
SLData Text: This is a replacement for the regular menu bar, the one that shows your latency and all that other junk you hardly ever look at. To get to the config for this you have to type /sldt.
Tidy Plates and Tidy Plates: Threat Plates: the semicoloning pt 2 race to shoe mountain: Name plate mod that rules. They aren't as useless as the blizzard ones. They show who has aggro on what how much aggro, cast bars and other life saving tips.
ToolTip on mouse: it puts the tool tips on your cursor.
Deadly boss mods: Derp
Xperl: A UnitFrame mod that lets you change and move all the unit frames ever. I have mine set to not show party or raid frames because I use Grid for that. To navigate to the config menu just type /xperl and away you go.
Once you set up all your addons and stuff you might have a cool UI like this or a horrible abomination, Who knows?
If I missed something let me know, or if you need help or something.
Guild RosterThe Officers:
Lord Dave - Mirren - Mage - Queen of the Guild
EclipsedPlanet - Montina - Paladin - Consort
Ranlin - Alendra - Druid - Weh Wemh
Radius - Kyira - Rogue - Hates you
Metacortex - Nobarg - Warrior - Grabby
Dely Apple - Pipette - Hunter - 106.3, Radio KDLY
Bogey - ******** - Paladin
Master of Feegs:
Nikolai - Higgins - Butt
The Plebeians:
Rhylith - Rhylith - Shaman
Dys - Dystopian - Shaman
captaink - Knut - Shaman
Balefuego - Baledar - Shaman
Lock Robster! - Eits - Druid
Opalcat - Pittpolecat - Warlock
Javen - Javen - Rogue
SA - Revash - Warlock
Bucketman - Skragg - Warrior
Belruel - Belruen - Priest
Laurrie - Aladorn - Death Knight
Gatsby - Jerne - Hunter
Naphtali - Naphtali - Priest
Mitten - Cless - Priest
GRMike - Borrock - Paladin
Sarukun - Kerokoa - Druid
Bytoady - Toadles - Warrior
The Geebs that is a Mod - Vonne - Priest
Slow - Nsfw - Rogue
Langly - Cuthburt - Paladin
Animal Companion - Xenomortis - Rogue
Ruer - Mintaka - Warrior
Cilla Black - Urdahlia - Priest
Zucchini - Zucchini - Druid
Blankspace - Blankasaurus - Hunter
Manifest - Manif - Paladin
Callius - Callius - Paladin
Wubblewoo - Wubblewoo - Paladin
Ranx - Vamrithis - Priest
Shabooty - Ooty - Druid
Aphostile - Ephostile - Druid
Tsplitter - Rasmius - Warrior
Swill - Swills - Paladin
Deaconblues - Normanus - Priest
Shadowthomas - Xangia - Paladin
Scosglen - Barnago - Warlock
Uriel - Rotshank - Rogue
The Babbies:
That Dave Fella - Dafella - Shaman
Vargas Prime - Vhargas - Paladin
Fearghaill - Euryale - Warlock
Andrew Ryan - Dryan - Death Knight
The Stig - Ursine - Druid
Stale - Stizz - Warrior
Asmodei - Fahren - Warlock
Baywatch - Crossbuster - Rogue
Professor Snugglesworth - Jordinand - Druid
Quoth - Lydda - Hunter
End - Kualthala - Paladin
SabreMau - Charvanek - Paladin
SLyM - Davl - Druid
Munkus Beaver - Munkus - Druid
I Win Swordfights! - Korovan - Paladin
??? - Snrub - Druid
Sara Lynn - Odella - Rogue
joshua1numbers - Trollishness - Druid
Isoldae - Isomon - Warlock
Along with all the friends and families of Shamblers.
Derrick - ??? - ???
Shamblers of Yore:
Meissnerd - Stop healing him
makershot - Rubenesque - Shaman
Drool - Remmos - Baby with a beard
WhiskeyBiznass - Gwency - Rogue
Omegasquash - Omegasquash - Paladin
Fallout - TOMCRUISE - DK
Frylockholmes - Valikriss - Warrior
Aburnflags - Vilmon - Paladin
Preachermeat - Krythlynn - Paladin
Joah - Chatturgha - Shaman
Linksville - Franksville - Druid
Kusuguttai - Kusu - Warlock
futility - Shekhina - Hunter
SkankPlaya - Vaklempt - Warlock
Fandyien - Fandyien - Priest
World as Myth - Yosephine - Rogue
Captain Cthulu - Naporeon - Paladin
Neville - Nevga - DK
SithDrummer - Arkjin - Hunter
Hoodie - Avataar - Hunter
Aslan - Pysek - Mage
Owenashi - Kaziel - Warrior
Backwards - Sdraw - Mage
Centipede - Ravkaras - warlock
Roahgnar - Anjin-San - Warrior
Jes is a - jessaissa - Mage
Are you new? Check some of this stuff out so you won't be awful.
Curse Gaming: World of Warcraft mod depository. If it's a WoW mod it's probably here.
Wowhead: The best database for WoW hands-down.
MMO-Champion: The go-to site for patch and PTR news.
WoW Insider: The Kotaku of WoW. Slower news than everyone else, and a lot of crappy articles, but occasionally a rare gem.
Elitist Jerks Forums: Wondering whether haste or crit is better for you? EJ has had their results on that published in scientific journals.
Pet Collectors: Compendium for vanity pets. What pets exist, and how to get them.
Pettopia: Compendium for hunter pets. What pets exist, and how to get them
Mount Up!: Compendium for mounts. What riding pets exist and how to get them.
Wow Wiki: The largest known database of WoW lore outside of Owenashi geocities page.
Goodbye Northrend, we will miss your icy mountains majesty above the zombied plains
Also I am not in the "shamblers of yore" list still. I am at least as notable as Joah dangit.
SE++ Map Steam
Theres an infinite number of gold farmers banging out an infinite combination of passwords on your account right now.
Accounts lock after too many wrong passwords attempted, then you have to answer your secret question and password reset.
Well I do my online banking on my personal computer as well as manage other sensitive information. So I guess that must not be the reason.
I'm actually planning to reformat my computer with an extra layer of security fairly soon because I've been reading about some fairly insidious drive-by attacks and I'm extra paranoid.
want Dropbox? use my referral! | steam
And everybody else agrees about the authenticators being vital so I don't get the ire.
there is no cure!
And this is where you're wrong.
I just made a lil remark because of the bit in the OP.
he's kind of right muldoon is not listed in the op
yes virginia, the raven lord can fly
all that's left is nefarian 2.0
Where is this that you can ride an AQ mount?
want Dropbox? use my referral! | steam
is anyone up for some heroics
just send a whispah to moosu
God damn you Allison Brie. Why are you so attractive?
abloo bloo
Thanks buddy! Your pretty swell too!
/fɛər/ Show Spelled[fair] Show IPA
an exhibition, usually competitive, of farm products, livestock, etc., often combined in the U.S. with entertainment and held annually by a county or state.
Though there is a bunch of pies over there. Well was.
Anyway lets agree to disagree.
/fɛər/ Show Spelled[fare] Show IPA
Shut up Xeno, you have a big dumb face
want Dropbox? use my referral! | steam
burn the witch